MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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  • #412235
      OK yeah I see what you mean now. But no plans for more MGS at the moment.


      And yes that is correct. I prefer no requests, as it says on the front page in pretty big letters. But also as it says in that little piece, if people wanna waste their time and put in requests, that’s cool, because in all likelihood they will fall deaf to my ears anyways. But who knows maybe others might see it and be like “oh that’s a good one”. But to be fair, I have done MGS before (a lot), so it’s reasonable to ask if that one was coming, but putting it in a request form is sorta the same, but either way won’t sway me one direction or the other, but won’t be mad for people asking.


      Ah. I see. I asked mainly cause there is one specific song (Hail to the King) that jdcow45 also did (If I am correct) but it didn’t have vocals (Which I think is normal for him) and was gonna request that just to add to the pile but hey, whatever. I guess I just said it anyways… Sorry.


        I don’t nessessaryily dislike requests, but I don’t think I’ve ever acted on any of the requests I’ve gotten. I find it hard to find motivation to do customs unless its something that I really want to play, which in that case I’m already doing it probably haha

          I find it hard to find motivation to do customs unless its something that I really want to play, which in that case I’m already doing it probably haha


          That I can agree with… XD. There’s quite a good handful of stuff I want on RB3 but just cannot get the motivation… I’ll only do a custom when I truly just like “OMG! I need to do this!”.


          Once again, a million thanks MM, you truly rock (and harder than most)! And all this time I thought your screen name was a baseball reference, but perhaps it is short for Mr. Metallica, hmm? (sorry for the bad joke, but I just couldn’t resist). Can’t wait for “Bleeding Me”, such an awesome song m/


            UPDATE 1/27/14 – One I mentioned was coming from the Metallica S&M concert, “Bleeding Me”. As before, this was JDcow45’s first, and just added vocals, and switched up the overdrives and stuff. The studio version will probably be next.



   … Met_rb3con


            Thank you sir, may I have another?


            (not being greedy, just making a really old comedy reference)


            Woah, I’m having more Metallica than Green Day now! :dance:


            Hell yeah! Thanks for Bleeding Me. It’s by far my favorite Metallica song from the Load era. I will be belting this one out during our pre Super Bowl Rawk this Sunday. Still looking forward to that studio version though. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              UPDATE 1/29/14 – This one was originally done by thespike And I just took it and added vocals to it. Godsmack’s “Voodoo”. The drums and bass charts are left untouched from his original one. I took guitar and made it my own interpretation, which is pretty much adding bass and guitar together. So in between those repeating 4 chords over and over, you play the bass section, because I thought it was too boring on guitar for me. The vocals are solid. I’m not great at charting harmonies I can’t separate so there isn’t much in the main sections, but towards the end where the “voodoo” and “so far away” sections are separated, that’s where the harmonies kick in.



     … Met_rb3con

                Hell yeah! Thanks for Bleeding Me. It’s by far my favorite Metallica song from the Load era. I will be belting this one out during our pre Super Bowl Rawk this Sunday. Still looking forward to that studio version though. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                I really hate to bum you out, but I’m not sure I’ll be doing the studio version of Bleeding Me anytime soon. The tempo map on the Guitar only chart that’s floating around isn’t accurate and is a little off, leading to off tempo’d drum rolls which are super annoying to fix. In order to do it, I’d have to re-tempo map the whole song, and it’s an 8 1/2 minute song, which would take a very long time lol. It’s something I’ll do eventually since the charts are pretty much in place from the S&M version, but it may be a while.


                  Hm. Debating. I recognize Godsmack but don’t know any songs of theirs on the top of my head (Like many other artists)…


                  Also, kinda hoping for studio version of Bleeding Me, like ya said! (Awesome to have another Metallica song).




                  Wait. Voodoo is the one with “I’m not the one who’s so far away”? If so… Heck ye’h I’m downloading it! I love that song. Plays a lot on a radio station I listen to a lot. XD. (A quick confirmation with someone in the household helped me with the song).


                    UPDATE 2/3/14 – Back to doing a movie related theme, this one from John Carpenter’s Vampires, “Slayers”. Plays towards the beginning of the movie when James Woods and his crew of vampire hunters enter the first house. Guitar plays the repeating riff until the solos kicks in, drums are easy enough, and bass is a piece of cake, it’s a cool song. No words but vocals follow the main riff all the way through.



           … Met_rb3con


                    Just wanted to say thank you for all the great stuff you have done. Thank you.


                      UPDATE 2/5/14- Another John Carpenter movie, “The Thing”. It plays in the beginning of the movie credits and at the end credits. Not gonna lie, this song is boring as all hell to play, so only download if you know the song. It has that very creepy vibe too it which I love.



             … Met_rb3con


                        Thank you for more Carpenter. The Thing is one of my favorite horror movies of all time! :what:

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