Mustang pro guitar with phase shift

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  • #393214

    Hi all,


    Does anyone know if I can use the mustang pro guitar for phase shift customs songs? I did a general search but came up unclear.


    Id also really value some opinions on whether it is worth it, how does it compare to Rocksmith, should I bite the bullet and buy it?


    Would love any help!


    Thank you!


      It does work, but if you don’t have an Xbox 360 Mustang, but unless there have been improvements with PS3 controller support you may need an Xbox 360 MIDI Pro Adapter and a MIDI port/adapter for your computer to connect it. Posting on the Phase Shift forum would probably get you a more verified answer.


      The Mustang controller can’t compare with a real guitar, so it has its share of annoyances (it doesn’t feel like playing guitar at all) but it’s playable. And since there is not much in terms of free real guitar games on PC (at least none I’m aware of support custom songs), it’s a good option for non console rhythm gaming. With either the Mustang or the MPA, you can also just set it down and play along with a real guitar/bass outside of the game. So if money is no object, get both for the sake of having more options with official game set-lists and DLC. Custom songs are pretty easy to use with both Phase Shift and Rocksmith on PC, but if you can only afford either the Mustang or a real guitar, I’d say the real guitar and Rocksmith 2014 is the better buy if you have a long term interest in playing guitar/bass.


      It works, but with flaws.


      Using the MPA, it often freezes the game (I really have no idea why) and the controls are acting fonky, only when the MPA is set to guitar, though. It works better via direct MIDI, but then again, it sometimes freezes as well, but it’s way less than with the MPA.


      It could be an hardware thing, but I hardly think so, I get about 1500fps on Phase Shift…

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