N00b question: Animations for drum-only songs for other instruments?


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  • #398048

      Hi everyone, I’m now starting to complete my first songs (one has been uploaded to database so far, Moving Mountains – The Cascade…two more pending…)

      I’ve noticed only the drummer is animated which I used the F9 script/tools for “drum animations”, I have a beat map of course…the rest of the band stands around basically picking their noses. Is that normal for drum only tracks or is there a way to give the band some general playing animations? What button do I choose in that F9 suite of programs for this or do I leave it alone?





          Just like drums, animation cues for the other players are in their instrument tracks. Without those instrument tracks, the other players will have nothing to do except occasionally sing, since the cues for singing are kept in the VENUE track.


          Don’t worry, this is how it happens in official songs as well. You can work around this to an extent by creating a venue that focuses only on the players that actually play.


            Just like drums, animation cues for the other players are in their instrument tracks. Without those instrument tracks, the other players will have nothing to do except occasionally sing, since the cues for singing are kept in the VENUE track.


            Don’t worry, this is how it happens in official songs as well. You can work around this to an extent by creating a venue that focuses only on the players that actually play.

            Oh okay, I guess I haven’t noticed or paid attention w/ other drum-only tracks if anyone else was moving…I was just noticing in my own creations that they seem like they are waiting for the show to start, haha..that makes sense, just making sure I wasn’t missing some “auto generic animation” feature somewhere, LOL

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