Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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    Welcome Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks!!

    RockFight Saturday Night Presents

    In a Dumpster Match



    Tonight, we begin with a group of Arena staff pushing a large dumpster down the ramp towards the ring. The dumpster is covered in graffiti and is partially full of garbage. You can actually smell it as they open the lid at ringside. The rowdy crowd starts right off chanting.
    Smells like Shit!!!
    Smells like Shit!!!
    Smells like Shit!!!


    We join Ringside commentators Gordon Caray and “Funk Master” Floyd Cooper with the play-by-play.
    GC – “Welcome back for another dose of RockFight Saturday Night! We have a hyped crowd and the air is thick with anticipation. We have two rockers from the 90’s set to lock up in a “Dumpster Match” It is gonna be a trashy night here tonight!”
    FM – “Trashy… you crack me up Gordo!. Looks like there is action in the ring!!”


    Ring announcer Towelie Buffer enters the ring with a microphone.

    TB – “Welcome RockFight fans, Are you Ready to Rock?? In this month’s Match-up we have two fighters and one dumpster. To win this match, you must throw or get your opponent into the dumpster and close the lid. There is no time limit, no count out and no DQ in this match.”


    GC – “Thank you Towelie Buffer for the explanation. I have just gotten word that our man JJ Nagin is backstage with Beck. Let’s go to him now!”


    We see JJ Nagin standing in a hall way with Beck. Beck is wearing corduroy pants and a funky and fresh printed t-shirt with a long green cardigan sweater on over it.

    JJ – “At this time allow me to introduce newcomer to RockFights… Beck!”
    The crowds roars, looks like this crowd has a favorite tonight!
    JJ – “How does it feel to be part of RockFights?”
    Beck – “I’m a fan of RockFights. I’m pumped for the fight. I’m not a big dude, but I’m pretty sure if I don’t marry Courtney, I’ll live through this. HAHAHA!!”
    JJ – “OOOH, staring right off with the low-blow!”
    Beck – “I didn’t tackle her into that stinky dumpster. That bitch will pay! I can still smell that stench. I could smell old dirty tampons and maybe toenails! It was stomach turning! Also, the dumpster stunk too! HAHAHA!!!”
    JJ – “I hope your skills in the ring are on par with your wit, because Courtney will stop at nothing to be the victor.”
    Beck – “I’m wearing my lucky sweater and cords. I will outsmart her. Her anger and arrogance will make her my victim. If you got any money JJ, put that shit on me!”
    JJ – “Thank you Beck! Unfortunately, I cannot bet on RockFights, who do I look like Pete Rose? Let’s get back to Gordon and Funk Master at ringside!”



    We go back to the announce table. Just to its left is the officials table. Bob-Wayne Zim, Dom Epietro and SC Smith at the officials table. Bobby Light, our referee this evening, is going over the match rules with them as we speak. Meanwhile Spindoctor and Dr. Housequake MD are talking to Towelie Buffer and laughing.
    At the announce desk, we pick up with Gordon and “Funky”.


    GC – “I have just gotten word Courtney Love has refused to do an interview pre-fight for the fans. She says and I quote, ‘Fuck the fans! Call me a crackwhore! They can eat shit!’ Those are the harsh words from Courtney herself.”
    FM – “That doesn’t sound like she is in a good mood tonight. I hope Beck ate his Wheaties today!”
    GC – “I’m getting word we are ready to get this thing Rocking!!”

    We hear pyro begin as flames and sparks shoot up from the arena stage.
    Union Underground – Across the Nation plays loudly over the PA as the crowd goes crazy.
    We see more pyro, this time a curtain of sparks. Here comes Beck!
    Beck makes his way down the aisle with a garbage can in his hands. He walks up to the dumpster looks into it and dumps the contents of the can inside. After it is empty, he drops the can into the dumpster. He enters the ring as the crowd cheers. A large boom on the stage means only one thing. Here comes Courtney Love. She appears to have a shovel in her hand. The crowd starts to chant.
    She’s a Crackwhore!!!
    She’s a Crackwhore!!!
    She’s a Crackwhore!!!

    Courtney, who is now furious, grabs the microphone from the announcer’s desk.
    CL – “All you little people are gonna have to watch this crackwhore, by the way I do heroin, not crack… morons, whoop Beck’s skinny little worthless ass. Then you can cry and I will laugh at all of you!”

    We go to Gordon Carray with play-by-play.
    GC – “Courtney enters the ring and immediately charges Beck. Referee Bobby Light calls for the bell. The match begins with Courtney pummeling Beck in the corner. She is now stomping him down to the mat. Courtney flips off the ringside fans. They begin to throw trash at her. She throws back a beer can. That wasn’t too smart. Here comes a rain of trash into the ring pelting Courtney.”
    FM – “Is that a dirty diaper that just hit her?”
    GC – “It appears so! It is pure chaos here in the arena!”
    The crowd still throwing trash starts to chant.

    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!

    Holy Shit!!!



    That is all the time we have for tonight!!

    Join us for the conclusion this weekend!!

    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


    If Courtney Love insists on bein’ a dog turd…….. she can go lay out in the front yard! Bitch! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />




    Welcome Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks.
    Are you ready for the exciting conclusion to RockFight Saturday Night?


    Let’s go right to ringside, where Gordon Caray and “Funk Master” Floyd Cooper are calling the action.


    Over the PA, we hear, “Please stop throwing trash into the ring, thank you that is all” in a very robotic voice. The throwing of trash slowly stops.


    GC – “Let’s get back to the action, now that the sky isn’t raining trash any longer. Beck has started to get a recovery from the beating he was taking. Courtney is still pacing the ring flipping off the crowd and yelling at them. She sees Beck attempting to get out of the ring. She spears him through the ropes, sending both into the dumpster. Courtney tries to get out of the dumpster, but Beck hit her with the trash can repeatedly as the crowd counts the hits.”
    1,2,3,4, Beck waits as the crowd begs for

    One more time!!
    One more time!!
    One more time!!

    Craaaack… Beck hits her for the fifth time. The crowd goes wild!
    GC – “Beck starts to get up, but Miss Love grabs him and goes for the low blow. Ouch that hurt all the way over here! I think every man in the house just grabbed his junk in sympathy pain. Courtney lift her hands in victory. Beck just pulled something shiny and silver out of his cardigan pocket. They are hand cuffs. Beck slaps one on Courtney’s wrist, as she raises her arms. Before she can react, he slaps the other cuff onto the inside of the dumpster lid. Courtney is furious! As she struggles with the cuffs, Beck calmly hops out of the dumpster. Standing next to the dumpster Beck flips Courtney Love a middle finger and slams the lid shut and closes the latch. Referee Bobby Light calls for the bell. We have our winner… Beck!!!”


    Winner — Beck.. when he successfully closed the lid on Courtney Love in the Dumpster at 9.48


    Beck bows to the crowd and they chant…

    You deserve it!!!
    You deserve it!!!
    You deserve it!!!



    GC – “That is it for this month. Have a great night! Time for a few cocktails, eh funky?”
    FM – “For Gordon Carray, JJ Nagin and the whole RockFight Saturday Night crew, Thank you! Let’s go, Gordo!”


    Here are your winning tracks…


    Beck – Devil’s Haircut

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!jJExhKyR!9yxv14_o_wib-nwvaoKUdyTVrh_PXvGxseG_wOInPQI



    Beck – Where it’s At

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!XMkFSbRC!oi4jxUf2yjRjE3J9O7hIQ9RDDQ__hQYLgPhCGX6woxQ


    Beck – The New Pollution

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!SFFDAALb!S3kUSll2Y-akp_6x6J9wb1cNjLe4tR82zcayDBD3vig



    Plus one of the hardest drum songs ever!! It has a drum solo 3 minutes long!!!!

    Legend – The Iron Horse

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!yBsGQQ5Z!J3gUsV_0m4S-eI33A9RldNVwDcQf7ISRgmjplInrKhU


    Have a Great weekend! We will see ya soon!!


    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


      Awesome! Odelay is my favorite Beck album and I’m pumped for these jams! Thank you!


      If I had to pick the three Beck songs to be released, these would have been it! Thank you!


        Couldn’t agree more. That is the perfect Beck three pack.


          Amazing release.


            These sure take me back <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Thanks

            Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



            thank you thank you <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> perfect beck 3 pack and off a fantastic album too :golfclap:


            Looking forward to playing this. Hope we can get the Hole stuff soon too, though.


            Hey there Rockers,

            Thank you everybody for all the kindness. Moving added an extra degree of difficulty last week. This week may also be bitten by the moving bug. The hints may not be until later this week. Thank you all again! You Rock!!


            Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short




            Awesome Beck choices. Thank you as always!


            Im curious to which Hole songs you would have released?


            Im curious to which Hole songs you would have released?

            I have this suspicion you will find out in the near future. Courtney has filed grievance with RockFight commissioner over the handcuffs being used in the Dumpster Match in the most recent RockFight… More to follow soon.


            Hey Nun,

            Been injured the past month and can’t play RB3 till the 21 stitches in my left hand heal.

            Wanted to stop by and thank you & Sy for the latest songs the past month.


            Awesome tunes! Can’t wait to heal and rock out on drums again……

            I want to jam Cowboy by Kid Rock so much :rock:


            Thanks for your hard work & time.

            Much appreciated !

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