Multiple guitar question

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  • #393845

    Is there anyway to make the bass track really a 2nd guitar track so that they could have 2 guitar parts to a song? In our little group there are a couple of us that play guitar and would like to do it kinda how GH has this possible?



    Yes, just chart the rhythm guitar to the bass track, it’s that simple.


    In-game, it will still say bass, and you can’t change that, but there’s nothing stopping you from charting guitar to it.


    cool thanks


      The song will also appear as (rhythm version) on your xbox. I saw someone do this a while back to get two guitar tracks on a buckethead tune, and I have used it a few times since.


      Likewise, you can also use the keys track for a second guitar – same effect.


      just wondering..hypothetically..can you put a guitar track in place of the drums also? having vocals/guitar/guitar/guitar?


      No, but as bsbloom said above, the keys track is another alternative, so combine guitar, guitar on bass, and guitar on keys, then you have three guitars.

      But I don’t see why you would even want three guitars, that’s just silly, lol.


        No, but as bsbloom said above, the keys track is another alternative, so combine guitar, guitar on bass, and guitar on keys, then you have three guitars.

        But I don’t see why you would even want three guitars, that’s just silly, lol.

        I like playing my Dead! custom with three guitars :-)


        Sent from my LG V10 using Tapatalk


        I like playing my Dead! custom with three guitars :-)


        Sent from my LG V10 using Tapatalk

        <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />

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