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  • #388622

    Some Nightwish/Infected Mushroom?

    Long time Rock Band players here, played with my family since a month after the first one came out. We played almost daily until about 2 months after Rock Band 3 came out, and we haven’t played since. The past couple months some friends and I have been playing, and I quickly learned of Customs and have spent time scouring the internet for customs to play with my friends. I’ve got about 600 right now, with 3-400 more ready to go. I would love to see some more Nightwish, I’ve got the 2 songs I could find, Nemo and Amaranth. As far as I can tell there aren’t really any more.


    Some of the songs I would love to see on their, and I’m sure some will agree (listen on youtube if you like)

    The Islander

    Pretty much anything off the Imaginaerum Album


    Bye Bye beautiful

    and well, pretty much any of their stuff is amazing!

    Some Infected Mushroom would be fun as well, especially Killing Time.

    When I get my computer repaired/replaced I want to try and learn how to chart. Until then, this would make my month.


    If you don’t know who Nightwish are, they are an opera/symphonic metal band from Finland, similar to Amberian Dawn. I don’t know exactly what got them into the spotlight stateside — I think it was a cross between Roadrunner distributing their albums in the USA and the “Nemo” single in 2004, but I was listening to them in 2003, their previous album “Century Child.” I would mostly like to request the 2000 song “Wishmaster” with their original vocalist, and for one with the new vocalist, “I Want My Tears Back” from the newest album.


    Nightwish peaked at #9 on the Facebook Rockband song request app, and Harmonix released one song by them, “Amaranth,” but it’s not a good one and it’s pretty much at the bottom of everybody’s list. They could have done worse, maybe, but there’s at least a hundred ways they could have done better. It was basically a copout to pacify a group of fans Harmonix underestimated, and I was hoping we would get more Nightwish, either via customs or RBN.


      I’m a big fan of anything that allows me to release a misheard lyrics variant vocal chart.


        we already have Nemo done on my request but not released through C3. you can find it at my thread on <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Man, Planet Hell would be epic. Also their newest album has quite a few good songs on it too. More Nightwish would be awesome.


          Good songs to have at rb!


          <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Hey all, first time poster but long time lurker.

          LOVE the fantastic job being done here.


          If there’s one thing that RB needs it’s more Nightwish.


          In all honesty, I’d be happy with just Phantom of the Opera, but if someone got motivated to make the entire Century Child album I wouldn’t complain <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

          Now I did see a two year old post from nemo on a youtube vid I found of someone playing Phantom of the Opera (FoF version) so I’m hoping the dream of making it a reality in RB3 is still alive.


          I did find the entire album on the Frets on Fire forums, so I have .ogg and midi files for all the tracks, but I couldn’t figure out how to convert it to RB3 format (looked at some tutorials but soon got confused)


          Oh, I did track down a RB3 version of End of All Hope, but haven’t had a chance to try it out yet.


          I would personally love to see this since i do own the album. Nightwish has been one of my most desired bands in Rock band for a long time out of all the songs i would love to see on Rock band for nightwish would be Bless the Child,Ghost Love Score, and Over the Hills and Far Away. where did you find the RB3 End of all hope would definitly love to have that.


          To all Gods of song creations



          Please please please make more Nightwish songs – I for one would be ever so grateful.

          Especially Planet Hell….


          Oh and also, if anyone makes my song “Touching things is fun (the winky song)”



          You would get great kudos.


          Sacrament of Wilderness

          She Is My Sin

          Bless the Child

          Ever Dream

          Dark Chest of Wonders

          Ghost Love Score


          All the Imaginaerum album :dance:


          Dark Chest of Wonders is amazing.


          Great live too !


          Wouldn’t mind seeing the guys with more charts. I’ve enjoyed playing drums on Amaranth <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Dead To The World

          End Of All Hope (I’ve played the Phase Shift version, not sure if RB3CON exists though)

          Where Were You Last Night

          Phantom Of The Opera

          The Kinslayer

          The Wayfayer


          End of All Hope,Bye Bye Beautiful and Over the Hills and Far Away have only-expert playable cons someone converted long time ago.I posted the links on the “More customs from around the web” thread started by TrojanNemo.

          The links are on page 5,in case you didn’t notice <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> .Also,in the thread of Bsbloom you can find Dark Passion Play and Angels Fall First full albums-Fof converted(only Guitar and Drums).He is planning to convert every Nightwish album(except Imaginaerum,He didn’t mention it)So take a look at his thread,you don’t regret <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> .


          I play my customs on the Wii and so can’t use these ones – I can only run C3 converted official releases. Unless someone can point me to complete and playable wii version of any Nightwish album.


          Thanks though Malignoo.

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