MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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  • #410028
    Thanks for the Collective Soul! Hope someone decides to do December one day.


    Thanks as well for the Sinatra and Dean Martin. Older 50s/60s music is woefully under represented in Rock Band.

    I couldn’t find the post but I am pretty sure somewhere in these forums someone said they are working on December. Of course, I don’t know how far along they are or if they will ever post it if/when they finish it.


      Nice tracks. Always refreshing to see something different. Keep ’em coming!


        UPDATE 12/4/13 – In my opinion, the best story telling song of all time, Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s In The Cradle”. Something about this song always makes me feel something inside whenever I hear it. An amazing song, and has appeared in multiple movies and TV shows. Guitar follows guitar and an extremely little bit of orchestra, and bass follows bass and a little orchestra too in the beginning.


          … Met_rb3con


        Amazing. Can’t wait to play.

        UPDATE 12/4/13 – The best story telling song of all time, Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s In The Cradle”.

        A song about how a man too busy with his own life neglects his child, and eventually, his child neglects him.


        If this song doesn’t bring you feels on Father’s day, nothing will.


          Absolutely stellar pick with Cats In The Cradle. I also like the Ugly Kid Joe version but the original is sublime!

          Here are some guitar/vocals vids of Harry Chapin and Frank Sinatra if anyone is interested:





          Dean Martin added. Video may be blocked worldwide so I disputed.



            Thanks so much for Cats In The Cradle!!


            Love Cats in the Cradle, but I’m wondering why you put the song on multiple instrument tracks instead of just the backing track. It ends up stacking the song over itself three times and blows everything out.


              I put the real track on drums, vocals, backing. The others have silent tracks. I just render my songs at a high level for my sound system, as high as you can get without clipping. Yes it’s higher than other peoples songs and customs

              And HMX DLC, but it always sounds great on my system.

              I put the real track on drums, vocals, backing.

              What you think we’ll experience.


              What we’ll actually experience.


              Don’t get me wrong, you have my utmost gratitude for creating this custom. Stacking the normal track 3x, though, is kind of an overkill in terms of CON size and stress on our speakers, whether they be TV speakers or a state-of-the-art system.


              Man, no one is trying to shit on you for sharing, it’s greatly appreciated. There’s just no reason to have the exact same audio file playing 3 times on top of itself. It certainly doesn’t improve the audio quality and there’s absolutely no benefit to doing it that way. I don’t know what else to say. Do you have the track stacked three times in Reaper because if not (and why would you?) you’re not going to notice anything wrong in Reaper. Unless you’re dealing with separated stems, the ideal method is to have one high quality recording of the song on the backing track and nothing else on the other tracks. If you open the compiled mogg file in Audacity and play all tracks at once, you should notice what we’re talking about.


              In any case, I brought it up because it was noticeable on the Collective Soul track and this one and I just edited the mogg file myself. No worries. The charting is the hard part and I’m very thankful for your hard work. I like your taste in music and the unique tracks you choose to do, so please don’t stop sharing.


              Thanks for Cats in the Cradle…would love if you sometime might convert it to match the Ugly Kid Joe verson as well…personally have always like that version.



              Also, noticed no one has mentioned it, but in the second chorus of Heavy, you have the wrong words in there….there is a section that says “All your wieght it brings me down, It brings me down” (3rd and 4th lines of that second chorus) and you have it saying the last 2 chorus lines “All your weight it falls on me. It falls on me.”…so the typed words say that twice, though the real lyric don’t. Figured I’d mention in case you’d want to fix that.


                Thread was cleaned of all (including my own) comments on the matter. Stay on topic going forward.


                Glad you decided to take down your last post nemo – I’ll leave it at that. I truly appreciate your efforts mrmet and really if anyone has an issue with the audio all they need to do is pull the MIDI, replace the audio, and recompile. Really an easy thing to do…

                  Also, noticed no one has mentioned it, but in the second chorus of Heavy, you have the wrong words in there….there is a section that says “All your wieght it brings me down, It brings me down” (3rd and 4th lines of that second chorus) and you have it saying the last 2 chorus lines “All your weight it falls on me. It falls on me.”…so the typed words say that twice, though the real lyric don’t. Figured I’d mention in case you’d want to fix that.


                  Yes I actually did notice that myself. I wasn’t paying attention during a copy and paste on that one and messed up, I have no intention of fixing it, but yes that was a mistake, but thanks for pointing it out.


                  And yes, I possibly put Cats in the Cradle to high for some, I’ll try and fix it soon and put up an updated version for those experiencing poor audio.

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