MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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      Awesome update. Being that I’m playing Assassins Creed 4 right now, this sure goes with it well. Check out some Pro Drum videos of the Pirate songs:


        Haha so am I actually, partially the reason why I expedited these lol


          UPDATE 11/25/13 – Most of my “novelty” style songs are pretty much done, with an exception a few which will appear eventually, but I’m starting to move into doing “real” songs, songs that aren’t novelty. My first one is from the band Collective Soul – “Heavy”. They have a re-record of “Shine” in Rock Band already, but I love this song from them. A very basic song, but a sweet guitar riff.




 … Met_rb3con


          I always crank that Collective Soul song when it comes up in my shuffle, thank you. Definitely looking forward to your future creations. Since I was born & raised in The Bronx, naturally I grew up a Yankees fan, but now I guess I’m a MrMet fan too (just don’t tell my family, they’d disown me). :excited:


          Speaking of the Mets, maybe their new “Happy Holidays” video would make a good custom. The Reaper program does allow you to chart vocals in the key of F-A-I-L right? –


            Cool, I’m from Brooklyn originally, still Love the Mets. Speaking of songs, I don’t know if you know this song, but I actually did a custom of guitar/vocals of “Let’s go Mets go!” From 1986 but never put it up because I didn’t think anyone would want it, and cause it’s shitty quality because I never intended to release it, but it’s a silly song lol anyways glad u like the collective soul tune.


            LOL. I had to go to YouTube to refresh my memory on the Mets song. And I thought that the holiday vid I linked to in my previous post was the cheesiest thing I ever heard, but I stand corrected. Yes, the Yanks have their share of these too. The song “Yankee Mambo” is pretty cringe worthy. I guess another Mets fan would get a kick out of the custom. I know that I’d certainly have a good time watching others play it.


            I hope that the novelty songs ending doesn’t mean the end of the Disney songs.


            Man I wish this was all difficulties….I really need to figure out how to chart the lower difficulties…


              Disney songs are still coming, just not on the immediate radar.


              Man I wish this was all difficulties….I really need to figure out how to chart the lower difficulties…


              Yes, yes you do. The easiest thing to do is edit songs already in creation. Download LeFluffie for Rock Band, extract the MIDI file from the CON using the song explorer, plug that MIDI into a blank template of Reaper using the Rock Band labels (I can provide what I use if you’d like), copy and paste the expert chart to all difficulties, which are right below one another, top to bottom is expert to easy, then open up each chart and take away gems wherever you’d like.

                then open up each chart and take away gems wherever you’d like.


                That’s horrible advice. If anyone wants to do reductions, they should aim to do them properly. Follow the authoring docs to learn how you’re supposed to go from Expert to Hard, Hard to Medium, Medium to Easy. It’s a process, but it’s worthwhile when you can play with friends.

                  then open up each chart and take away gems wherever you’d like.


                  That’s horrible advice. If anyone wants to do reductions, they should aim to do them properly. Follow the authoring docs to learn how you’re supposed to go from Expert to Hard, Hard to Medium, Medium to Easy. It’s a process, but it’s worthwhile when you can play with friends.



                  If it’s for his own enjoyment i didn’t think it would be necessary to make it HMX accuracy unless he wants it to. But yes if it’s for the masses he should. But you start from expert and work your way down, which is what I did mention, just maybe not as clearly as I should have.


                  Heavy!! Yes, Yes, Yes….been hoping someone would do that one for years. Thank you so much. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    UPDATE 11/29/13 – A few artists that are long overdue to be in Rock Band in my opinion. Now I’m only 26, but it’s hard not to like the old crooning style of some of these voices. First off, Frank Sinatra “New York, New York” or otherwise called “Theme From New York, New York”. If you are a New York Yankees fan, you 100% know this song, and even if you’re not, you still might. Guitar follows horns mostly and a little piano and orchestra, keys follow piano and orchestra, and bass follows the low sounding cello in the back. Vocals are insanely fun if you like the song.



           … Met_rb3con


                    Next, a similar artist, Dean Martin – “Ain’t That A Kick in the Head?”. A well known song from there era, recently used in Fallout: New Vegas and the movie The Butler. And also used in pretty much any Martin Scorsese mafia movie. Guitar follows horn and piano. Bass is following whatever backing cello or strings I could find, No keys though as there wasn’t enough keys I could make out to make it it’s own track, so it’s meshed into guitar. Another good vocal song as well.



           … Met_rb3con


                      Thanks for the Collective Soul! Hope someone decides to do December one day.


                      Thanks as well for the Sinatra and Dean Martin. Older 50s/60s music is woefully under represented in Rock Band.


                      I’d love to snag the Sinatra and Dean Martin tracks, but as I use my rig for events I have to make sure I have songs that include all difficulties. If you ever plan on adding EMH to the mix, or if someone else wants to tackle it, let me know.


                      Your song list is absolutely impressive so far, by the way. I love your picks! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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