(Nearly) Unlimited ‘game_origin’ categories for TU4

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  • #514254

      I found a way to batch change the game origin of several songs. This is the most inefficient method but take the least amount of manual work. Just a lot of processing time.


      If all the songs you want to change are already in a pack together, you can skip step one.


      1. Create a pack with all the songs you want to change, in it.

      2. Use quick dta editor on the pack you just created

      3. Assuming you have notepad++ to handle .dta, hit Ctrl + H to open up find and replace



      5. Replace all. Of course if some of your files are formatted differently, it will have trouble finding all songs. There is ways around this using regular expression but I just wanted to get the rough outline out here.

      6. Save file and close out notepad++

      7. Wait for quick dta to replace your old dta with the one you just edited.

      8. Your new pack now has all the game origins changed.



      This method is really really slow. I’m hoping there is a faster way I am overlooking. If you didn’t already have your songs in a pack, you would have to create it, which takes a while, then use the quick dta editor, which takes a while because it has to make a copy of your pack before it lets you edit the dta, then it basically has to repack your entire pack. And finally, if you really didn’t want them in a pack, you would have to depack them to put them back in their original forms.


        As some of us have discussed, you do know that you can manually change the genre to any text that you want. Then simply filter by genre and it basically accomplishes the same thing.


        don’t get me wrong, I hope you find more info about this because it’s always nice to have more than 1 option for sorting/filtering.


        I actually didn’t know that. It would work just fine I suppose, as long as you didn’t use your genre category for anything.


          Unsure if this is the same on 360/PS3, but I just discovered on Wii that literally any text can go in the game_origin area and display just fine. I don’t see why this wouldn’t also work on other platforms unless I’m missing something here.

          I tried that already and it doesn’t work. This post shows it working, but it is on Title Update 3



            Also, please make sure you actually try and play the song, not that it just appears sorted correctly. Many have reported that venues break, or songs won’t play at all when altering the origins


              I booted up my song just to see if it played and didn’t freeze. It seemed to work fine but I didn’t go through the whole song to look for animation or venue changes.


              Ok so here’s the thing. Changing the origin from ‘ugc_plus’ completely ruins the venue. It will do exactly the same thing as it does when you select keys on wii/dolphin. So please, while being a niche feature, it shouldn’t be messed with right now and definitely not en masse.

              Genre on the other hand, that seems to have no consequences so far. I am going to be doing extensive testing of the matter but the field does seem to take a generic string and any of the ones listed above. But do not go changing them right away. Like the source thing, it might have consequences to changing the genre.

              Wii/Dophin are on an older version of the game where the source took a string instead of a predefined one. This is no longer the case as of TU3 (as I’ve heard).


                Maybe there can be a way to double up on the source. For instance, I have a RBN song that I actually bought from the store some years back. Looking into the contents of this song I found these lines in the dta


                (‘game_origin’ ‘rb2’)
                (‘ugc’ 1)


                The bottom line is just stating that the statement of whether it is a ugc song is true. I’m not sure why it is structured this way but maybe where it shows up can be changed without messing around with the ‘ugc_plus’ line.

                The Other Side

                  Does any of this have a connection to the RB1 tempo map check?


                    Does any of this have a connection to the RB1 tempo map check?

                    Not that I am aware of.


                    Maybe there can be a way to double up on the source. For instance, I have a RBN song that I actually bought from the store some years back. Looking into the contents of this song I found these lines in the dta


                    (‘game_origin’ ‘rb2’)

                    (‘ugc’ 1)


                    The bottom line is just stating that the statement of whether it is a ugc song is true. I’m not sure why it is structured this way but maybe where it shows up can be changed without messing around with the ‘ugc_plus’ line.

                    This was only the case for RBN1. RBN2 only uses the one line. They probably didn’t want to have to recode the origin stuff in RB2 so they just checked for that flag to change the source to RBN.


                      I also noticed that in that file with all of the codes, there was actually no instance of ‘ugc_plus’ found anywhere.


                      So thanks to Fat Halpert, I tested a custom source custom with a milo venue (courtesy of MiloMod). It absolutely works. You can set the source to whatever you want and still have a venue. This will exclude all applicable songs from being picked for the road challenges based on their source.

                      I tested genres, and it looks like the same thing will happen. If the genre specified is not in any of the specified “filter” genres, it will not select them based on genre.
                      One thing unrelated is that “off-hand” genres such as Fusion and R&B/Soul/Funk may be selected together for a challenger under “Other”. If any of them have enough for a setlist, they can also be chosen under their specific genre.


                        So you could simply upgrade customs to use milo venues and put whatever you want as the source? The only catch being that if you play a road challenge and its a “DLC rock songs” playlist, even if that song is both of those things, because it is of a custom source, it eliminates it from being selected.


                        Fantastic testing on this! This is great news!



                        Now for injecting custom lines of text into the game file so we could use whatever category we want.


                        So you could simply upgrade customs to use milo venues and put whatever you want as the source? The only catch being that if you play a road challenge and its a “DLC rock songs” playlist, even if that song is both of those things, because it is of a custom source, it eliminates it from being selected.


                        Fantastic testing on this! This is great news!



                        Now for injecting custom lines of text into the game file so we could use whatever category we want.

                        It doesn’t do source and genre at the same time. It’s either one or the other.


                        Huh, missed this thread, but yes, sources are limited by strings, if the strings are in-game, they will work as a source.


                        This can be combined with creating your own strings in order to create completely custom sorting.




                        Right now there is a small limitation in that by default, the game sets all non “ugc_plus” venues to use a different venue standard to what customs use, this can be addressed with an executable hack on Xbox.

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