MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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      UPDATE 8/22/13 – 3songs from the Academy Award winning movie “Braveheart”. Very heavy bag pipes in all these songs, very Scottish sounding. I love this movie and equally love the soundtrack, and these 3 seemed to be the best that translated into gameplay:


      First we start out with “A Gift of Thistle”. This plays in the movie when a young Murron hands a crying young William Wallace a flower at his dad and brothers funeral. Guitar follows the bag pipes, bass the backing sounds, and vocals to follow along.


      … tle_rb3con


      Secondly, we have “Outlawed Tunes on Outlawed Pipes”. This plays in movie, after the funeral when William’s Uncle Argile is talking to him about the musical send off to his brother and father, as well as what comes in the future with training. Guitar follows pipes, bass follows backing strings, vocals to follow along


      … pes_rb3con


      Lastly we have “Gathering the Clans”. This plays when Wallace’s 2 messengers are coming back telling them that other clans are heading towards Stirling to help with the first battle against the English. Guitar follows pipes, really fun on this one. Bass follows flute, and drums.


      … ans_rb3con


        UPDATE 8/22/13 – A few from the movie “Terminator 2: Judgement Day”. The first one is the main theme “Terminator 2 Main Theme”. plays during the opening credits, and is much like the one from the first movie.


          … eme_rb3con


        2nd from the same movie “Trust Me”, a personal favorite from the soundtrack which plays when they are in the Cyberdyne building when the Terminator shoots at all the police cars from the building.


          … eT2_rb3con


        ON ANOTHER NOTE ABOUT MY CUSTOMS!!!!! – Over the past 2 and a half months I’ve been doing customs and in that short time have done over 60 customs, all video game, movie, and 2X bass Pedal conversions. For those who author, as you know it takes up A LOT of personal time. I was OK with putting in this time, and still am OK with doing it, because I love Rock Band, played it from day 1 on November 20th 2007, and still play it as much today. However, because of all these customs and time I’ve taken up, between this, and work, and girlfriend time, I have fallen way behind on playing other video games that have been released in the past year or so. With that said, I’m just making you all aware that my content will be scaled back for a few reasons. First, because as I mentioned I want to play other video games and catch up with what I’ve missed. Secondly, everything I’ve released already was on my first list of songs to do, which was the important one for me. Everything that comes out now was stuff I pulled secondly, and even though I want in the game, I don’t want as much with the passion as the first batch of songs. I still will try to put out about 1 song a week hopefully, or hold off if I’m doing multiple tracks from the same movie or game. I just wanted to give you a heads up of the down scaling of songs coming from me for a while, because I know I’ve spoiled you with very frequent releases. Thanks everyone for enjoying my work.


          I used to own the Terminator 2 OST back in the day. Thanks for these and no worries about you cutting back on releases. You need to enjoy your life right?

          I have fallen way behind on playing other video games that have been released in the past year or so


          Are you saying that instead of playing The Last Of Us, you were charting songs for us? GO! PLAY! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Thanks everyone for enjoying my work.


          Thank YOU for releasing so many awesome iconic songs! Relax and enjoy your spare time!

            I used to own the Terminator 2 OST back in the day. Thanks for these and no worries about you cutting back on releases. You need to enjoy your life right?


            Yeah it’s a great soundtrack, was thinking about doing a few more but these are my 2 favorites. And yeah thanks. Worry not though, stuff is still coming out, I’ll just be dedicating less time to it than before, but I don’t think I’ll ever totally stop doing customs, as I love Rock Band, and I like making these customs despite the amount of work that goes into it.



            I have fallen way behind on playing other video games that have been released in the past year or so


            Are you saying that instead of playing The Last Of Us, you were charting songs for us? GO! PLAY! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            Thanks everyone for enjoying my work.


            Thank YOU for releasing so many awesome iconic songs! Relax and enjoy your spare time!


            Haha yeah that is on the short list of stuff I haven’t gotten to yet, and I must play it given all the great reviews. And you’re very welcome for all the stuff, I’m glad you enjoy it.


              UPDATE 9/1/13 – One from the video game Assassins Creed II – “Earth”. The first song from the soundtrack, and the main theme of the game. All instruments, bass follows the same backing guitar until bass actually kicks in. Guitar and keys follow guitar and orchestra. Vocals are fun if you know the song.



     … AC2_rb3con


                UPDATE 9/9/13 – Guitar Hero Conversions: Due to what seems to be the death of the GHtoRB3 project, I wanted to get some of the few remaining converts out of the way for my own benefit with no plans to share with anyone, but recently decided to. DISCLAIMER ABOUT THESE: Please note that these conversions I did were originally intended to be just for me, but I decided to share, because some people aren’t as particular about quality, just like me, I don’t care, I just wanna play the song. With that said, These are NOT up to RBN 2.0 or C3 or GHtoRB3 standards. For all intents and purposes,these suck compared to what the other people who did converts do with the song. All Difficulties are here, and there’s overdrives like crazy, just like how I do my video game customs. There’s a few things that are in the GHtoRB3 versions of converts that will NOT be in my versions which I will list next. And also please note that EVERY Conversion I do will from this point forward will also be missing the following features:


                1. NO MULTITRACK Sorry, but it’s not a big deal to me to have multitrack so I rendered it all into one track instead of multiple. It makes the files much larger, and takes more time to render each track into a .WAV to plug into magma.

                2. No Venue’s, No practice sessions.

                3. No Harmonies/Keys added, these are straight up from the GH Midi.

                4. The drums charts may possibly be missing Pro Tom hits, but I’m going to try my hardest to make a pass through drums in reaper and place markers to make it ok and sorta accurate.

                5. Lyric capitalization for vocals will be off due to combining of multiple short phases into one long one for Rock Band.

                6. The 1/64 space between sustains for Rock Band songs on guitar and bass aren’t present, so one note goes right into another without a space. (this one bugs me sometimes, but didn’t wanna change)


                Now that I’ve got that out of the way, they can still be fun to play and in my opinion for the moment, are better than nothing, but not perfect, and like I said they have E-X difficulties and overdrives. I will keep these posted until someone else does a better version or if GHtoRB3 comes back. I HIGHLY recommend if someone comes out with a better version, delete mine and download theirs, because mine will be shite in comparison. Also one last thing NO REQUESTS FOR OTHER CONVERTS I’m doing only what I want, and sharing with you.


                The Rolling Stones – “Sympathy For The Devil”

       … Met_rb3con


                Duffy – “Warwick Avenue”

       … Met_rb3con


                A Perfect Circle – “The Outsider”

       … Met_rb3con

                The Rolling Stones – “Sympathy For The Devil”

                A Perfect Circle – “The Outsider”

                Awesome. Picking up The Rolling Stones and Perfect Circle songs. Thanks for sharing these. Surprising that nobody had done that Rolling Stones song yet. A couple of questions if you don’t mind. I have been thinking about TRYING to get into charting customs and thought about starting out with GH converts since “some” of the work is already done. TrojanNemo posted a pretty thorough post of what all is involved but I was curious how much more/less time doing conversions took you than customs from scratch. Also, I know you said no requests (totally understandable) but are you planning on doing any more conversions besides these 3? It didn’t seem totally clear to me if you were done after these 3 or there were a few more you wanted to do.


                  Yes I do have more conversions planned, but very few, as most of the songs I personally really wanted were already done by GHtoRB3.


                  And a little bit of both. It’s easier to do this than make your own song from scratch ONLY if you are 100% familiarized with Reaper and Magma, and what it takes to get a song passed through Magma. Honestly, If I didn’t learn on my own how to do my own original customs, and tried to do this first, I’d be so lost. So honestly, do your own songs first, than try to tackle this, so if it gives you an error, you know how to fix it because you tackled that error already making your own song, instead of fixing hundreds of errors you have no idea what they mean.

                    Surprising that nobody had done that Rolling Stones song yet.


                    Actually, it has been. I have that song timestamped July 3, 2012 on my HDD. Don’t know who did it, wasn’t GHtoRB3 for sure but it’s been done. I don’t have time to test it in game but if you’d like that to compare and see if that one has more features on it, let me know. It’s at least multi-track, that’s for sure based on the file size.


                    EDIT: quick REAPER check confirms it’s a straight conversion. horrible drum animations, no pro drum markers, no harmonies, GH style sustains. I guess it’s not worth it unless you REALLY want multitracks.


                      UPDATE 9/13/13 – 4 more Guitar Hero conversions that follow the same guidelines outlined on the front page and the same post as my first 3 conversions, except I did a better job of fixing the drums so they have Pro Drum tom hits.




             … Met_rb3con



             … Met_rb3con



             … Met_rb3con



             … Met_rb3con


                      Great stuff Mr. Met!! :excited:

                      It’s a good weekend for Aerosmith at C3 :c00l:


                        Thank you for all the great converts!


                        Yes, keep them coming. I think I might start throwing harmonies on some of these if you keep them coming. Sympathy for the Devil and Love in an Elevator really should have them.


                          Absolutely, if you did add harmonies and put them up, I would probably replace mine with your links to yours too, cause they’d have more features than mine.

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