multiple tracks with same name part guitar error

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    I keep getting an error saying that multiple tracks share the name PART GUITAR. someone please help.


      That’s because you have multiple midi tracks with PART GUITAR as their name. Look at your project in REAPER. Open each MIDI track in turn. Make sure the TRACK NAME event at the start is different for each track. If it is, make sure that under any of your tracks you don’t have another track.

      This could happen if you started with a template that gives you the blank tracks, and you imported an existing MIDI into it. That means you have the old blank tracks plus what you imported.


      That’s usually what causes it.


      Thank you for the help. i kinda been off the grid as far as working with Reaper and my skills are kinda rusty now.


      I’m having this same problem. Started with the template, charted most of my Normal Guitar chart. I go to create a test RBA with Magma and it tells me multiple tracks share the name ‘Part Real Guitar’. I’ve gone back and forth trying to find this second track/name but I can’t figure it out.


        In case you’re using Ziggy’s editor, there was a similar issue that’s ongoing: … tail?id=70


        I’ve also had this same error. I can’t figure it out. I did import a midi, but I removed those tracks. I get the error with all parts, if I just try to remove the effected instrument ( I tried just to see).

        I keep getting an error saying that multiple tracks share the name PART GUITAR. someone please help.


        That’s because you have multiple midi tracks with PART GUITAR as their name.


        This made me lol. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

          That’s because you have multiple midi tracks with PART GUITAR as their name. Look at your project in REAPER. Open each MIDI track in turn. Make sure the TRACK NAME event at the start is different for each track. If it is, make sure that under any of your tracks you don’t have another track.

          This could happen if you started with a template that gives you the blank tracks, and you imported an existing MIDI into it. That means you have the old blank tracks plus what you imported.


          That’s usually what causes it.

          what do you mean to remove tracks that are under another track?


            why do i keep getting this error message in magma c3


              Don’t create new thread for a question you’ve already asked on another thread.

              The answer to your question is in this thread, so just read it.

                That’s because you have multiple midi tracks with PART GUITAR as their name. Look at your project in REAPER. Open each MIDI track in turn. Make sure the TRACK NAME event at the start is different for each track. If it is, make sure that under any of your tracks you don’t have another track…

                what do you mean to remove tracks that are under another track?


                REAPER allows you to organize tracks in groups. In each group, one ore more tracks appear “under” the first track in the group. The group can also be collapsed so that only the first track is visible, potentially hiding problematic tracks. So, if you have any groups of tracks in your project, make sure all the tracks in each group are also uniquely named.

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