MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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  • #407986

      Awesome choice! Any plans for more GTA related tunes?


        Possibly the Vice City title theme, but the audio file I have for that is real shitty so I’ll have to find another version, but maybe.


          You got my vote for the Vice City theme. My favorite game in the series.


          i dont think i realised it before but “rock band: disney” could be possibly one of the best things that could have ever existed!


            UPDATE 10/16/13 Another video game custom, another one from Final Fantasy VII. Last one I did from FFVII was back in June when I did Sepheroth’s Theme, this one “Boss Battle / Victory Fanfare”. This plays in game during a majority of the boss battles. It has all instruments, separated pretty well. Drums are tough, keys are pretty crazy too, bass is intense, guitar is fun as well and follows a mostly the guitar, but a slight section of the synth when there’s no guitar happening. A pretty fun and challenging one to play. At the end of the boss battle theme, it goes into “Victory Fanfare” which is the little upbeat tune that plays after you win every battle in the game, boss or non-boss, cute little song to play added to the end of this one if you are a Final Fantasy fan in general, because pretty much every game uses a derivative of this song at the end of battles. Enjoy.



   … FF7_rb3con


              UPDATE 10/21/13 Another GH conversion, it follows all of the guidelines of my prior conversions listed on the first page, if you are new to my conversions and don’t know what features will be missing.



     … Met_rb3con


                Awesome! I was so bummed when Lonely is the Night was not released with the other Billy Squier in RB.


                Thank you so much! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  UPDATE 10/22/13 – Decided to revisit Metal Gear Solid 2, so here’s a few. The first one “Ray Escapes” This plays in game after Ocelot steals Metal Gear Ray from the tanker, and sinks the tanker, ending Snake’s episode of the game. That’s the first part of the song, the 2nd part is when he calls the president to tell him he’s acquired Ray



         … GS2_rb3con


                  The second one from Metal Gear Solid 2 “Big Shell”. Plays right after “Ray Escapes”, and plays at the beginning of Raiden’s campaign as Colonel is giving him the briefing as he is approaching the Big Shell, and you see also the Navy Seals are heading in as well.



         … GS2_rb3con


                    Thanks for more Metal Gear Solid 2! I uploaded your Imperial March custom today.




                      Figured you’d like more MGS2 stuff, and sweet thanks for showing off my customs on YouTube as always.


                        UPDATE 10/27/13 – Video game custom from the N64 era, Super Mario 64, “Main Hall”. This plays in game when you first enter the castle, and plays when you are walking around the inside of the castle, not inside a painting world. Each instrument is separated in it’s own way, tough to say what follows what.



               … o64_rb3con


                        Awesome stuff here. Speaking of Disney stuff, have you ever thought of making a custom from Pirates of the Carribean? The main theme (called “He’s a Pirate”…. I think) would be great


                          Stuff from Pirates are absolutely on my to do list, as is that song. Good call, keep an eye out. No idea on time frame on doing those songs, but yes eventually I will be doing that song.

                          Stuff from Pirates are absolutely on my to do list, as is that song. Good call, keep an eye out. No idea on time frame on doing those songs, but yes eventually I will be doing that song.


                          :excited: :dance:

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