Notes on beat in RBNpreview, but not after.

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    Is there any particular reason (or if im missing something) that the notes are played perfectly and correctly in the RBN Preview of Reaper but they are off when I am testing it on the console? Well its weird cause the drums play fine on the console but the guitar and bass are off.


      Tempo map?


      Yes its there


        Possibly the auido file itself. Do you just use the regular file, or do you use the version in reaper when you compress/consolidate the audio track?


          Is there any particular reason (or if im missing something) that the notes are played perfectly and correctly in the RBN Preview of Reaper but they are off when I am testing it on the console? Well its weird cause the drums play fine on the console but the guitar and bass are off.


          Just as a pointer, that can’t happen, meaning if that is in fact true, either your drums or guitar/bass notes are off in the project.


            Something else I can think of (but it wouldn’t make sense that the guitar and bass are off if the drums are all good): when I first started tempo mapping I messed up often (wrong time selection?) and it created really small measures that you can’t see unless you zoom in a lot. It displayed fine in Reaper, but when building the song on C3 Magma it included this tiny measure as a full one (4/4), so everything after that was off.

            You could also upload the reaper project file and the audio so we can see what’s wrong.


              I had an issue with a time signature change. I had a measure go from 4/4 to 2/4 for one measure then back to 4/4. The 2/4 measure and the 4/4 measure after did not have the exact BPM and this caused my 2/4 measure to go to a 4/4 measure throwing everything off by half a measure for the rest of the song after that in the game. But it looked fine in REAPER. It literally took me a dozen attempts to figure out the problem, ha ha. Hope this helps!


                Make sure that the notes in the BEAT track are on beat, it could perhaps be that they are off.


                Make sure that the notes in the BEAT track are on beat, it could perhaps be that they are off.

                Could it be the BEAT track that messes with the notes? I just checked and the BEAT track is indeed off. But i know for 100% certainty that my drums/bass/guitar is correct inside reaper.


                  Could it be the BEAT track that messes with the notes? I just checked and the BEAT track is indeed off. But i know for 100% certainty that my drums/bass/guitar is correct inside reaper.


                  The beat lines in Rock Band are generated using not only the tempo map but also the notes in the BEAT track: each upbeat or downbeat note will draw a beat line at its position in the song when you play it. Thus, if the BEAT track notes aren’t matched to the beat, these lines will look off in game. The RBN preview plugin in Reaper doesn’t care about the BEAT track, and draws notes only using the tempo map in the Reaper project.


                  Simple solution is to remake the BEAT track with notes matching the beat.


                    Kloporte and TomGuy likely have this one pegged. Almost certainly what has happened is one of those weird small measures has thrown everything off. I don’t know why these crop up, but changing tempo markers in the midst of time signature changes causes these to happen for me.


                    So, why is the drum chart OK, and the others off? My guess, the drum chart is repetitive enough so you don’t notice it going bad if a full measure is skipped.


                    Find the spot where the beat track goes off. That spot will be where Reaper has inserted one of those weird part-measures. Delete the tempo markers near that spot, and see if the notes start to line up. Then you will have to redo the tempo map from that point on, until you get it lined up with a later marker.


                    Ok guys, i found out my problem…I have been charting the instruments all by ear and i was using the playback speed to chart them. I frequently play it at a speed so low that I try my best to make it extremely accurate by what I hear. But I looked at the sound waves in the song and the snares of the drum dont match the snares in the chart, so I shifted the song to match them. So in the RBNPreview and Reaper they are off by like 1/4 of a measure, but once I play it in the console it plays perfectly on point. its weird because looking at it in RBN Preview and actually playing the song is very different. I guess i have to trust the sound waves more?


                    Thanks everyone for helping. I appreciate it


                      I guess i have to trust the sound waves more?


                      100% yes.

                      Linos Melendi

                        After aligning the sound waves, adjust the ms delay of the RBN Preview so that can be accurate too to make it easier on you.


                          Just a clarification: you don’t author notes by the wave form, you author them by the grid. You need to carefully follow the wave form to tempo map however, obviously knowing which peaks refer to what.

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