Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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      HOLY SHIT!

      HOLY SHIT!

      HOLY SHIT!


      Hey there Rockers,

      February 28 would have been my friend’s 57th Birthday had he not passed away 7 years ago. I miss him every day. This song is for him.


      It has been upgraded with Vocals and Harmonies.


      The Crazy World of Arthur Brown – Fire

      RB3 Link –



      I would like to thank Sy for being awesome and helping me remember my friend with this upgrade. He never stops amazing me with his coolness!!!!


      Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short




      Here’s to your friend, Nunchuck.

      My 57th is coming up in a few months as well and in tribute to your close friend, I’ll heed your advice and remember to Rock Out!

      I can start with this upgrade. Thanks for reworking it fellas! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />







      HOLY SHIT!


      Mother Mary McConaughey!…….now that’s a @&%$#! Body Slam! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />




      Welcome back Rockers, Peeps and other Rock Band Freaks!!


      We are here at the RockFight Arena. We are about to join Gordon and “The Funk Master’ at ringside.


      We return to the ring where Warren Zevon is in bad shape. He is down and bleeding profusely. The ring is covered in broken glass. Women and children are crying at ringside. Hank III, adorned in Zevon’s blood as warpaint, stands over a bleeding Warren as the legends exit the ring. Dr Housequake MD and Spindoctor attempt to get to the ring to check on Zevon. The Legends appear to be blocking them from getting to the ring.


      GC – ” Oh my god!!!” ” We need assistance in the ring” “We need security, now!!!”
      The legends are now physically restraining the ring side Doctors to keep them from saving Warren. George Jones grabs Dr Housequake MD !!!
      FM – “I’ve seen enough!!”

      “The Funk Master” throws down his headphones and heads to the ringside ruckus. Meanwhile in the ring, Hank III is standing over Zevon taunting him. It appears he may be going to go for a finish right here and now.

      GC – “Dr Housequake MD is struggling with George Jones as she tries to get to the ring. “Funk Master” grabs George Jones and lays a strong haymaker. Dr. Housequake and Spindoctor struggle free and get to the ring.” “Hank III is holding a severely bleeding Zevon up and slams him down” “Spindoctor tells Bobby Light to call for the bell, Dr Housequake MD checks on Warren. The bell rings… This one is all over” “We have a winner, Hank III” “Holy Cow!!!”


      Hank Williams III – Winner by Doctor stoppage at 9:32


      “The Funk Master” is standing by with ringside physicians Dr Housequake MD and Spindoctor.

      FM – “Are you ok Dr Housequake MD?”
      HQ – “I’m ok thanks to you!!” “My hero!!!”
      Dr Housequake MD plants a kiss on Floyd’s cheek.

      The crowd let’s out a huge sustained “Get a Room” Chant… Led by Spindoctor!!

      Trying to squash the chant “The Funk Master” turns his attention to Spindoctor.
      FM – ” Doc, what was Zevon’s condition?”
      SD – “He was fucked!! He is in the back getting medical attention. After a few stitches, he should rock again!”

      The crowd goes wild. Meanwhile, we move to Gordon Caray who is standing by backstage with the Insane Clown Posse. We see Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J with Gordon.
      GC – “I’m here with the wicked clowns from ICP.” “What did you think of the fights, J?”
      VJ – “That shit was weak! When we bust on them punks next week, you’ll see what a real whoop-ass is!”
      S2D – “Gonna be a horror show, y’all!!!”
      GC – “You don’t fear being outnumbered? I mean they have 2 to 1! We saw what the numbers advantage can do in our fight tonight”
      S2D – “We ain’t scared! We always beat the odds and no way that is gonna change!”
      VJ – “We will have a Juggalo army behind us!”
      GC – “Thank you for joining us and we’ll see you for the Fight!!”


      We return to the ring where Commissioner Sam J. Glarms, RockFight officials Bob-Wayne Zim, Dom Epietro and SC Smith have joined referee Bobby Light and both fighters. Warren Zevon has received 51 stitches. He is holding a liquor bottle and hanging his head. Hank III and the legends look happy and are celebrating with drinks. It looks like it might be time for the final decision. Towelie Buffer has the mic in the middle of the ring. Let’s go to him now!

      TB – “Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks we have a winner! ” “Winner at 9 minutes 32 seconds, by doctor stoppage due to uncontrollable bleeding… Hank Williams III.”
      The crowd chants




      “The Funk Master” is standing by with Hank Williams III.
      FM – “That was a great fight, Hank!” “You really dominated Warren Zevon tonight”
      H3 – “I love Warren. It was a tough fight. He should’na hit me with that bottle, though. I was here for payback. Now, that is all behind us! Warren, come have a drink with me and the boys!”
      Hank motions to Zevon to join him. The legends and both fighters all stand and toast this incredible crowd.


      Another chant breaks out.


      You All Rock!!!
      You All Rock!!!
      You All Rock!!!


      The chants echoes through the building.



      We rejoin Gordon and Floyd at ringside.

      GC -“That is all for tonight, folks! Join us next week for The Sex Pistols vs. The Insane Clown Posse.”

      “For “The Funky One”, I’m Gordon Caray. Goodnight from the RockFights Arena.”
      “Have a few drinks and a good night everyone! We’ll see ya next week!!”



      Here are this week’s winning tracks…


      Hank Williams III – Country Heroes

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –


      Hank Williams III – Pills I Took

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –


      Hank Williams III – Hillbilly Joker

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –


      And a bonus track

      Whiplash – Stage Dive

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –


      Have a great weekend!!! See ya soon!!!


      Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short



      WOW !!! what a fantastic match up – the action was non stop I was in the upper stands not knowing any of these guys , I thought WZ would have had his stash of werewolves but they must have been stuck in London , WOW these country guys can deal a blow or two , mainly with glass bottles and the odd wooden table and chair mind , but HEY IM NOT MESSING WITH THESE GUYS !!! ,,,,, was waiting for a guitar to be bashed on someones head but too precious as you need to singasong ….. soo it turned out Hank victorious soo I might just have to see how these Country Heros took their pills :clint: :clint:


      Cant wait for the next bout ….. hoping to get a closer seat as more familiar with the next contenders and seeing Lyndon & Vicious back in the day I know where my money is ………

      GOD SAVE THE QUEEN !!! (i hope i haven’t pinched a clue :huh: )


        Thanks yet again guys. That was some brawl…


        Looking forward to playing these, including that bonus track.


        HOLEEE CRAP!!!!


        Got me all worked up and my blood pressure and temperatures rising from all this insane action! Wow, that was spectacular!

        Spindoctor and zimbabwean are gonna have to hose me down with some of that beer to keep me from red lining. And that was only the first bout!! Glad I brought my spare flask of Bacardi Oakheart and a doob for occasions like this. This season’s Rockfights is gonna be a bad-ass @#$%!$#! Thanks for the selections, Nunchuck & Sy!






        Welcome Back Rockers, Peeps and other Rock Band Freaks!!!


        We begin our show with footage of the black Cadillac once again parked in the lot outside the arena. Who is in that damn car and what is that person doing here? Once again we see nothing happen as we focus in on the car.

        Inside the RockFight Arena, we have a huge crowd gathered to see this punk rock vs. hip-hop battle. The crowd is split right down the middle. Half crazed punks and the other half is the clown-painted Juggalo crowd.


        The Sex Pistols
        Insane Clown Posse


        We join “The Funk Master” Floyd Cooper in the back with the Sex Pistols. Let’s go to him now. Live!

        FM – “I am joined by Johnny Rotten, Steve Jones, Sid Vicious and Paul Cook… The Sex Pistols!!”
        The crowd goes wild. The Pistols appear as though they have total apathy.
        JR – “You all make me bleedin’ sick. We hate it here and the only reason we are here is that our twat manager Malcolm got us into it, so he would look good to the Royals!”
        SJ – “Speak for yourself you dirty sod! I wanna beat some clown ass! You are always such a bleeding wanker!”
        FM – “How do you feel Sid?”
        Sid is pale and sickly looking. He looks as if he might fall down just standing there.
        SV -“Piss off!!!” and then he said something very slurred and it just kind of trailed off to an almost snore sound.
        PC – “Sid, are you alright? You don’t look good at all. I think you got your brains dehydrated”
        Sid again speaks a slurred unintelligible bit and trails off.
        JR – “Don’t fuckin’ worry about Sid, he is just getting his head together for the bout!”
        FM – “He clearly looks to be ill. Are you sure he is ok?”


        Both Johnny and Steve start firing punches at “The Funky One”. Paul Cook joins in as they put the boots to Floyd. Sid falls down flat on his face. It is total nihilistic chaos!!


        Security is on the scene and the Pistols retreat to their dressing room, dragging Sid’s lifeless body behind them. Floyd is a little beaten up and a lot confused.


        We now join Gordon Caray at the announce desk. He looks worried and a little anxious.
        GC – “Holy cow fight fans! I hope “The Funk Master” is going to be ok.” “We have a storm a brewing here in the arena tonight!” “Welcome to RockFights, I am Gordon Caray and our featured bout of the evening is winner-take-all caged terror match. To win, all members of a team must escape a danger filled cage. There are several weapons hanging from the cage. Barbed wire, a bag of thumb tacks, kendo sticks, chairs, fire extinguisher and sledge hammer.” “This is a very dangerous match!” “Hold on to your seats this is gonna get crazy!”


        The arena’s large screen comes to life. It is Commissioner Sam J. Glarms.

        SG – “Due to an incident in the back, we will be posting security all around the building. As a warning… there will be no laying hands on RockFight staff by fighters, fans or anyone else! You will be escorted from the building — no questions asked!!!”


        At the ringside officials desk, we see RockFight officials Bob-Wayne Zim, Dom Epietro and SC Smith. also at ringside, are our ringside physicians Dr. Housequake MD and the Spindoctor.


        We see the giant cage being erected. It is at least 20 foot high. There are weapons hung all over the cage. This going to be a dangerous match, the potential for injury is steep this evening.


        We scan the crowd at ringside. We see novelist Stephen King in the crowd… Is he wearing an ICP shirt? Yes, it appears Stephen King is a Juggalo! Also Tony “Midnight Rambler” Dark, former World Champion is in attendance.


        We quickly go to the entrance area as 6 cloaked figures begin to march toward the ring. They surround the large cage. Here comes the circus music! We have tumbling little people dressed in bondage gear. Here come the wicked clowns!!! The clowns survey the cage. They look super pleased. This is their type of match and they are ready for it. They enter the cage. Violent J grabs a Kendo stick and Shaggy grabs a mop??? They are ready for war!


        We now see the Sex Pistols standing at the entrance. Sid is looking bad, in fact Paul Cook is helping him down the aisle. Meanwhile, Johnny Rotten and Steve Jones are flipping off the crowd and calling everyone twats and wankers. Paul helps Sid into the cage door, as Johnny and Steve continue to stir up the crowd. Suddenly, one of the cloaked figures slams the door to the cage and the other 5 attack Steve and Johnny. Inside the ring, the clowns beat down Paul Cook while Sid lays in a puddle of his own fresh vomit. Outside the cage the cloaked figures keep the Pistols from getting into the cage. The clowns are setting Paul Cook up in the corner. It looks like a top-rope power bomb.




        Paul Cook is down and he may not ever get back up. They turn their attention to Sid, who is now limp and unconscious. The clown gives a signal to the cloaked figures and they leave ringside and head to the back. Johnny Rotten and Steve Jones climb into the cage. Referee “Bad Ass” Bobby Light calls for the bell and it looks like the match will start right now.


        We go to commentary by Gordon Caray and “The Funk Master” Floyd Cooper.
        GC – “Holy Cow!!! We finally have a match after that ruckus to start things off.” ” I have no idea who those people were, but they helped the Clowns effectively rescue the numbers advantage. It looks all even now.”
        FM – “It will be tough to get the two unconscious Pistols out of the cage in order for them to win” “They appear to be completely down and out!”
        GC – “Good point, Funkster!” “The Pistols stare down the Clowns inside the cage. The Pistols see the Juggalo contingent holding weapons. Johnny turns and goes for the Cage door as Steve Jones grabs a sledgehammer.” “It appears Johnny Rotten is just trying to turn and run.”
        Steve Jones sees Rotten attempting to flee. He come up behind him with the sledge hammer.
        GC – “Oh my God, Steve Jones just hit Johnny Rotten with the Sledge!” “The clowns attack Jones.” “They are going to set him up for the Power bomb!”



        Steve Jones is down. The Clowns climb to the top of the cage and doing shout-outs to their Juggalo fans. Shaggy throws a few Clown Love signs and proclaims “Juggalos Forever!!!”



        All of the sudden there are dozens of swat team FBI agents dropping from the ceiling and coming in every entrance. The agents on ropes rapelling from the ceiling drop into the cage easily. They start to grab the members of ICP. Agent says “You are under arrest for gang activity” and they start to cuff the Insane Clown Posse. Outside the cage, agents are arresting fans at ringside.


        Meanwhile, Sid has come to life. He surveys the ring. He sees the cops and instinctively starts to push his band mates to the cage door. Several agents now have opened the cage door and entered as the Clowns are giving them real trouble cuffing them. Sid begins to push the Pistols out the open door. As he pushes Jones out the door, he is about to jump to the ringside floor.



        That is all the time we have for tonight!!! Join us Saturday for the exciting conclusion!!”



        GC – “For “The Funky One”, I’m Gordon Caray. Goodnight from the RockFights Arena.

        Have a good night everyone! We’ll see ya Saturday!!”


        Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


          More than a wish list than anything useful from Nunchucks’ very graphic description of bout 2 :bang: . And this assumes that there ARE actually hints in this…. The only thing that worries me is the sledgehammer…



          Sex Pistols win:

          God Save The Queen


          Road Runner


          Ah well, I can but hope <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          More than a wish list than anything useful from Nunchucks’ very graphic description of bout 2 :bang: . And this assumes that there ARE actually hints in this…. The only thing that worries me is the sledgehammer…



          Sex Pistols win:

          God Save The Queen


          Road Runner


          Ah well, I can but hope <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

          The hints are in there. This week one allusion, one lyric and one synonym type. Good luck everyone!


            Well, I blew that. Swallow sadness, ICP win :crying:


            “Ready for war” appears in Thug Pit


            And there’s a sledge-o-matic in “Off The Track”


            Don’t know about zim, but I see this bout as a win for ICP, here’s my take on the bout……

            Insane Clown Posse wins:
            ICP – “If I was a Serial Killer”
            ICP – “What is a Juggalo?”
            ICP – “Who Wanna Flex?”

            ‘Das right, all y’all Mother^%#&!* wanna throwdown? I done drank enough hooch, I’m ready to throw bottles too! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            Make sure to check out the exciting conclusion of this week’s RockFight bout Saturday!!


            Sex Pistols vs. Insane Clown Posse


            Are you digging the RockFights this month? Are you excited to see more?


            Throw us a comment and let us know what you think.


            As always: thanks a million for all the amazing tracks since my last post!


            I am pretty excited about this week’s fight! Your announcement was a great read and when I read SC Smith I had to lough out loud! :-)


            Although I couldn’t identify the hidden clues I still hope very much that the Rotten gang makes clown food out of ICP… of course in a totally non-violent way! ;-)


            when I read SC Smith I had to lough out loud! :-)

            We love our Peeps! Many of you have made appearances in RockFights this month, well sort of. It is just a way to recognize how much you are all part of the Funhouse!


            There will be more… I’m certain.


            See ya Saturday!!

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