Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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  • #479936

    Thanks very much guys! Always loved that Jackson Browne number!


      I ‘ M I N L O V E W I T H T H I S R E L E A S E


        Thanks again for another fantastic week! :dance: :excited:


        Hey there, with the re-release (as of two minutes ago) of our upgrade for …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead – Open Doors, I thought I’d follow up with an announcement that I’ve been planning on making for a while. I’d say that this is important to the way that the Funhouse will operate in the near future, and I hope that it doesn’t go ignored.


        Well, here goes, to summarize, I haven’t been feeling great about charting for the past year or so, I haven’t had too many ideas for songs for us to do, and I’ve had to work full time for a good half of the year. On that note, hats off to everyone who works and still manages to find time to work on authoring, you’re the unsung heroes of the site, for sure. However, I’m not good at managing my time at all, and adhering to a work schedule, then coming back to our authoring schedule feels like I’m working two jobs, and the stress piles up.


        Basically, what I’m saying is, is that I’m “retiring”, in quotes, because I don’t think I could stop charting music if I tried. This was a purely personal decision, and Nunchuck has my full support. It’s just that I’ve just had so many other personal projects I wanted to do, but I have no sense of time going into them, on top of that, I have to spend a certain amount of time working on songs every day, which really disrupts the flow and leaves me leading mostly unproductive days when I’m off work.


        Just so there’s no confusion, Funhouse releases will continue, but we’ll be cutting down the amount of planned songs each week from 6 to 3. If you haven’t noticed, we’ve been slowly re-releasing our songs to include pitched vocals and harmonies. I plan to do it for all of our songs, and make appropriate changes to all instruments, where needed. This stems from how myself, too; I’m always being critical of our customs, and doing customs as fast as we do leaves a lot of room for errors to come up. There’s some songs that I’m definitely not proud of in their current state, and I’ve always felt insecure about releasing songs with unpitched vocals. Additionally, i want to work on making my off-site work from full band and available on this site, because making all my stuff full band was always my mission, but with 6 songs per week, there was never really too much time to work on them.


        The changes to the Funhouse will go in effect on the release of March 4th. We don’t want any of the holidays/events/milestones in the months of January and February to be affected by this change, so that will be the day we start releasing 3 (again, planned) songs per week.


        Sorry for the master’s thesis wall of text, but I feel like it’s necessary. The Funhouse is hardly over, we’re basically just under new management, and I hope that you’ll like what we have in store in these coming weeks and for however long we go ’til.


        Know this Sy,

        Housequake and I have always been avid fans of the Funhouse and appreciate all the time and effort it takes for you guys to keep it running week after week for the last TWO YEARS! We understand and fully support your decision to “change things up” as it were. As much joy as we have gotten from you guys over that period of time, it wouldn’t be fair or right for anyone, including yourself, to push things to the point of “This isn’t fun anymore or this isn’t how I had intended my work to progress”. Everything you have given to this point is appreciated a million times over and naturally we would want you to have a good balance in your life outside of what goes on here and in your other endeavors. Your dedication is beyond reproach and if you feel it’s time to shift your focus differently, we’re happy to respect and honor that decision. We can’t say enough how much we appreciate everything that you do! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Even by you guys going down to 3 songs a week it’s still incredible to me the commitment for the last few years. Thanks for all the charts you have bestowed upon us. Glad to hear the Funhouse isn’t shutting down yet.


            I can only wish you the best in your endeavors Sy. I’m glad to hear the Funhouse is not shutting down. Thank you for all you have done. It is greatly appreciated.


            I commend you Sy for taking the action of reducing your weekly output instead of just shutting down. I don’t comment every week, but I have been here from the start and really appreciate the themes and research and effort put into the weekly quizzes, all on top of your actual charting.


            Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk


              Glad the Funhouse will still be up. I got to this site late, so it was like Christmas for weeks! And the Funhouse is a real fun forum. Thanks and good luck.


              Hey there Rockers,

              Thank you for all the kindness! You peeps are awesome! Sy and I have worked very hard, like 7-days-a-week hard most weeks, to bring you peeps all the fun and games. When we started our weekly thread we had no idea how it would go. We just had so many songs we wanted to do, that we just went at it. As we went along, we learned and improved at our craft. Now, we are entering a new phase of “The Funhouse”. We plan to bring you all our songs in the best condition we can. We will go through and upgrade many to have pitched vocals/harms and any improvements we can make. Our weekly release being shortened a bit, should allow time for that endeavor. At the Funhouse, we have accomplished great things. We will, coming up very soon, have 700 songs in the Database. We will have brought you peeps 6 songs, or more, every week for 2 years straight. We have covered many, many genres of music. We have brought you weekly fun and games with our hints on Mondays. We have accomplished some things no one has ever done, paid or unpaid. We love this game and the peeps that play. Many of you have been great friends to us and given us support and encouragement. We thank you so much for all the fun. It isn’t ending, just changing a bit. Times evolved and now the Funhouse will adapt to that and strive to give you the best content we can. There would not be a Funhouse if it weren’t for all the peeps. You guys encouraged us as times got tough, which was when we needed it most. Thank you!!


              Sy is amazingly talented, he has done so much for all of us. He has given up very much of his time and energy for this project. It is filled with his art and his love for all of you. When we started, I would never have guessed everything we would accomplish. Together we have made a mighty fine team. Not just Sy and Nunchuck, but all of you that are part of this. Our hints Hall of Fame is huge!! We get PMs and kind comments often. You are part of the Funhouse too!!


              Our next release is very special. It will be Sy’s Birthday release. Wish him a happy Birthday and rock out with some awesome songs he picked just for the celebration. See you peeps for the hints later today!!


              Rock on peeps, Rock on!!


                We appreciate your efforts a lot, regardless of the amount of songs released. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> Anyone who has not tried their hand at authoring needs to be reminded how much work it is what you do. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


                A huge Thank You, goes out to Sygenysis & Nunchuck for all your hard work and weekly devotion of releasing songs non-stop for past few years. I personally appreciate very much what you have done for the C3 community and my own enjoyment.


                I have tried my hand at making customs several times, but find it to be very difficult and very time consuming….. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

                While working 5 days a week and running a mobile DJ service on weekends. I totally understand where Sy is coming from with cutting back on custom making hours.We get spoiled easily while you guys do all the work !


                You 2 great custom makers have turned me onto so many songs & bands I had never heard of before joining C3.

                For that & all the great joy I have had beating on my E-drums to your always spot on customs.

                Thank You, Thank you, Thank you………. :haw:

                Word’s could never show my appreciation enough. Take a step back Sy enjoy your life & family man.

                3 songs a week & upgrades is plenty to look forward to each Saturday ! Nun keep up the great work and know we are behind you what every decision the future holds for the Fun-House ! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Long Live Rock n Roll ! :rock:


                  Congratulations to you both…I’ve looked forward to hitting up the C3 forum each Saturday afternoon to see what surprises you have in store. The way you’ve run this thread the past couple of years, and the commitment towards pushing out weekly quality releases…it really amazing. You already know that we all love you.


                  Just wanted to say “thanks again” for all of the awesomeness you’ve jointly contributed to the community in the past, and although the quantity may decrease, I’ll still be greatly looking forward to your releases in the future for as long as you choose to share your talents with us.


                  My personal favorite release from you guys was the little “Tom Petty” pack that was a result of the community vote. That. was. awesome.


                  Hey there Rockers,
                  Welcome back to the Funhouse! This week’s release is in celebration of Sy’s Birthday. This week we party with all picks by the Birthday boy himself. It is gonna be a great week. Let’s get right to the clues for the songs!


                  Hint for song #1
                  Our first track this week is the 3rd single from the fourth studio album by this American metal band. This anti-war anthem chastises those who spark wars for profit or religion. Also, it was featured in the soundtrack to a popular wrestling video game.


                  Hint for song #2
                  Next up, we have a 80’s folk rock classic. The song was the first single from this artist’s self-titled debut album. It peaked at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. This hit was the winner of the Best Female Pop Vocal Performance Grammy.


                  Hint for song #3
                  This glam rock classic, peaked at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100, which was the band’s highest charting song. The song was written by a song writing duo that isn’t part of the band. While other songs by the band are popular, this first single charted highest.


                  Hint for song #4
                  In the clean-up spot this week, we have the 3rd single from this hip-hop group’s hugely popular 5th album. A song from this album was Official Harmonix DLC. The double album certified Diamond and 11 times Platinum.


                  Hint for song #5
                  Next up in the birthday celebration is a rapper, DJ, record producer, and actor. This song is the 2nd single from this hip-hop star’s 5th album. He is also well-known for his collaborations with his cousin including their starring roles in films and sitcoms.


                  Hint for song #6
                  For our closing track this week, we have an American actor, producer, rapper, and songwriter. This song was the first single from this rapper’s 4th solo studio album. This artist has won many awards including… Grammys as both a solo artist and part of a duo or group, MTV Music and Movie Awards, American Music Awards and was even twice nominated for Oscars.


                  We had 5 “Big Brains” last week and they got every clue correct.

                  TheSheepQueen (1)
                  Ezequiel1996 (1)
                  naginalJJ (2)
                  Epietro (1)
                  zimbabwean (1)


                  Hints Hall of Fame
                  ckovanda (3)
                  Kemiroch (2)
                  Supercharlottesmith (15)
                  Boushwa (1)
                  MrKnife Guy (3)
                  Troipoison (1)
                  Clintilona (10)
                  Maybe Towelie (10)
                  doe138 (1)
                  Gep (5)
                  Whig Party (50)
                  LightBob (19)
                  iammax (4)
                  SwagApple (1)
                  Rockin’ Rindy (3)
                  Razorhoof78 (5)
                  questionmark (1)
                  Dash Riprock (3)
                  Spindoctor (4)
                  Max’sFriendDavid (5)
                  frigginelvis (9)
                  corporalgregg (4)
                  jloboc (7)
                  beard216 (10)
                  sausagepizza (7)
                  dlauthor (9)
                  WolfgangJT (5)
                  mcatrn (5)
                  Tsikandestroy (2)
                  naginalJJ (15)
                  Mourn Despana (12)
                  Unicyclone (1)
                  Phildopip (2)
                  hotfuzz (1)
                  dlauthor (10)
                  Kanamit (1)
                  PTownBrave22 (2)
                  Jake (5)
                  FujiSkunk (4)
                  GoodOmens (8)
                  samjjones (15)
                  prewow (2)
                  Jonztu (4)
                  bigbubba (1)
                  Dahnlee (3)
                  Zanny77 (1)
                  Typhus (1)
                  glarms (14)
                  TomGuy (2)
                  RBPUK (4)
                  xzeldax3 (1)
                  naotokanji (3)
                  XNaythan (3)
                  Mr. Wally (2)
                  Froogle (2)
                  Bansheeflyer (10)
                  maxsgtp (4)
                  astronomyhopes (2)
                  iluvhockey (2)
                  Domino (1)
                  GasparLewis (1)
                  naotokanji (1)
                  TheSheepQueen (5)
                  Epietro (19) Shocktober Hint Master
                  CmdrXym (8)
                  theway123 (2)
                  Housequake (25) Shocktober Hint Master
                  rawsewage (4) Shocktober Hint Master
                  Ditg (3)
                  rcale (2)
                  Mandrag (3)
                  drummerockband (1)
                  Funk Meister Freud (11) Shocktober Hint Master
                  Storm360 (1)
                  MidnightRambler67 (1)
                  musicgeekxyz (1)
                  zimbabwean (11) Shocktober Hint Master
                  AJFOne23 (1)
                  NYCH6 (1)
                  Ezequiel1996 (1)


                  Have a good week everybody! We’ll see ya Saturday for Sy’s Birthday Party!!


                  Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


                    #2 Tracy Chapman-Fast Car

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