MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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  • #410974

    Sorry I didn’t get back to you on Cats, it sounds great and has a great drum chart, thanks!

      Hey MrMet, just want to offer HUGE thanks for your work. Cat’s in the Cradle is one of my favorite songs ever, and it’s awesome to get to sing/play it in RockBand! Thank you!!


      Also, it’s obvious you have a really cool idea going with the theme songs… so please don’t take this as a blindly ignorant or insensitive song request, because I’m sure you’re working hard on lots of stuff. But if you find yourself running low on theme song material, two really classic ones that most people might not remember are the WKRP in Cincinnati theme song (Steve Carlisle) and the theme to Greatest American Hero (Joey Scarbury):



      Thanks again for all of your hard work!!


      I remember those and they are very catchy songs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      FYI MY Immortal is not all difficulties. I tried playing it on hard guitar and there were only a few notes in it. You may want to fix the visualizer on that song.


        OH OK, I think I made that custom a long time ago before the Expert Only was even a thing in the C3 Magma. As it says though on the front page it should be assumed that everything posted here is expert only, unless stated otherwise, but thanks for the heads up.

        More Disney is coming, but not at the moment. I’m almost done with a 7-pack of songs pertaining to a certain movie series. After that I’m up in the air on what to do next.


        Maybe you could consider this song?



        Or this?



          UPDATE 12/24/13 – A project I’ve been working on for a little while now is complete. 7 songs from one of the most iconic movie series of all time, James Bond. These are 7 of my favorite songs, mostly from the recent movies. PLEASE NOTE that all of these songs will be listed under the artist “James Bond” so they all are grouped together. If you wish them to be ordered by the artist who wrote the song. Extract the .dat file in LeFluffie before injecting it into your 360, change the artist, repackage the CON with the new, adjusted and saved .dat file, and put it on your system. Just to avoid having to delete your song cache after changing it.



          The first one is the “James Bond Theme (From Dr. No)”. This is THE theme that everyone knows. There’s been other versions in Guitar Hero before, but this is the original. Guitar follows horn and guitar, keys follow a little orchestra, vocals follow along, but no real words.



 … Met_rb3con




          The second one, “Goldfinger”. Song by Shirley Bassey. The audio quality is kinda rough on this song, being so old, but it’s a great song. Guitar follows guitar and horns.



 … Met_rb3con




          The third one “Goldeneye”. Song by Tina Turner. Tina makes her Rock Band debut with this song. Was very hard to chart her style, also very hard to sing. Little known fact, the song was written by Bono and the Edge of U2. all guitar, bass, and keys follow different parts of the orchestra, but it’s hard to say what’s what, so give each a try.



 … Met_rb3con




          The fourth one, “Tomorrow Never Dies” Song by Sherryl Crow. Keys follow orchestra.



 … Met_rb3con




          The fifth one, “The World Is Not Enough” Song by Garbage. guitar follows guitar and synth, Keys follow some synth and orchestra. I’m not 100% happy with the drums because at times it was hard to make out what was what, but they are ok.



 … Met_rb3con




          The sixth one, “You Know My Name”, from Casino Royale, song by Chris Cornell, from Soundgarden. Bass is pretty much Rhythm guitar, and is actually a little more fun to play than guitar. Guitar follows front riff and a little orchestra



 … Met_rb3con




          The seventh and final song, “Skyfall” song by Adele. The Oscar award winning song from the most recent James Bond film. Guitar and keys follow separate parts of the piano intro, until guitar comes in, then eventually it follows orchestra as guitar goes away, or is hard for me to pick up if it’s there. Bass follows mostly what guitar does. Keys follows mostly keys until it’s inaudible then follows orchestra. The harmonies may not be 100% accurate, but it’s what I usually follow if I sing the back.



 … Met_rb3con



          Well there you have it folks, I hope you enjoy them. One other note in case anyone is wondering, these are the only Bond songs I plan on doing, as these are my favorite, so if I missed your favorite I’m sorry <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />




          Also another note to the hundreds who check this thread and enjoy my songs,THANK YOU!. At first when I decided to upload these, I did these only for me and didn’t care much about accuracy, and to a certain extent still don’t. But because of all you guys I’m a little more conscious to make sure these songs aren’t terrible. Now, with that said your definition of quality and playable may be different than mine. For example you might need a song with all difficulties, full animations and venue. Where for me it’s all about the note chart, that’s it. But I have thousands of downloads across all my songs which prove to me other people enjoy them as much as I do, and it makes me happy. Anyways, point being I’m very appreciative of the feedback, good or bad, and compliments I’ve received from all of you. I’ve used these comments to better my own customs to make them enjoyable for you all. I keep the other player in mind, where as 6 months ago when I first started, I didn’t. A big thanks to all of you who enjoy my hard work I do in my free time, when I’m not working 45 hours a week. It’s nice to have people understand that I don’t get paid for this, I have a life and a job, and do this in my free time for me, and now all of you, is very nice and refreshing, and it’s greatly appreciated deep down inside. With a few standout followers like Sideshow who posts videos of my customs on YouTube, Hetz, chexmixho, galexio, Mycool, it’s awesome to see the reoccurring people coming back and providing feedback and comments. And also to the many who are reading this who never post anything, thank you as well. Even though you don’t speak, your clicks and downloads speak volumes, and contribute to my almost 5000 download count! Nearing almost 100 Customs, 300 replies, over 12,000 Thread views which is by far more than any other thread on this forum, including the “How to” tutorials and even the “Beatles Rock Band for Rock Band 3” thread for god sakes! It just shows that even though I’m not an official author in C3, I’ve become a huge part of this custom community and it’s all because of you all who love my work. So in conclusion, thanks everyone, thanks for enjoying my songs, downloading and supporting. Happy Holidays everyone! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

          Sid Kafizz

            I download a lot of your work, and without exception it’s been fine stuff. Your taste is all over the place, though! Keep it up!


              Good grief, this is awesome.


              I’m particularly stoked for the Garbage song, which may be my fave bond song.


                Dude. What the fuck. You are so awesome. This is my Christmas pack. I would have killed just for the Bond theme. You have really made me thrilled. I have just started to dabble in authoring myself, and I always wanted to try and do a Bond song at some point. You pretty much nailed the song choices too. Though there are so many gems to choose from.


                Since you said these are the only ones you are doing, it gives me freedom to choose from any others in the future. I would like to do Nobody Does it Better, You Only Live Twice, and Diamonds Are Forever. Those plans may have been severely delayed due to your releases though.


                Thank you so much for releasing these. 1 or 2 would have been marvelous, but 7 is truly epic. You are the fucking man. And I thought Christmas only comes once a year.


                  Wow! You have really outdone yourself with these James Bond songs, MrMet! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  Have a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!


                  This pack looks phenomenal. I use my rig for parties so I can’t download Expert Only tracks, BUT I’m so thrilled somebody did this and I hope these tracks get the full spit-shine and polish for a full release.


                    Great songs again, one of my regular players has been begging for Bond Themes (particularly Chris Cornell) the last few weeks; it’s like he knew!?


                    Like Deadly Robots, above, I really need EMHX tracks, but have been thinking it’s about time I tried to learn a bit about authoring. I make no promises – I have a business to run, and will probably let you all down <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                    MrMet, If you were to post the Reaper projects for these tracks (is it that simple?) I would like to experiment a bit. Perhaps I could help the CCC cause with some reductions, even if I never progress to autoring my own tracks!h


                      It would actually be easier to Use LeFluffie and extract the compiled mid file. Drop it into reaper, copy and paste expert to hard-easy, and then reduce notes that way. Rather then me give you the reaper project and then you having to put it through Magma again. All though magma will check to make sure there are no mistakes. But it’s tough to make mistakes if you aren’t adding notes, just reducing. I’m considering making a video on how I would do reductions so you all can watch and give it a shot.

                        If it’s for his own enjoyment i didn’t think it would be necessary to make it HMX accuracy unless he wants it to. But yes if it’s for the masses he should. But you start from expert and work your way down, which is what I did mention, just maybe not as clearly as I should have.


                        I know I’m late to the party here, but as a rule of thumb, if you’re reducing the difficulty of a chart and it’s not overcharted, you no longer have an expert-difficulty chart, so you may as well reduce it ‘properly’ down a tier and play on that difficulty while leaving the expert chart ‘intact’ as is.


                        That would be my recommendation for anyone looking to pursue this path. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                          Yeah I assume that everyone who’s interested is planning on doing hard-easy, and leaving expert intact. At least that’s what I assumed others were asking to do, starting with the expert chart and reducing from there.

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