Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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        GNR – “You’re Crazy”


        Due to the weather in the Northeast portion of the country our satellites are down.

        The exciting conclusion to RockFight Guns N Roses vs. Nirvana will be played in its entirety as soon as the satellites are up and running.

        Hopefully this will be fixed within 24 hours.


        Thank you and Hang tight!




          The crowd is watching with intense stares, no one is averting their eyes <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Ps. Can’t do anything about weather ! We can’t wait to see the end results! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Oh Noooo! Not Mother Nature?! She can wreak some havoc…


          I have been anxiously waiting for the conclusion to this RockFight….


          I hope that GnR gets the Gold Guitar and that we will be playin’ Nightrain FB real soon! One of my favorite tunes! :rock:


          I love it when Nightrain plays when we play GnR Pinball! Now we just need the song FB in RB3… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks,


          Thank you so much for your patience, no pun intended!


          Sy lives in the Northeast US and the weather caused a small delay.


          The exciting conclusion of RockFight Guns N Roses Vs. Nirvana will air Today!


          The winners pack is great and you shouldn’t be disappointed!!


          3 Great tracks from three different albums. It is definitely one of my favorite 3 packs ever personally, by any author!!


          Hang tight we will rock!!!


            Oh so I was tugging the antennas for nothing? Haha


            <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            Can’t wait! Super stoked!




            Welcome Rockers, Peeps and other Rock Band Freaks!!!!

            We return to the RockFight Arena, where most of the fighters are laying in a mangled pile where the announce desk was. Axl Rose has found himself alone in the ring and has begun to climb the ladder.

            Down the aisle-way, here comes Pat Smear, who was a touring guitarist for Nirvana.


            We re-join Gordon Caray and “The Funk Master” Floyd Cooper on commentary.
            GC – “Holy cow, that is Pat Smear! He is in the ring and climbing the ladder too. Axl and Smear exchange punches from near the top of the ladder. Back and forth they land blows. “
            FM – “Oh my god, here comes Izzy Straddlin down the aisle!!”
            GC – “Izzy is climbing the turnbuckles. Izzy hurls himself at the ladder. The ladder wobbles back and forth before it tip right into the ringside timekeeper’s table. All three men crash from that huge height all the way to table on the floor at ringside.”


            The crowd chants again…
            Holy Shit!!!
            Holy Shit!!!
            Holy Shit!!!



            Steven Adler is unconscious in the ring everyone else down and it is looking like a battlefield here in the arena.

            GC – “Now who is that???”
            4 guys wearing lucha masks enter the ring. In addition to the masks they all have on shirts that read LRC rules on them.
            GC – “Any idea who these guys are,’Funkster’?”
            FM – “Those guys are Youtubers/Podcasters. They do an awesome podcast! I listen every week!”
            GC – “Who???”
            FM – “It is Sidd Canada, Giggling Dave, “Bad Pun” Josh and Super Cool Keith. Sidd is a huge GNR fan!!!”
            All four guys pick up Steven Adler and begin to drag him up the ladder.
            GC – “Holy Cow… They are carrying him up the ladder. They are struggling with the lifeless Steven Adler. They are hanging him from the guitar by his arms. Adler appears to be waking. He realizes he is high off the ground and panics. As he squirms to get free from the men holding him, the guitar come loose. We have a winner!!! Bobby Light calls for the bell!”



            Winner at 17.25 Guns N Roses as a result of Steven Adler getting the guitar.


            The crowd is crazy with excitement. Another chant upcoming…

            Thank you RockFights!!!
            Thank you RockFights!!!
            Thank you RockFights!!!



            GC – “Floyd, I’m going to the ring to interview Steven Adler… See if you can catch up with those LRC dudes!!”
            FM – “I’m on it!!”



            There is chaos as ringside physicians try to help the injured on the floor. Axl and Duff have limped their way into the ring to celebrate. Slash and Izzy are still down and getting attention by the medical staff. The LRC guys have tried to escape into the crowd, but it looks like the ‘Funky One’ has caught up to them and is standing by.



            FM – “I’m standing here with the guys that helped to insure a GNR victory today!”
            Sidd – “Hello, RockFight fans”
            GD – “Check out our podcast… Living Room clutter… It Rocks”
            FM – “I’ve checked it out and it is sweet! But, Why are you here?” “Were you paid?”
            Sidd – “GNR Rules!!!!!”
            Josh tries to squeak out a pun but Keith muffles his words and gives him the SHHHHHH signal.
            FM – “Do you have anything to say to the fans here tonight?” “When will Sidd come back to LRC…?”
            Sidd – “Peace and love… Peace and Love!!!”
            FM – “Thanks guys! Be careful leaving here tonight. Don’t trust anyone in flannel. Nirvana fans are going to hate you suckas!!!” “We hope to see more of you guys… I love the masks!!”

            GD – “Sidd or no Sidd we will be there to be all your Rock Band and Rhythm Game news and discussion!”

            BPJ – “The Masks were my idea!”

            SCK – “Calm down, Josh… We know!!”


            FM – “Let’s go to Gordo in the ring with members of Guns n Roses”



            We see Gordon Caray in the ring with the full band now. Slash has a bandage around his head and Izzy is on crutches.
            GC – “I’m here with Guns n Roses… Our winners tonight!!” “Congratulations on tonight’s victory”
            Axl – “I’d like to thank those dudes… Whoever they were!”
            GC – “I’m told they are podcasters and big fans of your band!”
            Slash – “Man this shit hurts… Mad props to all RockFighters past and present!”
            DM – “Nirvana is tough as nails. Let’s here it for Nirvana!!!”
            The crowd cheers wildly!
            GC – “Steven, what do you have to say? You got the win for your band!”
            SA – “I hate ladders… But we win!!! I love these guys!!! Thank you LRC crew, you dudes rock!!!!”
            GC – “Izzy what took you so long to get here?”
            IS – “I don’t fly so I took the night train here.”
            GC – “Thank you guys!”



            Guns N Roses crawl from the ring and limp to the back.


            This bring this action packed show to an end.



            GC – “For The Funkster and JJ, this is Gordon Caray. Have a drink or two, we are going to!” “We’ll see ya next week for Black Sabbath vs. Pearl Jam in a scaffold match… Until then, rock on!!”



            Here are this week’s winning songs…



            Guns N’ Roses – Nightrain

            RB3 Link –


            Phase Shift Link –



            Guns N’ Roses – You’re Crazy (Lies Version)

            RB3 Link –


            Phase Shift Link –



            Guns N’ Roses – Dead Horse

            RB3 Link –


            Phase Shift Link –




            See ya Next Week!!!



            Remember to Rock Out Life is Short


              I had a gut feeling GNR would win. 3 awesome songs added to the library.


              Thank you two so very much! :excited: What a GREAT 3 pack!!


              So freakin’ thrilled to have Nightrain! :c00l: :rock:




                Awesome pack!!

                Keep up the great work! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Thanks a bunch for the new G n R songs guys.

                Hope the nasty storm has ended and all is safe……..


                OMG DEAD HORSE! YES! Thanks guys, appreciate it! Now if we could only get Estranged, Coma and Locomotive./…


                Yes indeedy! These were great!……..Thanks! …….

                and you wouldn’t hear me complaining too terribly much if you decided to give “You Could Be Mine” the FB treatment somewhere down the line either! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                Welp, The Seahawks lost their playoff match, Nirvana blew their Rockfight bout…..

                I guess it’s on Pearl Jam to rep Northwest solid and ROCK THIS MUTHA’!!! :rock:



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