Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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  • #468477

    So I’ve been rebuilding my cache each Sunday morning for nothing. Well dammit wasting all that time watching it find songs when I could be playing one or two. I don’t give a hoot about game or song scores. I just want the song to show up & play.

    Now I know don’t have to do that with your upgrades Nice !

    Thanks for the tip guys . Never ever do you get too old to learn something new. lol



    It’s not just better, it is the proper way to go. If you don’t change ID, people are forced to rebuild the cache. Any change in metadata needs a change in ID, including new tracks, correction to the title, artist, etc.

    I agree, a metadata change needs a new ID. But these songs (I assume) just had vocals changed to pitched and already had correct metadata. I have in the past taken a song from in game (360), just modified the midi, and put it back. The game doesn’t count a new file but the midi changes are there (like pitched/ changed vocals). Just saying.


    Question: if on the 360, say my song count is 2000. If I delete a song and replace it with a new updated version (same song, new ID) and the 360 counts 1 new song, but my song count is still 2000. Does this increase my actual song cache limit ? So after doing this multiple times, would I exceed the 2952 limit?


    I feel like this is what has happened in the past. I delete songs and add new ones (different IDs) without a cache rebuild, my song count is below the limit, but adding just one song freezes the console after the count.


    Sorry for hijacking the thread.


    well, as far as I know, adding pitched vocals or pro keys does change the metadata. The dots are part of the metadata. It would still read at old difficulties and not show pro or harms. The song may play but the metadata will be wrong. If you wipe your cache it will appear properly because you cleared the old metadata it had stored in the cache for that song ID.


    As far as song limit goes, someone else can probably explain that better than I can.



    Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen and fight fans of all ages…

    We are here live at the RockFight Arena as we prepare for the official hoopla, known as Tale of the Tape. In the Tale of the Tape, we will have some updates on the fights, official contract signings and other things that can’t even be predicted, as anything can happen at the RockFight Arena.


    In attendance tonight we have all the participants, RockFight Commissioner Sam J. Glarms and an overly energetic, yet small crowd. The arena is bursting with excitement! We never know what to expect, so I believe we are starting with official contract signings.


    We join Sam J. Glarms at the podium to begin the festivities. The crowd gathers, anxious to get info amongst the swirling rumors over what is happening here at the arena.
    “Hello fight fans, I am RockFight Commissioner Sam J. Glarms and welcome to the RockFight official RockFight 2: The Buzz is Back contract signings. We have all the artists set to be in attendance.”


    Are You Ready?


    First, let me call to the podium Billy Joel and Jon Small to the stage. Billy reaches out a hand to shake with Jon, Jon slaps his hand away, gives him the finger and marks the contract with a big black X. Billy also signs, making it official. He looks apologetically toward Jon, but receives another middle finger from Jon. We have some bad blood here folks! This fight is gonna be one for the ages!

    As we wait for our next signing, the crowd appears to be on the side of Jon Small here today; I wouldn’t have believed it. The crowd here today likes his spirit and anger. Billy looks like a sad, remorseful man when looking at Jon Small.


    There is some stirring on the stage, let’s get back to the action!


    Commissioner Glarms calls Iron Maiden and Motorhead to the stage. A representative for each band approaches the stage. While they both speak to the Commissioner, a large video screen drops down behind the stage. We will receive video announcements from each band because they are both touring.


    On the screen is a video depicting moshing crowds. A voice-over starts:


    “We are on tour and we will be here in time for the fights but today both bands are busy on tour. Our reps will signing for us today. We thank you and are excited to finally get this opportunity to perform for you all.”


    The video ends and the two reps, who look a bit like dirty roadies, sign the contracts. Each is set to read a short, prepared statement. First the Motorhead camp’s representative speaks:

    “We at Motorhead would like to say thank you and we would also like to say this to Iron Maiden…” He stands up grabs the chair he was sitting in and repeatedly smashes it into the Iron Maiden rep’s skull. As security surrounds the stage, we have pandemonium here at the Arena. We will have to wait for word from the Commissioner on what is going on here.
    After the ruckus settles, the commissioner takes the mic. “This assault would be grounds for disqualification, but the rep is not actually in Motorhead so no foul can be enforced. This fight will come to it’s head on May 28th.”


    That was an amazing turn of events! I would never have seen that coming! Let’s see if we can get words from the Iron Maiden camp on this situation.


    I’m told we have Steve Harris from Iron Maiden on the video screen, let’s get his statement.
    “That was F@#ked up, you sodding twats! How dare you touch our man. We can’t wait to get our hands on you. Better watch your backs, mates!”


    The Arena is at a fever pitch at this point, the crowd cannot believe what they just saw.
    Commissioner Glarms has returned to the stage. He looks a bit nervous. It must be time to have Ol’ Dirty Bastard and Rihanna come to the stage. These acts both made a real spectacle on the announcement day. Obviously, he is worried what shenanigans they may pull today.


    The Commissioner calls both acts to the stage. Ol’ Dirty Bastard is first to make his way to the stage. Once again, the video screen comes down. ODB grabs the mic and begins to speak. No one can actually understand what he is saying. He points to the screen. On the screen, appears Method Man, ODB’s Wu-Tang Brother. He appears to be tied up in the trunk of a car. The video cuts to Rihanna smoking a large blunt. She laughs maniacally! The screen goes black.

    ODB pleads his case to the commissioner. The commissioner takes the mic. “This is unprecedented, but it appears that there is some sort of kidnapping situation involved in this RockFight. We will have to consult with the legal team on this. We will have to get back to this after that legal consultation.” ODB grabs the mic, “Bitch you gonna get yours next Saturday, you bet be ready, cuz I ain’t playing now.” He then returns to his unintelligible speech, flashes some Wu-Tang hand signs followed by a slashing motion at his throat and then storms from the stage.


    A fecal chant breaks out again
    Holy Shit!
    Holy Shit!
    Holy Shit!


    Commissioner Glarms calms the crowd and begins to speak again. “A decision on this matter will be made by the RockFight legal council. We will have word on it as soon as we figure this out.”


    Let’s call the Main Event artists to the stage. Both Bowie and the Stones walk the aisle together to the stage.
    Mick has the mic. “Hello everybody, we just want a good clean contest. We love David!”
    Bowie grabs the mic “And I love you guys!”
    Keith says, “It is gonna be a great time Saturday the 28th!”
    Both parties sign the contracts and continue to hang together as they leave the stage.
    That was quite the love-fest, it seems like we will have a good clean battle between artists that truly admire and respect one another. WTF!!! Anything is possible at the RockFight Arena!

    The songs for this RockFight are:

    The Rolling Stones
    – Shattered
    – Beast of Burden
    – Love is Strong


    David Bowie
    – Changes
    – Jean Genie
    – I’m Deranged


    Well that will wrap up the festivities from the RockFight Arena today. We hope everyone votes and may the winners be your favorites.

    Voting ends this Sunday at 11:59pm EST

    Remember there is only one rule in RockFights…
    Rock or Be Rocked!!!


    The songs from RockFight 2: The Buzz is Back will be posted Saturday 28th 2016



    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


      Hahahahahah ohhh my God my sides…




        That’s a wonderful wall of text!


          That damned Sam J. Glarms needs to get some security at these press conferences!



          Hey there Rockers,

          We made it to the weekend finally. We are all set to bring a big dose of cool songs to you today. A big bunch of vocal upgrades are also in this release.

          I won’t give you a wall of text, let’s just get this mother started!!


          Song for Hint #1

          Audioslave – Original Fire * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –


          Song for Hint #2

          Faith No More – Sunny Side Up

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –


          Song for Hint #3

          Billy Squier – My Kinda Lover * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –


          Song for Hint #4

          Pixies – The Holiday Song

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –


          Song for Hint #5

          Eels – Novocaine for the Soul * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –


          Song for Hint #6

          Helmet – FBLA II

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –


          And a bunch of awesome upgrades


          Shania Twain – Man! I Feel like a Woman! * Harmony and pro keys upgrade by Ollie

          RB3 Link –


          Garbage – Stupid Girl * pro keys upgrade by Ollie

          RB3 Link –


          John Fogerty – The Old Man is Down the Road * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –


          Jesus Jones – Right Here, Right Now * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –


          Meat Puppets – Backwater * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –


          Counting Crows – Mr. Jones * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –


          Billy Idol – Cradle of Love * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –


          Seven Mary Three – Cumbersome * pitched vocals by Colonel32dll

          RB3 Link –




          This week’s “big brains” of hints

          glarms (2)

          CmdrXym (1)

          Light Bob (1)

          Whig Party (1)


          Release Notes

          This week my picks were Audioslave, Faith No More and Billy Squier. These are all great songs that I have wanted for a while. This week they just seemed right.

          Original Fire is an awesome song with a very strange solo. The video for this song was awesome and filled with images of great artists and historical figures. Any song that has Bill Hicks in the video is awesome.

          Here is that video…


          Faith No more is one of my favorite bands ever. Sunny Side Up is amazing, catchy and fun. Also it had a really cool video, where a group of old folks in a retirement home are all given hallucinogenic drugs and can all finally party.

          Here is that video…


          My Kinda Lover is the fourth Single from the Don’t Say No album. This is a fun rocking track with that Billy Squier feel to it. This is probably my favorite song this week. It certainly has been stuck in my head.


          Also I would like to mention Backwater. It is one of the upgrades this week. It was the 1st song Sy and I ever collaborated on. That is where this whole trip started! We were both ecstatic to hear it was getting a vocal upgrade from the Colonel.


          The Colonel has been doing some awesome stuff for this community. He has poured in lots of time and been cranking out upgrades every week and helping with the releases. I just wanted to take a second to be thankful for all his hard work! You guys should too if you played these, because he does excellent work. He is a great guy, without all his hard work, this and several of the recent releases would have been not nearly as cool. There are also more coming! Thank you my friend, you rock!!! :rock: :rock:


          We thank you for all the kindness you show us. We love doing this! We have more coming. We have something new and innovative coming down the pipe for you. It will be very cool, keep a look out for it coming soon.


          We also have only today and tomorrow left to vote for your favorites in RockFight 2: The Buzz is Back

          Be sure to get those votes in!


          Coming in June: Prince retrospective. It will be released over two weeks time: Saturday June 4 and Saturday June 11. It will be very cool and befitting the artist. While my heart is still heavy with sadness, I’m thrilled at the response for this project.


          We’ll see ya soon! Have a great weekend!


          Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short





          Holy Shit …… My weekend just got a lot busier.


          Thanks guys you are awesome ! :rock:


          Thanks to all involved on the new songs & upgrades – much appreciated.


          Awesome job as always guys. And Colonell32 you are killing it with the vocal upgradea! Amazing and thanks to all involves in bringing weekly content through the Customs Funhouse.




          Great week as always – thanks guys <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> if you’d like someone to do pro keys on Novocaine for the Soul hit me up! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Really, REALLY appreciating all the vocal upgrades, guys. Of course the weekly releases are always top F’n notch as well, but I always eat those upgrades RIGHT up. Cheers!


            I saw Original Fire was done so I played it on my radio show this week. That song is such a jam!


            I appreciate Nunchuck’s kind words, but frankly, I’m having a blast! This broken wrist (and the accompanying time off from work) is the best thing to happen to me in a while! As soon as I finish the vocals in one awesome song, I’m firing up another and thoroughly enjoying it all.


            You learn a lot about bands and singers specifically when you devolve their lyrics and singing styles into 30ms sound bites – you really find out who can sing and who’s hiding behind the noise. Working on Mr Jones and Me, for example, was a pleasure because it made me realize what an amazing singer Adam Duritz is. Good luck trying to match his chops in that one. It was the most time-intensive vocal charts I’ve worked on in a long while (because he never stops singing) and one of the most satisfying to finish (because it was finally done).


            Huge thanks as always for the time, energy, effort and great taste of our hosts, Nunchuck and Sy. These guys are the stuff of legends and they deserve far more accolades than they get. Thanks for everything, guys, and keep up the absolutely incredible work!


            Hey there Rockers,

            Happy Monday! We have another round of hints this week. We have an interesting week ahead, since Saturday’s release features a themed 3 pack and 3 singles.
            I will get right to the clues.


            Hint for song #1
            – Our first track this week comes from the 3rd album from this Los Angeles band. The song was the 3rd single from that album. The singer played a killer hippie in a horror film.


            Hint for song #2
            – Next we have a band that has toured with the first band. The song is the 3rd single from the band’s debut album. Despite looking like they are from L.A. this band formed in Pennsylvania. The singer from this band had his love life televised.


            Hint for song #3
            – The third band of this pack toured with the second band. The song is the second single form their debut album. The singer from this band once was a contestant on the game show MTV’s Remote Control.


            Hint for song #4
            – Our next song is actually written about Andrew Wood, singer of Mother Love Bone, who died of a drug overdose. This song was the 3rd single from the band’s self titled debut album.


            Hint for song #5
            – This track is featured as the theme for a popular TLC automobile make-over show. The song came from the band’s 2002 album. The singer uses a megaphone microphone on this track.


            Hint for song #6
            – The final track this week features a former singer from one of the biggest power metal bands. The album the song comes from was initially released on USB not CD. That album shares a name with a Sam Neill film. The song seems to be about systematic elimination of people.



            This week’s “big brains” of hints

            glarms (2)

            CmdrXym (1)

            Light Bob (1)

            Whig Party (1)


            Hints Hall of Fame
            ckovanda (3)
            Kemiroch (2)
            Supercharlottesmith (14)
            Boushwa (1)
            MrKnife Guy (3)
            Troipoison (1)
            Clintilona (10)
            Maybe Towelie (10)
            doe138 (1)
            Gep (5)
            Whig Party (50)
            LightBob (13)
            iammax (4)
            SwagApple (1)
            Rockin’ Rindy (3)
            Razorhoof78 (5)
            questionmark (1)
            Dash Riprock (2)
            Spindoctor (2)
            Max’sFriendDavid (5)
            frigginelvis (6)
            corporalgregg (4)
            jloboc (5)
            beard216 (10)
            sausagepizza (7)
            dlauthor (9)
            WolfgangJT (4)
            mcatrn (4)
            Tsikandestroy (2)
            naginalJJ (7)
            Mourn Despana (9)
            Unicyclone (1)
            Phildopip (2)
            hotfuzz (1)
            dlauthor (6)
            Kanamit (1)
            PTownBrave22 (2)

            Jake (5)

            FujiSkunk (4)

            GoodOmens (8)

            samjjones (12)

            prewow (1)

            Jonztu (4)

            bigbubba (1)

            Dahnlee (2)

            Zanny77 (1)

            Typhus (1)

            glarms (9)

            TomGuy (2)

            RBPUK (3)

            xzeldax3 (1)

            naotokanji (3)

            XNaythan (3)

            Mr. Wally (2)

            Froogle (2)

            Bansheeflyer (5)

            maxsgtp (3)

            astronomyhopes (1)

            iluvhockey (2)

            Domino (1)

            GasparLewis (1)

            naotokanji (1)

            Neki (1)

            Epietro (1)

            CmdrXym (1)


            Congrats to Whig Party for hitting 50!!


            Thank you for all the comments. We hope you have a great week! We’ll see ya Saturday!


            Thank you for your votes for RockFight 2: The Buzz is Back

            Voting is now closed!


            Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short



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