Let’s take a deep breath and start from the top. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> If credits are missing, like sometimes happens because we tend to run very fast, just contact an admin or, better yet, first contact the C3 author with which you worked. I’m sorry that in this case it’s taking long to reply, I’m sure Lowlander will adress this in the next few days.
Oh, I was fine at the beginning. I’m sorry about the misunderstanding, and I’m sorry Trojan accentuated it.
You are about to leave Rhythm Gaming World and access the external songs DB. While no song or file sold for commercially available videogames is hosted there and only fan generated content is allowed, Rhythm Gaming World has no direct control over the database and no files are hosted here. Alright, we had to made you aware of this, now you can visit the database!