New error i encountered while making my 3rd custom dealing with vocal phrases that I don’t know how to fix

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  • #396359

    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (HARM2): Vocal note [________] at [_____] is outside any phrases


    So obviously the _______ means the time in the MIDI it says its occurring at but i left it blank because its a paragraph of errors like this saying basically all my MIDI notes are outside any phrase markers.


    I did find someone else on here encountering the same error at


    Where Farottone tells him to check his phrase markers in HARM1 and HARM2 which I did and both cover all notes in a single breath. The user said he revised them which i also tried by making them shorter, longer you name it and if I make a phrase marker that just covers the entire song yes the error disappears and gets created in a CON file just fine, but most of all my lyrics disappear some appear on the screen just not all of them obviously not what I want but also baffles me because all my lyrics are placed correctly else wise it’d give me a miss aligned error. Right?


    Here’s what I’ve tried other than what I stated above on my own is deleting a single notes in a phrase that means lyrics and all just in a single phrase and re-doing them to see if it clears up the error at the earliest time that this error occurs which it doesn’t and i really dont got any other ideas other then to delete the lyrics within a phrase and re-do them and aligning them again, but i highly doubt that’ll do anything either


    Farottone recommends to the user to post his project on here so he can take a look which the user never did, and really I wouldn’t know how to go about posting my project on here either if someone can tell me how. Or at least how to go about clearing up the error possibly without re-doing the entire song if possible ha ha


      You get that error if the Harm2 phrase marker is longer than the corresponding phrase marker in vocals. Check that.


      All notes in HARM2 and HARM3 need to be covered under the phrase markers in HARM1 and all notes in HARM3 also need to be covered under the phrase markers in HARM2. VOCALS is separate from these.


      As Whizzer said i just needed to add phrase markers in HARM1 that covered the parts in HARM2 even if there are no MIDI notes in the phrase for HARM1 and it cleared it all up and my song is up and working just fine on my xbox thank you so much. Its still weird when I just now encounter this error with this being the 3rd custom I have made so far <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> but again thank you

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