No Album Name in game

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      So the album name is Strawberries and Cream. I put in magma but when it gets in game it just shows up under the artist name. I have another song in the same album and it’s doing the same thing. Is the Album name just too long, or am I missing something? It’s definately ticked in magma and numbered correctly in track order.


        Do you mean that it isn’t placing the song under the name of the album in the song list? You need at least three songs from the same album for it to do that. Otherwise I’m positive that it isn’t too long, I have songs with way longer album names. I don’t recall d2b Live Bootleg “d2b GiGs ~Live at 0503~” causing any problems for example.


          I thought it would have been at least 2 songs. I guess I’ll find out once I finish another from that one XD


          I thought it would have been at least 2 songs. I guess I’ll find out once I finish another from that one XD

          I’m confident two tracks from one album are the requirement for Rock Band 2, but it was changed to three for Rock Band 3. For some folks, that was a reason to want at least a three pack from one album when their favorite artist was finally confirmed as DLC, or want another song from a certain album, to have the album show up in game.


            You need 3 songs for an album to trigger grouping.


            What does the DTA show? That album shouldn’t be too long. I’m pretty sure there are some longer ones in official DLC

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