Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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    Welcome Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks!!
    RockFight Saturday Night Presents
    Bruce Springsteen
    John Mellencamp
    In a Fandemonium StreetFight Match



    Tonight, We have another first for the RockFights. Tonight, we proudly present a Fandemonium Streetfight Match. The fans in attendance brought weapons for the RockFighters to use on one another.

    Let’s go right to the backstage area and catch up with JJ Nagin who is standing by with the head of door security, Ronnie Tuchini.



    We see JJ Nagin standing beside a large man that absolutely makes him look tiny. This muscled monster is head of security for the door here at the RockFight Arena. If you have ever been to the Arena, you have seen this giant standing next to the doors. He is with JJ to talk about some of the objects that have come through the door tonight. The security at the door has been here checking weapons all afternoon as the crowds line up to enter.

    JJ – “Hello RockFight fans! JJ here with Ronnie “The Giant” Tuchini, our head of door security. His crew’s job got a little tougher tonight. They have been checking weapons for most of the evening. Ronnie, how are things going at the door?”
    The monster of a man looks down at JJ. He clears his throat and in a loud booming voice begins to speak.
    RT – “Thank you JJ. Things out at the doors have been a bit chaotic. We have a very large crowd and they all have some kind of weapon, it seems. Some crazy stuff has came through our doors tonight. We have had it fairly easy. Most objects that we have seen have been within the rules. But, we have stopped some crazy things from coming through.”
    JJ – “Without giving any spoilers, can you tell me things that people brought in that weren’t allowed?”
    The large man pulls a slip of paper from his pocket and begins to read from the list.
    RT – “Well, 14 axes, 9 other bladed things including a sickle, a working cannon, a dozen Roman candles, 2 spearguns and believe it or not, a full grown alligator were all taken and not allowed in the arena.”
    JJ – “An alligator?”
    RT – “12 foot long and mean as hell. The guys who brought it said he had been training it for the event. Training… He actually said training the gator for this RockFight. WTF!?!”
    JJ – “At RockFights, we don’t allow the animals as weapons for animal safety. We don’t condone violence to animals ever. Thank you for your time! Ronnie, I know you need to get back to the doors. Let’s go to our announce team. Gordon, take it away.”



    We see Gordon Carray and Floyd “The Funk Master” Cooper standing by at ringside.


    GC – “Welcome RockFight fans! August’s RockFight Saturday Night is about to get started. I’m here as always with “the Funkster”. Bob-Wayne Zim, Dom Epietro and SC Smith are at the officials table. Bobby Light, our referee this evening, is going over the match rules for this contest with our commissioner Sam J. Glarms. Our medical staff, the Spindoctor and Dr. Housequake MD, are seated at their ringside table directly beside ours. It looks like our ring announcer Towelie Buffer is ready to get us started. Let’s go to Towelie now in the ring.”


    TB – “Ladies and gentlemen and kids of all ages it is time for tonight’s main event. Tonight we have a streetfight where the objects you have brought will be fair game. Falls and submissions count anywhere in the arena…”


    Floyd “The Funk Master” Cooper jumps up from his broadcast postion and heads for the ring. Floyd climbs into the ring. Towelie Buffer is caught off guard and trails off. The “Funky One” takes the microphone from Towelie Buffer and begins to speak.


    FM – “I’m sorry for the interruption, folks. But, there is something I need to say here tonight. We are all aware of the difficulties we are facing in America. Please allow me to speak on this. I recently had an epiphany during my psychedelic experience. We all work so hard for equality, that we forget we are all one race, the human race. My friends, we are all matter and we all matter. Hate will always try to push its way in, as anger is easy to rile up. Allow me to quote the great Burt Bacharach… “What the world needs now is love, sweet love”. I call out to you to love your fellow man. Judgement isn’t needed, just understanding. My “trip” brought me to this moment. I know coming from an announcer to a violent RockFight, it seems like an odd statement. RockFights are a fun fantasy thing. They are for entertainment. Believe it or not this entertainment is meant to bring us together. Let’s all look to our commonalities rather than our differences. Let’s come together rather than divide ourselves. Let’s love each other and try to understand our commonalities and differences and let those things and their understanding bring us together. Love each other and build your loves and help one another. There is someone here tonight that taught me about love and caring. Dr. Housequake MD showed me caring and understanding. She didn’t judge me, I would like to call her to the ring at this moment so I can properly thank her in front of all of you tonight. Dr., could you please join me?”


    Dr. Housequake seems quite surprised by this turn of events as she gets up to head to the ring. The Funky one holds the ropes open for her to enter. They both move to the center of the ring.


    FM – “Dr. Housequake, you are an amazing, loving soul. You took care of me. We talked for hours and I learned so much from you. Your love for all mankind, your unselfish service with your medical work and most of all that beautiful smile that lights up every room you walk into.”

    The good doctor and our announcer are now face to face looking into one another’s eyes. Without any warning Floyd Cooper has dropped to one knee and began to fish around in his pocket.

    FM – “Housequake, will you do me the honor of being my wife? My world has forever changed in the time I’ve known you. You are love to me. You are strong and kind and beautiful inside and out. Will you marry me?”

    The Funkster opens the ring box clutched in his hand and you can see the sparkle of a diamond engagement ring.

    HQ – “I will!”


    Tears flow in the ring and at ringside. The smiling couple now embrace in the center of the ring. They feel like the only people in the arena. The camera picks up the Spindoctor as a single tear falls down his cheek. There may not be a dry eye in the house. The crowd cheers loudly as they gain their composure. In the crowd, couples are all caught up in the love of the moment and many begin to hold one another. Floyd is back on the mic while holding Housequake’s hand.

    FM – “Let this be an example. Tonight, love wins. Shouldn’t it everyday?”

    Floyd drops the microphone and he hold the ropes for Dr. Housequake MD to get through. They both walk down the ring-steps holding hands. They walk over to their respective seats and continue to hold hands and stare at one another.


    Back in the ring, Towelie Buffer dries his eyes and tries to gain his composure again. He lets out a sigh of relief, as he begins to speak again.
    TB – “Wow, that was amazing! Thank you for letting us witness that beautiful moment. Now enough of this sentimental stuff — we have a RockFight ready to roll.”

    At that moment the pyro goes off with a loud explosion and a bright flash. We see, at the top of the ramp, Bruce Springsteen. He starts the Harley Davidson motorcycle he is seated upon and drives it down the ramp toward the ring. The crowd roars. They love the Boss! Springsteen gets off the bike when he reaches the ring. As he enters the ring, the crowd is at a full frenzy.
    Bang!! More pyro and we see John Mellencamp in a large shower of sparks. He starts down the ramp, giving high fives to the crowd at ringside. He is handed an ironing board by someone in th crowd. He charges the ring with the ironing board in hand. Referee Bobby Light calls for the bell and we are started here. John Mellencamp blasts Bruce with the ironing board repeatedly until the Boss is down. Mellencamp holds the broken ironing board up and the crowd goes wild! Our first fecal chant of the night starts.

    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!



    GC – “We are under way as John Mellencamp goes out to ringside where he is handed an enormous fish that’s 4 foot long and quite heavy. (Mind you, this is a dead fish, as we harm no live animals here at RockFight Saturday Night.) As Mellencamp reaches the ring with the fish, Bruce stands and hits a drop kick into the fish and Mellencamp. John’s head gets trapped in the fish’s mouth and he is struggling to get it off as Springsteen goes to the crowd for a weapon. What is that he has?”


    Bruce enters the ring carrying what appears to be a gallon sized bag of pudding.


    GC – “Is that tapioca? Springsteen hits the freshly freed Mellencamp just as he pulls himself from the fish’s mouth, and pudding bursts out of that bag everywhere. Both men slip and slide in the pudding. They both head to the outside of the ring to get new objects from the crowd. Mark Wahlberg, who is in attendance tonight hands Bruce a cream pie, most likely Boston Cream pie. We also see the Insane Clown Posse making their way to front of the crowd and they have a hose that is hooked to a Faygo truck parked outside and run through the crowd to the outside door. They give the hose to Mellencamp and give him a high five. Both men hit the ring at the same time. Bruce is quicker and hits the pie-face on John Mellencamp. The former Mr. Cougar goes to the mat; his face completely covered in Wahlberg cream pie. Sprinsteen reaches down to pull him up and Mellencamp points the Faygo hose at him. Bruce looks at the hose and backs up. It is far too late, the hose has high pressure and the stream of Faygo Red Pop knocks him to the floor at ringside. That was a nasty landing on the concrete floor. Back into the crowd goes Mellencamp. This time, we have a moldy bag of tangerines. As he reaches the Boss, Bruce surprises him with a blast from a fire extinguisher some happy guy brought tonight. Springsteen empties the whole exstinguisher on Mellencamp as John flops around like a fish. Well, at least his head isn’t in one this time. Bruce is headed back to the crowd, as Mellencamp gets up and does the same. Mellencamp has a Cabbage Patch Kid in his hand as he jumps in the ring. He turns and to his surprise there is Bruce Springsteen holding a female sex doll with a Donald Trump mask on. The Boss uses the the legs of the doll to clothesline Mellencamp into the corner. Bruce jumps over the top ring rope. He has Mellencamp trapped in the turnbuckles. He is holding both feet of the doll and using its crotch to choke Mellencamp.”

    FM – “John Mellencamp must have the worst view right now. Imagine looking up at a sex doll looking back at you with Donald Trump’s face. I’m certain he is going to need therapy after this!”

    GC – “Mellencamp is in big trouble here, as Springsteen pulls at the dolls feet. We don’t want to leave you this way, but that is all the time we have for tonight. Join us Saturday for the exciting conclusion of RockFight Saturday Night: Springsteen vs. Mellencamp.”



    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


      Multiple LOLs.




      Welcome Back Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks!!
      RockFight Saturday Night Presents
      Bruce Springsteen
      John Mellencamp
      In a Fandemonium StreetFight Match – The Conclusion




      When we left off, John Mellencamp was being choked in the corner with a sex doll. Things were looking hard for the Indiana native. Let’s go back to Gordon and Floyd.



      GC – “John Mellencamp is in dire trouble here. He still has that Cabbage Patch Kid in his hand. John begins swing it wildly behind himself. Mellencamp connects with one of the wild swings and lands a shot to the nose of Springsteen. The Boss lets loose of the choke and grabs his nose. Mellencamp falls free and struggles to regain his breath. Neither man is in good shape at all. As they get up, they both head back to the crowd. It appears the Boss has blurry vision and can’t seem to see much as he rubs his eyes. John Mellencamp has something in his hand as he stalks his opponent. Bruce clears his eyes just in time to see Mellencamp right on him. What is th in John’s hand. Oh my God, that is a dirty baby diaper, well, I guess it could be an adult diaper. As Mellencamp pie-faces Springsteen with the diaper, the smell makes us all sure it is indeed a dirty diaper. Springsteen gags and heaves and wretches. People in the crowd also begin to vomit. The crowd groans and begins to chant…”


      You got shit faced!!!
      You got shit faced!!!
      You got shit faced!!!



      GC – “An audience member hands Bruce a beer which he splashes on his face to clean off the mess the diaper left behind. John Mellencamp is back into the crowd this time he has an ant farm in his hands. As he swings the ant farm at Springsteen, Bruce grabs a road sign from the crowd and blocks the strike. There is sand, glass and ants everywhere. In the confusion, the Boss hits Mellencamp with what appears to be the Do Not Enter sign from our parking lot. He hits John again and the crowd begin to count it off as he blasts away at the downed singer…”


      GC – “John Mellencamp with the low blow stops all the counting quickly! As he regains his bearings, the Boss is down, holding his nethers and writhing in pain. From the crowd, Mellencamp grabs a wiffle ball bat. One of the hard skinny yellow ones that we had as kids. Mellencamp hits the Springsteen with the bat as he stands. He hits him again and Bruce falls into the corner of the barricade at ringside. Mellencamp steps back and lands a running clothesline with the bat on Bruce. Springsteen goes over the barricade into the crowd. Mellencamp drags Springsteen over to the concession stand. He hits him with popcorn, and then nachos and then whips him hard into the popcorn machine. The machine explodes with the contact, sending glass and popcorn everywhere. Mellencamp now drags the Boss over to the merch table. Mellencamp picks up a trash can and hits Springsteen who falls onto the merch table directly under the balcony. Mellencamp is in his pocket and pulls out a cell phone. He talks for a brief moment and hangs it up. Mellencamp hits Bruce with the phone until it breaks into a million pieces.”

      FM – “Someone is coming out of the crowd near the merch tables. It is Christopher Walken. Walken high fives Mellencamp and gives him the ‘you called’ hand to the ear. He talks to Walken and instructs him to hold Springsteen on the table at all costs.”

      GC – “Walken is holding Springsteen down and Mellencamp disappears down the hallway to the back. Bruce is starting to get himself back together and realizes Walken is holding him down on the table. They struggle and Walken jumps onto the table to hold down Springsteen. The crowd roars as we see John Mellencamp emerge on the balcony some 20 feet above the merchandise tables here. Mellencamp climbs up onto the railing and hurls himself off onto the legends on the table below. He lands with a mighty crash. Oh my god!!!”


      The crowd chants loudly…

      Holy Shit!!!
      Holy Shit!!!
      Holy Shit!!!


      GC – “There is just a pile of mangled humanity in the merch area. Mellencamp crawls on top of Springsteen for the cover. Referee Bobby Light is right there to make the count. 1,2…3. The referee calls for the bell. We have our winner folks! John Mellencamp, who is still unable to stand, gets his hand raised.”



      Winner at 18:45… John Mellencamp by pinfall following a balcony dive onto Christopher Walken who was holding Bruce Springsteen



      GC – “I want to thank “The Funky One” for sharing his words and proposal to Dr. Housequake MD with us all. For all of us at RockFights have a great weekend! We will see ya next month!!”



      As the show closes we see a silhouette of Floyd Cooper and Dr. Housequake MD holding hands and walking off together.


      Here are the winning tracks…


      John Mellencamp – Walk Tall

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!iZMxzBrQ!EJhfY7VaihiVJuT3ejOD4HuBwz8MF94oUCv8dk0ffnk


      John Mellencamp – Lonely Ol’ Night

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!2EkVgZqQ!SfFbM1mamHuf8SvsryPwxDet1Z7SrzTwZKWLizkYofI



      John Mellencamp – Hand to Hold On To

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!SNc0HZIZ!QGuFbBUYaHJI2Hpun4-bo99a_sRur0jr0gZk3c0KiSA



      + Two Bonus tracks


      Creative Labs – Keyboard Drum Demonstration

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!XIkTwAQK!0Jtk4ekZpydX1VbpalqSgFAIkfJZ-saPT2CVk3W10jc



      Manilla Road – Feeling Free Again

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!jMFwWIAZ!rzYU6220NY22xc3vA94Nr1CtA0VGVJIXF6zPLUnJef0




      Thank you every one! Have a good Weekend!! We’ll see ya soon!!


      Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


        Great Mellencamp tunes. Thanks.


          Great Mellencamp tunes. Thanks.


          This. Thanks a bunch!


            Manilla Road’s most hated song.




            Hey there Rockers,

            It’s Monday again. Let’s see if you are sharp enough to get the clues for next weekend’s release. September is a special month for me, especially this year. This year will be the 20th Anniversary for my wife and I.
            This weekend’s release will feature the September’s RockFight Saturday Night Theme. It will feature some really cool tracks.


            Here we go…


            Hint for Song # 1
            To start us of Rockin’, we have one of the biggest bands to ever exist. It is a track from the band’s classic 18 times platinum debut studio album. The track is a dirty minded rock track that originally appeared on a demo from a project that included members that recorded this version.


            Hint for Song # 2
            This next track is the second single from this artist’s third studio album. The artist is the youngest sibling of one of the most famous musical families ever. This singer, songwriter, dancer and actress got her start on her family’s variety show. She has also shocked the world with a moment that had 140 million viewers attention. This week’s song is known as her signature song, enjoy!


            Hint for Song # 3
            For our final track, we have one of the coolest disco hits. It was included in the soundtrack for what some may call “The Disco Film”. The composer is also a well known name, partially due to his working relationship with one of TV and film’s most popular creators. This track is one of the coolest adaptations of a song from the 19th century.



            Have a great week! We will see ya this weekend!!



            Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short

            Cmdr Xym

              #2 – Janet Jackson “Nasty”

              #3 – Walter Murphy “A Fifth of Beethoven”


                #1 Guns N Roses – Anything Goes


                Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


                  September is a special month for me, especially this year. This year will be the 20th Anniversary for my wife and I.


                  That nice lady has put up with you for 20 years? :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap:

                  Just kidding my friend, congrats <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                    Hint two makes me want to scream “What have you done for me lately?”, but I’ll go for “That’s the way love goes”.
                    edit-nevermind it is indeed Nasty <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
                    Also: congratulations Nunchuck!


                    Hey there Rockers,

                    The weekend has finally returned to the Funhouse!! We are stoked to get out this sweet set, so here we go!!


                    Song For Hint # 1

                    Guns N’ Roses – Anything Goes

                    RB3 Link –


                    Phase Shift Link –



                    Song For Hint # 2

                    Janet Jackson – Nasty

                    RB3 Link –


                    Phase Shift Link –



                    Song For Hint # 3

                    Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band – A Fifth of Beethoven

                    RB3 Link –


                    Phase Shift Link –




                    Release Notes


                    Guns N’ Roses – Anything Goes Is September’s RockFight Saturday Night Theme. This dirty-minded track is another of the great songs from Appetite for Destruction. This driving track is sure to rock any Rock Band play session. We are thrilled to bring you another track from this incredible album.


                    Janet Jackson – Nasty features Janet Jackson at her best, full of attitude and with a great beat. Although this track has no guitar or bass, that doesn’t stop it from being fun and a big hit at your next rock Band party. Enjoy!


                    Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band – A Fifth of Beethoven is a disco classic. I have been wanting this little beauty for a while now. Tonight we can experience the classical track turned disco hit. This one is a great one don’t miss out!!!



                    We had 2 “Big Brains” this week and they got all 3 songs correct. Great job!!


                    CmdrXym (2)

                    naginalJJ (1)


                    Thank you for playing along. Have a great weekend everyone!! We’ll see ya soon!!!



                    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


                      Thanks for Walter Murphy and the other great tunes <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                      Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                      Thanks for the great tracks, guys! A Fifth of Beethoven is an all time classic groove.


                        1 step closer to completing Appetite. :rock:

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