“No songs by [obscure band]!?” – Atruejedi’s Eclectic Requests – Now Recruiting! (updated 2/19/20)

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  • #491977

    jesus christ


      I can’t be specific cause I’m a little shit who loves guessing games, but I’ve got a song from your playlist planned somewhere down the pipeline (probably within the next couple months) that I’ve been itching to do for a long time.

      Ooo! I hate surprises, but I look forward to whatever’s coming! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      jesus christ

      You love it. This thread is a goldmine and I know you’ll find something to chart we both enjoy… so get to it! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


        Jurassic 5



        Background: In 2003, I went to Circuit City to purchase the Road to Rome expansion pack for Battlefield 1942 (you know, in the era before nickel-and-diming DLC). At the check-out, the cashier asked me if I would like to purchase a music video sampler DVD (you know, before Blu-Ray) for one penny. One penny!? Of course I would! I only remember one song featured on that DVD, the Obvious Choice below, but it genuinely changed my life. That song introduced me to the world of underground hip-hop. I’d never heard anything like Jurassic 5. Four MCs, two DJs, and endless heart. From that moment forward I couldn’t appreciate, respect, or enjoy rappers like Jay-Z or Puff Daddy. It’s like going back to eating tuna fish after finally tasting caviar*. For better or worse, the snob I am today was born on that fateful February afternoon. Some musicians sell their souls. I bought mine for a penny.


        The Obvious Choice:

        What’s Golden

        Available now! Download here

        Album: Power in Numbers (2003)

        Word power can plow through acres of cornfields
        Paragraphs cut like warm steel, preform ill…


        So much swagger. I was instantly captivated… 15 years ago. And unlike me, the song hasn’t aged a day.


        Vocals: Four MCs for three microphones… what a conundrum! Many unison parts. A chorus that could be both pitched and unpitched. A very neat layered (and pitched) bridge.

        Guitar: Nada.

        Bass: Repetitive.

        Drums: A standard repetitive drum sample.

        Keys: Organ, synthesizer… lots of choices. Take your pick!

        Miscellaneous: When Chali 2na busts through the wall at 2:25… my life changed.



        Quality Control

        Album: Quality Control (2000)

        For whom the bell tolls, let the rhythm explode
        Big, bad, and bold b-boys of old


        A classic. A golden-age sound long after the golden age of hip-hop was over.


        Vocals: You’d think a hip-hop song would be mostly talkies… not this one! So much pitching!

        Guitar: I don’t hear any, but it’s hard to tell. I thought I heard something at 3:20 but it might be a bass playing high notes…

        Bass: Fairly repetitive, but there are a couple of interesting parts to keep you on your toes.

        Drums: Another standard repetitive drum sample.

        Keys: I don’t think so… but, again, it’s kind of hard to tell.

        Miscellaneous: Fantastic samples worth charting. The outro could be cut out, but drummers might enjoy it!




        Album: Jurassic 5 (1998)

        Earthbound, we break sound barriers

        Some [uh oh] can rhyme, but they got no character

        So we preparin’ you for war, don’t give up the fight

        You need to stand up for your right


        Hey, the sample is inspired by Stand Up For Your Right by Bob Marley! Coooool.


        Vocals: See above. Lots of pitched vocals for a hip-hop song.

        Guitar: Nope.

        Bass: Subtle but neat!

        Drums: Another standard repetitive drum sample. Which means I might be able to play it.

        Keys: Dat flute sample dough. Star of the show!

        Miscellaneous: Some absolutely fantastic lyrics, as usual. Oh, you know, like fuck the first amendment, my speech was free the day that my soul descended.


        *I have never tasted caviar and I like tuna fish. I just wanted to include this comparison because one of the MCs is Chali 2na.


          Broken Bells



          Background: Do you like The Shins? Me neither! Trust me, they’re a band I tried to like. When my hipster friends were raving about how great New Slang (available for Rock Band, along with four other songs on the Rock Band Network) was, I wanted to be hip, too! But I couldn’t get into them (but I admit to listening to their most recent album a few times and, to my pleasant surprise, enjoying it… then promptly forgetting it existed until now). But all of that is neither here nor there! The reason I mention The Shins is because their lead singer, James Mercer, is in another group I really, really enjoy and I have a hard time making sense of how I can be such a huge fan of one of his projects and have absolutely no interest in the other. Broken Bells is James Mercer on vocals and producer extraordinaire Danger Mouse on, presumably, everything awesome about the pairing. They’re released two lovely albums and an atrocious EP in the middle that was nothing like their other material and nobody should listen to it and it should be physically and digitally erased from history. *ahem* That being said, here are a few magical tunes from this dynamic duo. It was tough to choose because there are many songs worthy of consideration and none of them are Obvious Choices, so I encourage you to check out their more popular songs on your own if you’re interested in semi-psychedelic alternative soft-rock disco.


          Random Personal Favorite #1:

          The Ghost Inside

          Album: Broken Bells (2010)

          Just like a whiskey bottle, drained on the floor
          She got no future, just a life to endure


          Statistically, this is one of their more well-known songs. I can see why. To me this is modern disco, and I like it.


          Vocals: All over the place, but definitely singable. Good luck with all the falsetto.

          Guitar: Not the star of the show, but it has its moments.

          Bass: The bass parts of Broken Bells songs are always smooth and groovy. I suspect that’s because of Danger Mouse.

          Drums: Programmed.

          Keys: The keyboard parts of Broken Bells songs are always interesting and catchy. And numerous. Again… Danger Mouse.

          Miscellaneous: Crisp ending. Nice lyrics.


          Random Personal Favorite #2:

          Holding On for Life

          Album: After the Disco (2014)

          Light another cigarette, burning in the cold
          Waiting on the street for your man
          You’re trying not to look so young and miserable

          You gotta get your kicks while you can


          Did somebody resurrect all of the Brothers Gibb and invent a functioning time machine??? Seriously, tell me that chorus doesn’t sound like it’s from the late ’70s.


          Vocals: Even gooder luck with the falsetto here.

          Guitar: Mostly acoustic strumming.

          Bass: Smooth and spooky.

          Drums: Programmed.

          Keys: Man, take your pick. Long synth sustains, catchy tapping, and something in between near the end.

          Miscellaneous: Crisp, abrupt ending.


          Random Personal Favorite #3:

          Mongrel Heart

          Album: Broken Bells (2010)

          Looking back on that time
          Starting in the mines
          What it is to be twenty-nine
          When fame sets your life down


          Probably my favorite Broken Bells song. I just find it so instrumentally interesting. And halfway through it essentially turns into an Ennio Morricone song. Seriously.


          Vocals: No falsetto! Haunting but subtle backing vocals.

          Guitar: Nice little guitar intro. Guitar gets all Morriconey midway through.

          Bass: I think the bass part is the reason I enjoy this song so much. So groovy.

          Drums: Programmed, but much more varied and interesting than usual.

          Keys: Lots of synth. Some piano midway through during the Morricone moment. Hell, the horns could go here, too.

          Miscellaneous: This song crossfades into the final song on the album, so it would need to be silenced a bit earlier. Not a huge issue.


          Random Personal Favorite #4:

          After the Disco

          Album: After the Disco (2014)

          How did I get in this winding maze of love?
          And there’s something wrong and it’s sending you
          Round and round ’til we go nowhere


          The title track of their sophomore album. Definitely the most upbeat song I’ve selected by these guys and so damn catchy. Accessible and smart at the same time. Probably one of their most popular songs, and rightfully so.


          Vocals: Gosh, those high notes. Nightmare transitions.

          Guitar: I don’t hear any, unless those noises at the beginning are coming from a guitar… but who cares? These guys aren’t known for their guitar parts anyway.

          Bass: Oh man. Seriously sexy.

          Drums: These drums… might not be programmed. They sound much more alive than usual.

          Keys: Make your hand into a claw and tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap. And sometimes hold down. And sometimes a combination of both. My kind of keyboarding!

          Miscellaneous: Crisp, abrupt ending.


            Hey kids, thought I’d pop in and begin updating this monster again after a few months hiatus. I not infrequently receive compliments on this thread and it seems people enjoy my curated suggestions, so I decided to add a few more artists to the playlist of now-over-200 songs. If wishes were horses… (hey, that’s a chorus of a Larry and His Flask song featured in this thread!).

            “Why bother, Jedi? Like one of these songs has seen the light of day. Scrub.”

            Listen, pal. Wheels are turning behind the scenes and songs from the artists in this thread will see the light of day, one way or another. MrPrezident, in his infinite wisdom and generosity, has offered (without solicitation!) to provide me with tempo maps for five songs. I provided him with a list of ten songs I’d like to see in the database someday. All of those artists are featured in this thread, and seven of the ten songs are as well.

            “Why only seven, Jedi?” you ask. “Don’t you believe in your choices?”

            Of course I do! But when I began this thread, I had no experience with authoring. It was my goal to suggest songs that others would enjoy enough to make into customs their creators would enjoy but I could also enjoy. I often point out that the Obvious Choice™ is not my favorite song, but it’s a combination of the most accessible and/or most instrumentally interesting and/or most catchy, and therefore most likely to actually be made.

            Now that I have the power, I’ve decided to alter my parameters. When it comes to artists with little or no representation, this thread will continue to follow the same rules and standards I’ve had since its inception… but now that I have more skills, abilities, and clout, I will be expanding the selection of artists to include those that actually do have songs in Rock Band, because I actively want to collaborate with artists to chart additional specific songs. Those entries will be specially marked so you know my intentions.

            This is where you come in. I am well-known for collaborating with many different authors (see my vocal contributions thread here) but almost 100% of the time, those songs were not of my choosing; I just latch onto someone else’s project with an offer to pitch in because of our mutual appreciation of an artist. Nothing wrong with that; big things are coming thanks to that tactic. But this thread would continue to bear little fruit if I kept that up. Now I’m asking you to pitch in.


            My goal with these five songs was to almost guarantee people download them by choosing the dad-gum most catchy and varied songs I could. I want to provide Something for Everybody (which is the name of my favorite Devo album, BTW). If these customs prove popular, I might someday see customs by those artists uploaded to the database that I wasn’t involved in creating. That’s my goal. Plant the seeds, reap the rewards later on down the road.

            Prez is providing the tempo maps. I trust his craftsmanship. I will provide the vocals. I also plan on experimenting with bass and keyboard charts, but I can’t guarantee the results or quality of those ventures. I’m looking for people interested in providing guitar, bass, drums, keys, venue work… basically anything but vocals, since I’m a self-proclaimed One-Trick Pony (but trying to change that). What can you provide?

            “I don’t even know what the songs are yet, doofus!”

            …Fair point.

            I chose artists that, without my advocacy, would likely never have songs uploaded to the database. There are many more songs by artists with and without representation in the database that I’m interested in getting turned into customs, but those collaborations are likely to happen “naturally.” As an example, TomGuy and I both love The Gaslight Anthem. He’s an accomplished author with whom I can negotiate and collaborate to accomplish my goals fairly easily. The artists in this thread? Not so much.

            That’s also why I cut artists like Kasabian from my initial wish list. While I love that band, they’ve got two official DLC picks and two customs available. They don’t need a champion… although I already know which Kasabian songs I’d pitch vocals for…. [edit] Okay, okay, I’ll tell you: Days Are Forgotten and Bless This Acid House [/edit]

            A little more info on the choices I made:

            There are nine artists. One artist was requested twice because I love them so much and the songs are so different. No regrets!
            Seven of the artists have no songs in Rock Band or in the customs database, including the artist with which I double-dipped.
            One artist has a song available as official DLC for Rock Band 4.
            One artist has a single drums-only custom in the database.
            One artist has a song available on the Rock Band Network and a custom in the database (with vocals by me!).
            The oldest song is from 1999. The two newest songs are from 2016.
            Two artists are Canadian.
            Three artists are British.
            Four artists are American.
            Four bands feature a female vocalist and another vocalist of either sex.

            So let the guessing begin! Once I have the tempo maps in my hands, I will reveal the songs here. I hope to attract the interest of talented and passionate individuals looking to expand the musical palette of our Rock Band libraries. There’s no point in me making a vocals-only song that only I would enjoy… all that effort for very little payoff. Let’s maximize our efforts by creating songs that many people will enjoy. Thanks for stopping by!


              Cat Stevens


              Background: During and immediately after my college years, there was this shockingly legitimate music service called Ruckus that allowed users to literally download WMA files of almost any artist you could imagine… all you needed was a functioning college email address! I cannot tell you how much underground, rare hip-hop I discovered because of this long-defunct program. But it’s also how I discovered music from the exact opposite side of the spectrum… like tunes from hippie/peacenik Steven Demetre Georgiou, aka Cat Stevens, aka Yusuf Islam. I was overjoyed when I discovered Nunchuck had created a custom of If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out, a song that really encapsulates Stevens’ philosophy. But it’s the only finished (but only vocals and guitar) custom in the database from a man who has songs that are much better known. You know, like the selections below, all of which are Obvious Choices. Enjoy.


              The Party Song:

              Another Saturday Night

              Album: [single] (1974)

              I got in town a month ago
              I’ve seen a lot of girls since then
              If I could meet ’em, I could get ’em
              But as yet I haven’t met ’em
              That’s how I’m in the state I’m in

              A great song about having a whole lotta nuthin’ to do on the weekend. I know it’s a bit silly (and a cover of the 1963 Sam Cooke song), but I put it at the top of this list because it’s just so charming and fun. I consider this the definitive version, which might be blasphemy… sorry! But I think it would be really fun (and ironic) to play it with friends on a Saturday night!


              Vocals: A great melody with lots of backing vocals for your friends to sing… even though the lyrics indicate you have no friends! Irony.

              Guitar: The least interesting instrument featured because everything else is so damn fascinating.

              Bass: I love this bass part. Definitely not repetitive! I can imagine my body moving already as I pluck away at the plastic.

              Drums: Pretty cool! Lots of variety.

              Keys: Is that an pipe organ during the intro? Whatever it is, it’s hilarious and charming. It comes back during the chorus. And that sounds like a trumpet or something similar during the beginning of the final third of the song.

              Miscellaneous: Crisp ending. Key change at at the very end! :haw:


              The Love Song:

              The First Cut is the Deepest

              Album: New Masters (1967)

              I would have given you all of my heart
              But there’s someone who’s torn it apart
              And she’s taken almost all that I’ve got
              But if you want, I’ll try to love again


              A song about one love lost and another love found. Pretty accurate. And fun fact: I’m fairly sure this is the oldest song featured in this entire thread.


              Vocals: Subtle, lovely harmony.

              Guitar: I love that opening guitar picking.

              Bass: Again, subtle, but really interesting. It’ll keep you on your toes, figuratively and maybe literally.

              Drums: I like them.

              Keys: At first I thought nothing would fit here… but then I heard piano about halfway through.

              Miscellaneous: Fades out. Whoopsie.


              The Sad Song:

              Wild World

              Album: Tea for the Tillerman (1970)

              But if you wanna leave, take good care

              Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear

              But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there…


              The Me First and the Gimme Gimmes version this is not. Depending on my mood, I love both. Your mileage may vary.


              Vocals: Only one vocal part, but it’s freaking Cat Stevens singing it so don’t complain.

              Guitar: It’s there and necessary, but it’s not the star of the song.

              Bass: Relaxing.

              Drums: Pretty sparse, but the timing is kind of tricky. Initially I thought I’d be able to drum this successfully, but after listening closely I’m not so sure…

              Keys: Lovely piano. The stand-out instrument of this song.

              Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


              The Hopeful Song:

              Peace Train

              Album: Teaser and the Firecat (1971)

              Now I’ve been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is

              Why must we go on hating? Why can’t we live in bliss?


              Gosh. I’m 15 seconds into this song, listening to describe it for the categories below… and I’m already emotional. This song is special.


              Vocals: Powerful lyrics. Powerful backing vocals. This song is a figurative slap in the face to bigotry and hate. I adore it. Ugh, just got emotional again at the halfway mark. Enough!

              Guitar: Very pretty acoustic chords. The outro sounds tricky.

              Bass: All these bass parts are so underrated. They all sound like a blast!

              Drums: I assume the drums are cool as well, since the bass has proven so neat.

              Keys: Strings? Strings.

              Miscellaneous: Fades out. I described this song as the hopeful song… but it’s a bit depressing it’s been 47 years and we’ve still not pulled into the station… :blush:


                Totally support Broken Bells for RB customs. Holding On for Life is such a great song. I’d also add The High Road to this list.


                  Wishlist Entry – Official DLC and customs already available

                  The Fratellis

                  Songs planned or already in the works:

                  Whistle for the Choir (with grubextrapolate) (Available now! Download here)

                  Impostors (Little by Little) (with DenVaktare) (Available now! Download here)


                  Background: I think I first heard these Scotsmen in 2008 or so when NBC was using Chelsea Dagger (a C3 release) heavily in programming advertisements during commercial breaks while I was watching the television show Chuck. I quickly became a big fan of their first two albums, but then the band… disappeared. Jon Fratelli (above, center) released great solo material during the break (too much to list, but look up his Psycho Jukebox album, much of which I’d be interested in bringing to Rock Band) and some if it is radically different from the sound the band was (and is) known for; in the case of the Codeine Velvet Club side project, everything sounds like it could be the theme to a James Bond movie (listen to

                  if you’re curious). I was ecstatic when the Fratellis reformed and released a new album in 2013, but afraid it wouldn’t be any good… thankfully, it was solid! And the 2015 followup was even better! Another album is slated for release in 2017, so fingers crossed… perhaps by then we’ll have some more Fratellis songs in the database to celebrate the occasion! Below are the songs for which I’m actively searching for collaborators. If you are interested in contributing anything but vocals, contact me.


                  The Charmer:

                  Look Out Sunshine!

                  Album: Here We Stand (2008)

                  Well, there’s no use tellin’ me to leave
                  I’ve seen a half of dozen ghosts but I don’t believe
                  I’m a cynical cunt and I’m much to lazy to change

                  A charming little romp. Most Fratellis lyrics make little sense to me, but I don’t care. Drugs might help.


                  Vocals: The melody and lyrics are the main reason I want to chart this song, but the backing vocals are nice as well.

                  Guitar: Solid stuff. The guitarist gets a bit of attention near the end with a bit of a solo.

                  Bass: Nothing challenging, but it sounds like good fun.

                  Drums: Somewhat slow, but solid.

                  Keys: None that I hear.

                  Miscellaneous: Crisp ending. Plus, what other song has the word cunt in it? Controversy! But it’s okay, they’re Scottish.


                  The Enigma:

                  Acid Jazz Singer

                  Album: Here We Stand (2008)

                  And it’s a-one time, keep it slow
                  Wind ’em up and here we go

                  Something about this song just feels so… nostalgic to me. And I have no idea why. It’s probably my favorite song on the album.


                  Vocals: Another fantastic example of why I think Jon Fratelli is such a compelling and interesting lyricist. All melody, no harmony.

                  Guitar: Shares the stage with the bass and drums. It’s a really cohesive sound.

                  Bass: My kind of bass part. Solid with a bit of flourish thrown in. Makes you move your body.

                  Drums: Solid rock ‘n’ roll.

                  Keys: I think I hear some piano and keys in the mix, but the guitar is the star.

                  Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                  The Banger:

                  Me and the Devil

                  Album: Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied (2015)

                  Call my name when the line goes dead
                  I’ll be fire, I’ll be rain, I’ll be joy, I’ll be dread
                  Come on, baby, don’t be shy
                  All I want is you and I


                  When I saw the band perform live during their 2015 tour, they opened with this song. It was an absolute riot. Everybody was jumping and screaming the chorus. The place exploded at 3:28. It was… religious. This would make for a great party song.


                  Vocals: Pretty repetitive. Think of it as a mantra.

                  Guitar: Subtle and sparse, but a beautiful whining.

                  Bass: It sounds simplistic, but it is a driving force in the song.

                  Drums: Steady as she goes.

                  Keys: Lots of pretty piano.

                  Miscellaneous: A boring ending that could be truncated.


                    Wishlist Entry – Official DLC and customs already available

                    The Presidents of the United States of America

                    Songs planned or already in the works:



                    Background: When I was a kid, Lump was that song that was always on the radio… and I didn’t mind at all. Something about it was so cooool. Plus, Weird Al parodied it, furthering my fascination. This was also the era of the BMG Music Club. You know… “Get 12 CDs for the price of one!” So of course I had to have this album, even though I only knew one song. In retrospect, that debut is iconic and it’s well-represented in the database; fingers crossed that other authors will eventually finish the whole damn thing. And rightfully so! Initially I thought of putting We’re Not Going to Make It, Body, Back Porch, and Naked and Famous on this list… but that’s almost the entire album and everybody knows those songs (or should!). So I thought I’d go with some lesser known but just-as-good-if-not-better jams from after their debut. Lead signer Chris Ballew (above, left) is one of my favorite lyricists because he’s just so creative and unique. Ladybug is one of my favorite songs of all time and I can’t thank Harmonix enough for releasing it as official DLC. But there are still so many other PUSA songs I’d love to have in my library. Below are the songs for which I’m actively searching for collaborators. If you are interested in contributing anything but vocals, contact me. Note: I’m not going to sort out which instrument is basitar and which is guitbass, but you’ve played Lump in Rock Band 2, so imagine it like that.


                    The Song about Forbidden Love:

                    So Lo So Hi

                    Available now! Download here

                    Album: These Are The Good Times People (2008)

                    When we talk, I blow bubbles
                    We meet up in puddles
                    You pour me pond water and I sip it like champagne


                    It’s well-known 90% of PUSA songs are about animals and insects. This song is no exception, except for the fact that it focuses on inter-species relationships.


                    Vocals: It’s the light-hearted/gut-wrenching story of forbidden love and the lengths to which a bird and a fish will go to be with each other, with a gorgeous melody and harmony at the end.

                    Guitar: This has a more traditional guitar and bass part to it. The guitar at the beginning sounds really fun!

                    Bass: Move that body.

                    Drums: Standard PUSA rock ‘n’ roll drumming. Should be fun.

                    Keys: Xylophone! Adorable.

                    Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                    The Song about Stolen Love:

                    Some Postman

                    Album: Love Everybody (2004)

                    Holding onto a package meant for a distant lover
                    Thought it would be there overnight
                    She waits and she cries and she thinks he does not love her
                    The postman holds on oh-so-tight

                    Something about this song just feels so… nostalgic to me. And I have no idea why. It’s probably my favorite song on the album.


                    Vocals: A simple melody with fun backing vocals.

                    Basitar/guitbass: There might be… two guitars in this song and a bass? I can’t never tell with these guys and their wacky instruments. Either way, something(s?) is guitar-like and something is bass-like, so it’s possible to sort out which part should go which.

                    Guitbass/basitar: See above.

                    Drums: A somewhat different style than the other choices, but it’s still rock ‘n’ roll to me. Pretty intense.

                    Keys: None.

                    Miscellaneous: Crisp, abrupt ending.


                    The Song about Universal Love:

                    Love Everybody

                    Album: Love Everybody (2004)

                    You gotta love everybody

                    Make ’em feel good about themselves


                    Sort of a hippie anthem with an alternative rock sound. It’s not my favorite PUSA song and nowhere near their best, but it’s such stupid fun and a good fit for Rock Band.


                    Vocals: Bizarre rapid fire melody, fun backing vocals for groups.

                    Basitar/guitbass: A discernible guitar-like part here, which is pretty bad-ass.

                    Guitbass/basitar: It’s also possible to pick out the bass part, which is also pretty bad-ass.

                    Drums: A somewhat different style than the other choices, but it’s still rock ‘n’ roll to me. Pretty intense.

                    Keys: None.

                    Miscellaneous: Crisp, abrupt ending.


                    The Song about Lost Love:

                    Poor Turtle

                    Album: These Are The Good Times People (2008)

                    And his darkness won’t turn to day
                    He’s shut tight in his hard shell case
                    I still don’t know if he was a guitar or bass
                    But we made music together


                    Well, it’s not about a real turtle, but Chris Ballew’s lost basitar, stolen from his rental truck and sold to a pawn shop. It’s strangely upbeat and somber simultaneously. Sidenote: I really believe this album is just as good as their debut. Give it a listen if you’re a fan of the band and haven’t given this record a spin.


                    Vocals: Another great story with a gorgeous melody and harmony at the end.

                    Basitar/guitbass: Bad-ass electric chords for the most part.

                    Guitbass/basitar: Driving and groovy.

                    Drums: Standard PUSA rock ‘n’ roll drumming. Should be fun.

                    Keys: None.

                    Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                      Wishlist Entry – C3 customs already available

                      Mother Mother

                      Songs planned or already in the works:



                      Background: Let me start by saying if you haven’t played the four available Mother Mother customs available in the database, you are doing yourself an extreme disservice. To those involved in bringing those customs to life: thank you. I think I’ve played them more than any other customs in my library (and probably more than some of the official DLC and on-disc tracks as well!). This Canadian group is one of the most unique, varied, and best bands I’ve ever heard. I adore and worship their entire catalogue, so choosing only four songs to include in this post is gut-wrenching. I’d be interested in bringing almost any of their songs to Rock Band, but, of course, I have my preferences. Below are the songs for which I’m actively searching for collaborators. If you are interested in contributing anything but vocals, contact me. P.S. I am very sorry I couldn’t include a track from their sort-of debut album, 2007’s Touch Up. It’s just as good as everything else in their catalogue. 2011’s Eureka has two customs in the database but no desired additions below. Don’t take that as an insult; it’s still a fantastic record. Six albums deep and they haven’t missed a beat.


                      The Existential One:


                      Available now! Download here

                      Album: The Sticks (2012)

                      And did you know that when you really get close
                      Nothing really touches, bro, it just kind of floats?
                      So when you think it might just come to blows
                      Just so you know, it won’t, cause it can’t, bro


                      A catchy science-based reflection on existence. One of the favorites of my favorite favorites.


                      Vocals: Vocals really are the star of this song, moreso than usual. Gotta pitch those gasps. …Okay, maybe not.

                      Guitar: Guitar does its thing and rarely comes to center stage, but is an integral part of the arrangement.

                      Bass: It’s there. Nothing spectacular.

                      Drums: Standard stuff.

                      Keys: Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap…

                      Miscellaneous: Crisp and unique ending.


                      The Evil One:

                      Reaper Man

                      Album: Very Good Bad Thing (2014)

                      Fuck yeah, I’m a deviant
                      When I go to the store, I go undressed
                      Oh yeah, I’m a sexy mess
                      Go on the date just to get the dress off…


                      One of the most intriguing, deviant songs I’ve ever heard. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to it. …Well, actually, I can. At least 53 (which, for me, is astronomically high, since I listen to entire albums and not singles). Thanks, last.fm!


                      Vocals: This man is one of my favorite singers, period. But listening to him wouldn’t be half as wonderful without his two backup singers that sound simultaneously like angels and devils.

                      Guitar: Spooky.

                      Bass: Droning and spooky. It almost sounds aquatic.

                      Drums: I want to drum this song because it sounds pretty simple and like you need to hit things really hard.

                      Keys: Dreamy synthesizer.

                      Miscellaneous: Crisp, creepy ending.


                      The Spookier Than Usual One:

                      Body of Years

                      Album: O My Heart (2008)

                      Get my foot in the door
                      And my face on the page
                      Make my mark in the world
                      With a bat and a blade


                      Two customs from this album are available in the database. This one is worthy of joining them and creating an album header in Rock Band libraries everywhere. Have we established that Mother Mother is very, very subversive yet? No? Well, here’s some more evidence.


                      Vocals: Utterly macabre, yet delightful because of the backup singers.

                      Guitar: Multiple guitars to choose from– all awesome. Especially the ending solo.

                      Bass: A driving bass part.

                      Drums: Standard stuff.

                      Keys: Pretty piano in places. Heavy synth throughout.

                      Miscellaneous: Adorable interlude midway through. Crisp, abrupt ending.


                      The Persecuted One:

                      Back in School

                      Available now! Download here

                      Album: No Culture (2017)

                      I gave an apple to my playground crush
                      She told me that the apple wasn’t bad enough, aw shucks…
                      So young to be so cruel


                      Do most people look back at their experience in high school as if the place was a prison? Mother Mother does.


                      Vocals: More great layered vocals and harmonies from Mother Mother, but this time it includes adorable yelling children!

                      Guitar: A combination of steady strumming and bad-ass picking.

                      Bass: A force to be reckoned with.

                      Drums: Simple but nonetheless hard-hitting drums.

                      Keys: Heavy use of keys because that’s what the band does.

                      Miscellaneous: You can’t teach soul. Crisp ending featuring vocals.


                        Wishlist Entry – Official DLC and customs already available



                        Songs planned or already in the works:



                        Background: How does one categorize Kasabian? Alternative rock? Punk? Psychedelia? Trance? Whatever they are, I love them. While the two Harmonix-released songs are Obvious Choice caliber, the customs in the database, while no doubt good tunes, are really surprising choices when there are so many other songs that are better known (if not simply better, too). Like what? Like these. Below are the songs for which I’m actively searching for collaborators. If you are interested in contributing anything but vocals, contact me. With a significant six albums under their belts, I’ve had to leave off many tracks that would be great to chart, but these are some of my favorites.


                        The Confidence Builder:

                        Days Are Forgotten

                        Available now! Download here

                        Album: Velociraptor! (2011)

                        You say I’m old hat

                        A fuckin’ dirty rat
                        Call me a cliché

                        How right you are


                        The word swagger comes to mind when I hear this song. You’ve gotta have confidence to open a track with vocals like that. I have fond memories of singing along during the chorus when seeing them in 2012. So much energy… almost ritualistic and tribal.


                        Vocals: Aggressive talk-singing? Check. Soaring chorus? Check. Screeching eagles and monkey brains? Check.

                        Guitar: Full of swagger. Hope those fingers are limber. C-c-c-combo breaker.

                        Bass: Standard stuff.

                        Drums: Solid.

                        Keys: Something is probably going on here, but I’m unsure.

                        Miscellaneous: Gosh, even I have no interest in charting whatever …singing that is as the song fades out.


                        The Punk in Disguise:

                        Where Did All the Love Go?

                        Album: West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum (2009)

                        The rivers on the pavement are flowing now with blood
                        The children of the future are drowning in the flood


                        My favorite song from my favorite album. Punk lyrics in psychedelic rock. Awesome.


                        Vocals: I love punk music, so the lyrics are the star for me with this one. But I do enjoy the melody and backing vocals very much.

                        Guitar: Sparse.

                        Bass: Subtle but very interesting! I’d love to play this.

                        Drums: A workout. And some bongos.

                        Keys: The strings are the stand-out instrument here. Angelic.

                        Miscellaneous: Abrupt ending which sounds cut off, even though it actually doesn’t transition into the next track. Is it possible to chart jawbone?


                        The Fan Favorite:

                        L.S.F. (Lost Souls Forever)

                        Album: Kasabian (2004)

                        Come on
                        We got our backs to the wall
                        Watch out
                        Before you kill us all


                        I’m actually shocked this track wasn’t official DLC or “at least” released as a custom. The lyrics are somewhat punk and contrast well with the dreamy soundscape. This one is immensely popular with fans, myself included.


                        Vocals: Primal moaning backing vocals.

                        Guitar: This is a fairly electronic song, but I think a guitar is making a noise somewhere. I hear it during the chorus, but it’s sparse elsewhere.

                        Bass: Sounds fun to me.

                        Drums: Standard stuff.

                        Keys: Something is making a melodic noise that could go here, especially noticeable during the opening and continuing throughout.

                        Miscellaneous: Abrupt ending.


                        The Latest and Greatest:

                        Bless This Acid House

                        Album: For Crying Out Loud (2017)

                        You know we change for the better
                        I said it’s easy to remember
                        All we will ever need is right where we are


                        Tell me this isn’t one of the catchier songs you’ve heard recently. I can’t get the damn thing out of my head. I’m a sucker for positive (but not corny) anthems like this. *swoon*


                        Vocals: Great group vocals. The star of the show. This would be a blast.

                        Guitar: I’d say the primary instruments are the vocalists, but the guitar is a close second.

                        Bass: Standard.

                        Drums: Keepin’ the beat.

                        Keys: Something fits here. I thought I heard some subtle piano.

                        Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                          Wishlist Entry – Customs already available

                          Soul Asylum


                          Songs planned or already in the works:

                          Runaway Train (Available now! Download here)

                          Misery (Available now! Download here)

                          Background: This entry is long overdue. Soul Asylum is one of my favorite bands and Dave Pirner (above, with the hair) one of my favorite lyricists, but I never added them nor him to this thread because Black Gold is already available in the database from Nunchuck and Sygenysis, along with a guitar-only custom of Runaway Train. I thought I’d highlight a few of my absolute favorite Soul Asylum jams here for your listening pleasure. It’s just a shame I have to leave so, so many out, so I apologize in advance to the fans offended by my selections! I’m aiming for the lesser known or completely unknown here. It’s also a shame I couldn’t highlight any gems from Dave’s solo album from 2002, but don’t worry; I’ll drop many breadcrumbs throughout the post linking to many more wonderful Soul Asylum songs as compensation… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                          The Song Better than Runaway Train:

                          Closer to the Stars (live)

                          Available now! Download here

                          Album: While You Were Out (1986)

                          Caterpillar crawling up the big phone pole
                          Is there somebody that you want to talk to?

                          You know that pretty soon you’ll be able to fly
                          How is this going to affect you?


                          Upon hearing the opening lyrics to this song, I was hooked. Captivated. Enthralled. The live version embedded above was recorded in Toronto in 1995 and can be found on their greatest hits album entitled Black Gold. I insist that if this song ever becomes a custom, it’s this live version that is used. It is… sublime. That isn’t to imply the album version is bad… it’s just so different and doesn’t fit with the lyrics compared to the live version. It’s like Dave realized nine years after he recorded the song what it should sound like. And I’m glad he did! He also breathed new life into Stranger during the same concert. Mind-blowing.


                          Vocals: Dave Pirner at his finest, both vocally and lyrically.

                          Guitar: Acoustic and gorgeous.

                          Bass: Bass and drums finally make their entrance a minute into the song, but it’s worth the wait.

                          Drums: If I could drum, it would be like this. A moderate pace with plenty of bad-ass soul to spread around.

                          Keys: Beautiful, beautiful organ. I melt.

                          Miscellaneous: Luckily, this live recording is top quality. Ends with some audience applause (well-deserved!), but no big deal.


                          The Outhouse Introspection:

                          Just Like Anyone

                          Album: Let Your Dim Light Shine (1995)

                          She reaches through the darkness
                          Her fingers touch the porcelain seat
                          She spins and pulls her pants down
                          The cold air holds her like a thief


                          More genius lyrics from Dave freaking Pirner. I can’t be the only person to hold this guy in such high esteem, can I? I can’t. I just can’t.


                          Vocals: I never imagined a song about using the toilet could be so introspective and philosophical. See!? He’s a genius.

                          Guitar: Every instrument is bad-ass in this song, so I don’t know what else to tell you. You will feel like a rock star.

                          Bass: Bad-ass, duh.

                          Drums: A rockin’, bad-ass good time. Makes my brain hurt.

                          Keys: None.

                          Miscellaneous: Fades out.


                          The Demonstration:


                          Album: The Silver Lining (2006)

                          Just a couple more breaths of oxygen will do
                          But it’s a couple more bills and a couple more pills
                          And a couple more– oh, why do you do those things you do?!


                          One of Soul Asylum’s most bad-ass tunes, and that’s saying something, especially considering it came out well after their heyday. Everything just comes together so well to create a… an experience. This album is the last to feature original bassist Karl Mueller, who played on most of the tracks as he was dying from cancer, hence the album’s title. And it features the hidden (and rare) track Fearless Leader, another absolutely incredible example of Pirner’s songwriting abilities and one of my favorite songs by him and the band.


                          Vocals: This song is less about Pirner’s writing and more about the delivery. The man can be an animal when it’s warranted. And those backing vocals almost make this an anthem.

                          Guitar: Every instrument is an important part of the overall sound, but the guitar is particularly impressive.

                          Bass: Probably the least important and least bad-ass, but somebody had to come in last.

                          Drums: Big. Big, big, big! I love it!

                          Keys: Unlike actual oxygen… who needs ’em?

                          Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                          The Most Bad-ass Song You’ve Never Heard:

                          April Fool

                          Available now! Download here

                          Album: Grave Dancers Union (1992)

                          Night drivin’ without headlights
                          Wearin’ sunglasses, too
                          Lookin’ good but sure don’t feel right
                          Anything to be cool


                          Remember how I just described Oxygen as one of Soul Asylum’s most bad-ass tunes? One of. Well, April Fool is the absolute most bad-ass. I swear it. Press play.


                          Vocals: Charting these vocals would be interesting, to say the least. Gosh, Dave. If you aren’t under the influence of something… well, that goes against the lyrics, so I’m sure you are.

                          Guitar: That riff. Man alive.

                          Bass: Like the exhaust pipe on a dragster.

                          Drums: I suddenly feel so… aggressive. JEDI SMASH.

                          Keys: Unnecessary because I don’t know if keys can be bad-ass enough for such an arrangement.

                          Miscellaneous: Abrupt ending.


                            Wishlist Entry – Official DLC already available

                            Social Distortion


                            Songs planned or already in the works:


                            Background: I always find it a bit incredible when I’m reminded that Social Distortion has been around since the early ’80s. I never knew of them until their 2004 album began making the rounds on radio waves. I was instantly attracted to the, uh, interesting voice of lead singer and songwriter Mike Ness (above, center left). Since then I’ve become a fan (especially of their ’90s material) and had the pleasure to see a rough lookin’ Ness perform with the latest iteration of the band around 2012. Eventually he’ll become an anthropomorphized tattoo, but until then, let’s enjoy what aches from his throat. Harmonix has been generous enough to give us one on-disc and three downloadable songs, but only a single custom (a conversion from Guitar Hero) has graced the database thus far. Here’s hoping that’ll change! P.S. Apologies for leaving out certain Obvious Choices and fan favorites. I thought Prison Bound was simply too depressing to include. :crying:


                            The Triumphant Return:

                            Reach for the Sky

                            Album: Sex, Love and Rock ‘n’ Roll (2004)

                            So, if you please, take this moment
                            Try if you can to make it last
                            Don’t think about no future
                            And just forget about the past
                            And make it last


                            I still vividly remember when this song came out. My local alternative rock radio station played the hell out of it and I can’t blame ’em. Social D still had it, they said (at this point in my life, I had no basis of comparison). And this song still holds up! I’m a bit surprised that, of the three Harmonix releases, this wasn’t one of them. Maybe I’m being biased, but this song (beyond Mike’s voice) has a very Offspring vibe to it.


                            Vocals: Almost inspirational lyrics, which, for Mike Ness, I’d call a departure.

                            Guitar: At this point, I’d call it classic. So many neat little sections, too. Would be a blast!

                            Bass: Nothing special, but by no means boring.

                            Drums: I’m sweating just listening to it.

                            Keys: None.

                            Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                            The Change of Pace:

                            When She Begins

                            Album: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell (1992)

                            Well, minutes seemed like hours
                            And days seemed like weeks
                            How could a year last so fucking long?!


                            One of my favorites because it’s a love song and it sounds upbeat… definitely a bit different for Social D! I’m bouncing in my chair just writing this entry!


                            Vocals: I love the falsetto!

                            Guitar: If you’re familiar with Social D, you know what to expect.

                            Bass: See above. That little part around 3:30 is so adorable.

                            Drums: See above. Yeah.

                            Keys: Nope.

                            Miscellaneous: Mini Big Rock Ending, maybe?


                            The Return to Form:

                            Don’t Drag Me Down

                            Album: White Light, White Heat, White Trash (1996)

                            You’re eighteen, wanna be a man
                            Your granddaddy’s in the Ku Klux Klan
                            Takin’ two steps forward and four steps back
                            Gonna go to the White House and paint it black!


                            Time to get the adrenaline pumpin’. Social D sure knows how to rock when Ness isn’t moping about feeling sorry for himself. A fine example of why the band is often heralded as punk legends.


                            Vocals: Tortured Mike Ness vocals with backing harmony. So, the usual fare, except for the very punk lyrics.

                            Guitar: Is James Avery playing guitar? Because that guy sure is a shredder. Man oh man, this sounds fun. And difficult.

                            Bass: In a word… driving.

                            Drums: Seriously… it just sounds like so much work.

                            Keys: Of course not.

                            Miscellaneous: Big Rock Ending!


                            The Same Old Song:

                            Ball and Chain

                            Album: Social Distortion (1990)

                            Well, I sit and I pray
                            In my broken down Chevrolet
                            While I’m singin’ to myself
                            There’s got to be another way


                            Look, I’ll be the first to admit that so many Social Distortion songs are thematically similar. You know: Life sucks, so many regrets, I messed up, etc. But Ball and Chain still holds a special place in my heart, even if we’ve already got Bad Luck, Story of My Life, and I Was Wrong in our libraries. These songs are also the reason I didn’t include Born to Lose in this entry, even though I do love it.


                            Vocals: Something about the way Ness sings this is just… I don’t know. Genuine. I can feel his pain. And they’re amplified by the moaning backing vocals.

                            Guitar: The soul in this… *swoon*

                            Bass: Relaxing compared to the selections above.

                            Drums: Also comparatively relaxing.

                            Keys: No.

                            Miscellaneous: Big Rock Ending!?


                              The original post has received a significant update to provide links to all of the customs I’ve managed to get published in the past year with the help of this fantastic and generous community. I’m also patting myself on the back for following through and getting shit done. When I created this post over a year ago, it was to suggest songs that I thought would be enjoyed not only by myself but by the entire community, or at least a large portion of it. Frankly, I feel pretty damn proud of what I’ve done so far. If you will it, it is no dream. Remember that, aspiring authors! If I could go from providing rudimentary vocal corrections for other authors to bringing my dream songs to Rock Band, you can, too!


                              I’ve also gone through and repaired broken image links and provided links to the customs published in the past year in the artists original featured post. I might make more edits to bring those posts into my modern standard, like providing a lyric snippet under the music video, but that’s in the future. I may also add a few new artists to the original post at some point. But I’ve covered many of my favorite bands already, and there’s so much more work to be done. Plus, now I can get the wheels moving behind the scenes without posting here. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                              That being said, this thread is still here to serve its original purpose: get awesome songs into the game. If any authors here see something they fancy and want to work together to bring it to life, you know how to reach me (if you don’t, that’s via the private messenger in the top right corner of this page!). But now that I’m able to do a lot of the custom creation work by myself, the content of the songs featured here might change a bit in the future. For example, I went back and added Furr to the Blitzen Trapper post because, hey, an opening that is 75 seconds of just guitar and vocals doesn’t bother me if I’m the one charting it. So expect more personal favorites to be listed here, since I can do some of the heavy lifting myself.


                              Many thanks to all of the authors who have helped make my Rock Band dreams come true! They know who they are. And if you don’t, dear reader, they’re always listed in the database entries of anything I publish.


                              Thanks as well to the community for downloading, following, liking, and posting comments on my customs. It’s definitely a form of gratification and motivation for me. I’m only human, after all. It makes the many hours of work I put into these projects worth it.




                                Wishlist Entry – Official DLC already available



                                Songs planned or already in the works:


                                Background: I love Jack White. I love Brendan Benson, who has his own suggestions post. So why wouldn’t I love the Raconteurs? It’s the best of both worlds. They only ever released two albums, but both are fantastic if you like either of the artists on their own. Harmonix gave us three songs as DLC by the band, and Guitar Hero gave us two more (available in the database), but no true custom has ever been released featuring them. I hope to change that. And here’s hoping they reunite for a third album in the future, even though it’s been a decade since their last release…


                                Personal Favorite #1:


                                Album: Broken Boy Soldiers (2006)

                                Oh well, how can I see the road
                                If I’m lookin’ at the signs?
                                I’m carrying a load
                                And steppin’ out of line


                                Maybe not the best pick for Rock Band, but hey, now that I can make custom songs, here we are. Deal with it. :cool:


                                Vocals: I love the back and forth vocals and the occasional falsetto. I want to chart these vocals!

                                Guitar: Pretty bad-ass, as you’d expect.

                                Bass: Nothing to shout about.

                                Drums: Sounds basic to me.

                                Keys: Nope.

                                Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                                Personal Favorite #2:

                                Carolina Drama

                                Album: Consolers of the Lonely (2008)

                                Well, now you heard another side to the story
                                But you wanna know how it ends?
                                If you must know the truth about the tale
                                Go an’ ask the milkman…


                                I’m actually surprised nobody has released this one. Definitely a fan favorite, for good reason! It honestly makes me emotional listening to it. Yikes.


                                Vocals: A fantastic story, with haunting backing vocals between the verses.

                                Guitar: Pretty subtle at times.

                                Bass: Vocals are the star, but bass sounds fun at times!

                                Drums: You know I have no opinion.

                                Keys: Haunting piano.

                                Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.


                                Personal Favorite #3:

                                These Stones Will Shout

                                Album: Consolers of the Lonely (2008)

                                I feel compelled to just yell out for you
                                To say the words that you can’t bring out
                                But I cannot do everything for you
                                And if I don’t then these stones will shout


                                It’s gentle and it rocks. The best of both worlds again. Benson and White are a winning combination.


                                Vocals: The harmonies are beautiful. I want to chart them, dammit!

                                Guitar: An awesome guitar part that sounds really fun!

                                Bass: Bass and drums don’t really appear until like halfway through the song. Oh well!

                                Drums: You’ll spend three fifths of this song sitting around doing nothing. Sorry!

                                Keys: Nope.

                                Miscellaneous: Crisp ending.

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