MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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  • #418621
      I’m flat out too lazy to download that other program you need to use in order to get CAT reductions.


      Wow. Way to make farottone cry. He’ll never admit it, but he just cried a little reading that.


      And both of you, STOP IT. Any more of this shit and there will be repercussions for both. Take your romance to :raise:


        Nobody has immunity here except pksage since he’s the web overlord.

        Just like mrmet and you can choose to ignore what people ask of you (in this case the request didn’t even come from c16), users can post their approval or disapproval. Refusing to spend 10 minutes setting up CAT and a few seconds per song to create emh that so many forum users request is very damn lazy. And it’s fine if you wanna be lazy. But this is the internet, so expect people to have strong opinions about everything.


        The sexual harrassment is what’s not going to be tolerated and has to stop.


          We want to push people to do a better job, that’s our goal. It means better songs for everybody. However, if a charter says “Guys, I don’t have the time to do more, take this or leave it”, it should kinda be the definitive word on it. He doesn’t want to do any more on his songs *after* we tried to push him to do it: either grab those songs and thank the guy for doing something 99% of the people on these forums can’t/won’t do anyway or ignore them because they’re not complete. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> A nudge is obligatory, more is just not gonna do anything to change his mind while possibly depriving people who DO enjoy the songs the way they are of those songs.

          However, if a charter says “Guys, I don’t have the time to do more, take this or leave it”, it should kinda be the definitive word on it. … either grab those songs and thank the guy for doing something 99% of the people on these forums can’t/won’t do anyway or ignore them because they’re not complete.

          ^ This right here. ^



          Edited the rest because we’re going to be learning a new concept going forward called “staying on topic”


          Any thing new coming soon MrMet?


            Not sure. I’m trying to find the drive to do more songs but it’s not as prominent as it once was. But at some point yes there will be.


            This thread reminds me of when everybody was a dick to Psy about his charting so he left and took his thread to xboxisos

            This thread reminds me of when everybody was a dick to Psy about his charting so he left and took his thread to xboxisos


            The drama is over for now, no need to try and stir it up now, nobody wins by doing that


            Yeah, fair enough. Just saying though. I’d rather not have mrmet (or any other charter really) get upset and leave


            Is there a reason cat’s in the cradle has overdrive on vocals on every phrase except the last few?


            Sorry if this was mentioned before, but it’s a long thread…


              All my customs are like that. Sorry. Just my own personal preference.


              Oh that’s cool, I was just wondering if it was done intentionally.


              So… why leave out the last few, if you make all the rest OD? Seems a little random lol


              Probably so you don’t have leftover overdrive at the end


                UPDATE 5/26/14 – Another video game custom, this one from the awesomely (Terrible) game Deadly Premonition, this one “The Woods and the Goddess”. This game, as those who have played it know, is the best, terrible game you will ever play. It’s SO bad, but something keeps you in, and makes you play to the end. It’s become a cult classic in the gaming community. This song plays during the main menu, and are one of the only 4 songs that repeat themselves in this game. All instruments are included in this one except drums.



       … Met_rb3con


                  I did play through Deadly Premonition a few years ago. Planning on picking up the PS3 version eventually to experience the new content. Thanks for doing a song from the game.

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