Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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  • #464320

    Well I’ve figured out Band # 1 has to do with Serial Killers I think ?

    This is way to obvious I’m sure.


    I’m going to guess Band #1 is ( The Killers ) <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

    This is why I don’t play Trivia Games !

    I’m not very good at them……… LOL


      Just figured out #1. It’s Marilyn Manson


      Killing Joke definitely makes sense for #2


      Obviously 1 is just the comic book The Killing Joke


      The weasels in Roger Rabbit die from laughter.

      I don’t get the second part though


        Killing Joke definitely makes sense for #2


        Obviously 1 is just the comic book The Killing Joke


        The weasels in Roger Rabbit die from laughter.


        I don’t get the second part though

        Metallica covered Killing Joke on Garage Inc.




        Killing Joke have a song called “Eighties”


        The movie, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” came out in 1988. hmmmm…… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


        Band #2 is Killing Joke



        Just figured out #1. It’s Marilyn Manson

        Those are the correct bands. Let’s see if you can get the songs. Great job!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:


          My friend’s dad is the lead singer of Killing Joke, neat.


          Hey there Rockers,


          I’m getting tons of ballots in. Thank you for all your encouragement and kindness. This is really fun and we are super glad to give back the peeps that rock with us every week. It is awesome seeing all the great response. Thank you!!!!


          You peeps are a big part of the reason we are still doing this every week. It gets tough sometimes, it’s you all that keep us working.


          There is more to come, Rock on!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:


          We are now taking guesses for the songs in the Killing Joke and Marilyn Manson packs.


          Have a good week, see ya Saturday!


          Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


          somebody has to say it first:

          Killing Joke – Love like Blood <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          and thanks a million for all the great songs! :dance:


            Marilyn Manson –

            1. Sweet Dreams

            2. Tainted Love

            3. I Don’t Like Like The Drugs


              I’m hoping one of the Manson songs is This Is The New Shit or S(aint)


              Marilyn Manson –

              1. Sweet Dreams

              2. Tainted Love

              3. I Don’t Like Like The Drugs



              I’m hoping one of the Manson songs is This Is The New Shit or S(aint)


              There are many cool Manson tracks. I like every one mentioned, but alas they aren’t them. Maybe someday we will re-visit Manson and get a couple of those tracks. Bonus hint… they are all from my favorite Manson album!!


              Keep the guesses coming. You all definitely rock.


              naginalJJ you did great on the band hints. Those weren’t easy trivia questions they required some thought. Great Job :rock: :rock: :rock:


              Thank you





                naginalJJ you did great on the band hints. Those weren’t easy trivia questions they required some thought. Great Job :rock: :rock: :rock:


                Thank you

                Aw shucks the answers just kinda clicked. If your favorite Manson album is Antichrist Superstar then I hope one of the songs is the title track.


                Manson better have Rock is Dead

                Not a threat as I pick stuff up anyways… but here is my list:

                Manson Pack:

                1. mOBSCENE

                2. (S)aint

                3. This is the New Shit


                EDIT: After reading… I got it now <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                Mentioning spooky make me think you might be going a bit more old school Manson, maybe Lunchbox or Get Your Gun, both great tracks.

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