Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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  • #482607


    Welcome Back Rockers, Peeps and other Rock Band Freaks!!!


    We return to the RockFight Arena.

    We go right to Gordon Caray and “The Funk Master” Floyd Cooper at ringside, where things have gone absolutely bat-shit crazy!!!

    GC – “Gordon Caray back with you.” “In the ring, approximately 9 FBI agents are are trying to arrest the Insane Clown Posse for leading a gang. Outside the ring, there are agents attempting to round up Juggalos in the crowd.” “All four member of the Sex Pistols were down, but it appears Sid Vicious has come to from his drug unconsciousness. He has pushed his band mates toward the cage door in hopes of escaping police. He has no idea they aren’t there for him. The door is open from the agents entering the cage from the arena floor. Sid pushes his band mates out the open door one at a time, while agents are trying to pull the clowns off the cage. Sid shoves Steve Jones lifeless body through the door. Sid turns and flips off the cops.”
    SV – ” We are outta here you sodding twats!!!”
    Sid jumps to the arena floor. Referee Bobby Light calls for the bell.


    FM – “We have a winner folks… The Sex Pistols!!!”


    Winner at 11.38 – after all four members escape the cage – The Sex Pistols



    The FBI is still trying to capture ICP. They are keeping the agents at bay with weapons from the cage. The lights go out. The arena is pitch black. The big screen light up. It shows ICP getting into the back of the black Cadillac and speeding away. The house lights go up. The clowns are gone from the cage.



    The crowd goes wild. They start a fecal chant again.
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!



    Without the ICP, the agents have no gang case and start to clear out.


    The fans are taunting the FBI and throwing trash and bottles at them as the try to leave. Another chant begins.
    You Fucked Up!!!
    You Fucked Up!!!
    You Fucked Up!!!



    The big screen lights up again. It now reads, in large letters,
    Thank you for coming… Have a good night!



    We rejoin Gordon and Floyd at ringside.

    GC – “That is all for tonight, folks! Join us next week for Guns N Roses vs. Nirvana.”
    FM – “Time to party, Gordo! Drinks are on me!”
    “For ‘The Funky One’, I’m Gordon Caray. Goodnight from the RockFights Arena.”
    “Have a few drinks put’em on the Funkster’s tab and a good night everyone! We’ll see ya next week!!”


    Here are this week’s songs…


    The Sex Pistols – Anarchy in the UK

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –


    The Sex Pistols – God Save the Queen

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –


    The Sex Pistols – Problems

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –



    Here are some bonus tracks

    Xentrix – Ghostbusters

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –


    Heathen – Set Me Free

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –


    Failure – Macaque * Original Guitar chart by Froogle

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –



    And how about some awesome upgrades


    Montrose – Rock Candy *Multi-Tracks by Wolfe

    RB3 Link –



    Dokken – Tooth and Nail *Multi-Tracks by Wolfe

    RB3 Link –



    Helix – Billy Oxygen

    RB3 Link –



    403 Forbiddena – Southern Cross

    RB3 Link –



    Blind Guardian – Barbara Ann

    RB3 Link –



    Have a great weekend! See ya next week!!



    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short






      You guys rock. Awesome to have another GH3 song in my library!


        Excellent Sex Pistols pack. A very important album in punk rock history.


          I believe youthspeak is OMFG. Thank you. Sticking these straight on the Wii


          You don’t know how delighted I am, even though I got the songs wrong. Fuck Yeah!


          I am an Antichrist, I am an Anarchist, Don’t know what I want but I know how to get it….


          My wife is not quite so delighted… :haw:


          Freud Dude, suck it up mate!


            Awesome pack for Pistol fans! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

            Great to have more Punk in the library!


              I was at a birthday party earlier.


              It appears alcohol may impair your ability to play, even at medium.


              Pistols songs are awesome. You forget THAT attitude on “Problems”…


              Thanks Nunchuck. Ghostbusters. I remember that the first time round.


              A wonderful week of releases, thank you muchly


                The drums are wicked fun on all the Sex Pistols songs. Thanks.


                  Great pack!

                  Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                    What an insane week. Thank you guys for this. Awesome.



                    I’ve just awoken from this drunken slumber believing the Insane Clown Posse were victorious in that match (Juggalo mentality demands no less) only to find that I’m now home (whoever saw me home, thanks :shobon: ) slept on the sofa (apparently Housequake refused to allow me in our room reeking of booze :tinfoil: ) the damn cat won’t let me touch her (I’m not tops on her list anyway <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> ) and I’ve got a hangover the size of my mother in law’s derriere! :smug:


                    That was fun! See you guys next week! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                    Many thanks for the Sex Pistols pack, the bonus tunes and all the awesome upgrades!


                    It’s never over until it’s over… Anything can happen at the RockFights!!!


                    Next week… Guns N Roses vs. Nirvana in a Ladder Match!!!


                    Who will climb their way to the victory??


                    What insanity will happen this week???




                    Are you Ready?????




                    Welcome Rockers, Peeps and other Rock Band Freaks!!!!


                    Are you Ready for a RockFight !!!



                    Tonight we have:


                    In a no rules, winner-take-all Ladder match!!!

                    Guns N Roses




                    The RockFight Arena is pack to the rafters tonight. The crowd is rabid and they are ready, that much is for sure. Standing in the center of the ring is tonight’s special guest ring announcer.


                    Ring Announcer “Dashing” Rip Stone calls for the crowd’s attention.

                    DRS – “In tonight event, we have a Ladder match. The only way to win the match is to climb a 20 foot ladder and release a golden guitar. That guitar is suspended 24 feet above the ring!!”

                    A spotlight shines on the enormous ladder. Here come the night’s first fecal chant…

                    Holy Shit!!!
                    Holy Shit!!!
                    Holy Shit!!!



                    We get word Gordon Caray is backstage with the newest member of the RockFight broadcast team.

                    GC – “This is Gordon Caray standing by with JJ Nagin, the newest member of the team here at RockFights. He will be conducting backstage interviews. “The Funkster” has had enough of the abuse he took and refuses to do these segments any longer.” “Welcome JJ!”
                    JJ – “Great to be here, Gordon! I’m happy to be part of this!”
                    GC – “Head to the GNR dressing room and do your part then… Chop, chop!! We are live!!



                    We head outside just in time to see a private jet landing.



                    Meanwhile, we join JJ Nagin with his special guests Guns N Roses. He is standing by with Slash, Duff McKagan and Steven Adler. No Izzy and no Axl.
                    JJ – “Hey guys, welcome to the RockFight Arena!”
                    S – “It’s cool”
                    DM – “We are ready to beat some ass!!!”
                    SA – “Did that dude say ladder match? I ain’t climbing no damn ladder!!!”
                    DM – “Don’t be a pussy! What did I tell you? You are insane if you think you aren’t gonna do your part here. Don’t climb the damn thing — keep others from them from climbing it, dumbass!”
                    SA – “Sorry, Duff. I’ll stop them skinny slackers, for sure!”
                    JJ – “Where are the other members, guys?”
                    S – “Izzy don’t fly. So he is coming by railway, he should be here tonight in time to party!” “Axl has got his own jet… I’m sure he will show whenever he pleases… like always!”
                    JJ – “Thanks guys! Have a great fight!!” “I’m told Gordon is standing by with Nirvana… Let’s go to him now!”


                    We see Gordon Caray standing with Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl. The guys from Nirvana appear to be laughing and joking around.
                    GC – “Welcome fellas!” “Thank you for being here tonight!”
                    KN – “Our pleasure. I’ve always wanted to smack Axl. You can bet, tonight I will get my chance!”
                    DG – “I have always wanted a top hat… They make great overnight pee urns!! HAHAHA”
                    KC – “I guess we will have to climb our way to the top, right over GNR… Again!! I guess it is time for them to go to the glue factory. HAHAHA”
                    GC – “You are all in a great mood. No worries about the ladder and the height, I take it??”
                    Simultaneously all three made underarm fart noises and laughed wildly. They just walk away still giggling.
                    GC – “I’ll have two of whatever they are on, please.”


                    We go back outside to the jet… Where nothing has changed at all. No sight of Axl.



                    Inside the arena at ringside we see Commissioner Sam J. Glarms talking with RockFight officials Bob-Wayne Zim, Dom Epietro and SC Smith. We also see referee “Bad Ass” Bobby Light talking with Dr. Housequake MD and Spindoctor.

                    In the crowd, we see alternative superstars Billy Corgan and Michael Stipe seated in the front row. We see Warren Zevon in the house. He is looking good after sustaining gruesome injuries in his RockFight earlier this month. Inventor in the Party Wig, Heathcliff Whig is here. There is flannel and leather everywhere in the building. What a great night for a RockFight!!



                    We go to “Dashing” Rip Stone in the center of the ring next to the monstrous ladder.


                    Entrance music starts and we see Nirvana coming down the aisle. They are no longer laughing and smiling. In fact, they look like they are all business now as they enter the ring and head to their corner. They seem impressed by the ladder’s height.


                    Here comes the Guns N Roses crew. It is only Slash, Duff McKagan and Steven Adler. Still no Izzy or Axl, both are scheduled to be in this match. We go back out to the Jet, which is now taking off and leaving. That is strange!


                    Ring announcer, Rip Stone, has the mic.

                    DRS – “Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks… Welcome to you RockFight Main Event of the evening. In a Ladder match, we have Nirvana vs. Guns N Roses! This match has no count-outs, no time limit and no disqualifications. The only way to win is to climb the ladder and take down the Golden Guitar.”


                    As the announcer leaves the ring, Referee Bobby Light enters the ring and calls for the bell!


                    We go to Gordon Caray and “The Funk Master” Floyd Cooper at ringside.
                    GC – “Holy cow this is gonna be a hot bout tonight!” “How do you see it Floyd-o?”
                    FM – “I love the Ladder match! So much pain so little time!”
                    GC – “Immediately, Slash, Duff McKagan, Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic all start to climb the ladder at once. Steven Adler and Kurt Cobain both starting exchanging fist and boots.”
                    FM – “Look at them climb! All four are only a few steps from the top. They begin to exchange blows at that height, that won’t end well!”
                    GC – “Here comes Courtney Love… Just what we needed!” ” Courtney throws a chair into the ring. Kurt grabs the chair and lays out Steven Adler with one mighty smack.”
                    Kurt looks at a downed Adler. Kurt hits the ropes and runs into the ladder at full speed. The ladder tips and all 4 men fall into the announce desk at ringside.


                    We have a Fecal chant
                    Holy Shit!!!
                    Holy Shit!!!
                    Holy Shit!!!



                    GC – “The four men on the ladder are in mangled pile of blood, bone, flesh and twisted desk pieces. “
                    FM – “In the ring, Kurt is all alone with the ladder. He stands the ladder up and begins to climb!”
                    GC – “Courtney Love is pulling Michael Stipe and Billy Corgan out of the crowd and into the ring. They are going to celebrate Nirvana’s victory in the ring. Kurt is very near the top. He looks down at Courtney, Billy and Michael Stipe. As he reaches for the guitar, all 3 of them push the ladder over sending Kurt into the pile of human rubble that was our announce desk. I stand inches from the carnage on the floor.”

                    The threesome leaves the ring empty as they disappear into the crowd.

                    Someone is jumping in the ring!

                    FM – “Who’s that in the ring? Some guy wearing a black hoodie!”


                    The man pulls the hood away and we see it is Axl Rose. The crowd goes wild!!

                    Holy Shit!!!
                    Holy Shit!!!
                    Holy Shit!!!



                    Axl starts to climb the giant ladder!


                    That is all the time we have for you tonight!
                    Join us Saturday for the exciting conclusion!!



                    GC – “For The Funkster and JJ, this is Gordon Caray. Have a drink or two, we are going to!” “We’ll see ya Saturday!!”



                    Remember to Rock Out Life is Short


                    Holy shit!

                    Looks like the homeboys from Seattle were on a Mighty Mission of Major Mayhem to put the asswhup on GNR…….

                    up until that bitch Courtney and her candyass boytoys screwed it all up for Nirvana…..DAMN! :haw:


                    Don’t know what else to think but GNR wins:

                    GNR – ‘Nightrain’ ?


                      I spit out my beer when I read “Heathcliff Whig”.

                      10/10. Love it.

                      Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                      Thanks for all the Rockfight songs this month guys…..

                      Awesome stuff !


                      Can’t wait to get me some more G n R later tonight :haw:

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