MrMet2087’s Video Game/Movie&TV Themes/Real Songs Updated 08/23/2020 – Evanescence – “The Change” & “My Heart Is Broken”

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      Yeah Sideshow I love those 2 games, MGS more so than ZOE, but yeah I had the game for the PS2 and got the HD collection which yeah was awesome!


      And yeah sure I’m 25, about to turn 26 in a few months. I’ve been playing video games since I was born on the NES, I have every system ever made (Still in my house and still hooked up, never sell the classics) pretty much except for the Sega series. I played a wide variety of games but I guess most of my years were spent playing Nintendo, with most of my old games being for the SNES and N64, I have way too many to list but it’s safe to say I have played all the great ones for those systems, with a few exceptions. Up until the PS1 came out I was strictly Nintendo, then I played all. I play Xbox the least as I am more of a playstation person, I use my xbox only for Rock Band really. So being almost 26 you can kind of figure out how far back I’ve been playing, and I’ve played a lot of games.


      As far as what to expect in the future, it’s hard to say. I do have a lot of video game songs on my computer, as I love old and new video game music. Sure it would be cool to do songs for every SNES and NES and PS1 game, but I don’t have the time, and I really only want to do songs that translate well into gameplay. For example I thought about doing the main theme from Fallout 3, and I love that orchestra in that song, but it didn’t translate well into gameplay, so I scratched it. I do songs that I want to play personally in my house with my friends and family that are fun to play and mean something to me and my family, but I also am uploading and sharing with all you great, fine, and supportive people of this great community because I know I’m not the only one who thinks playing the Metal Gear Solid 2 theme in Rock Band is totally awesome <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Hopefully that answered everything you were looking for <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        UPDATE 8/18/13 – This one from the PS2/xbox game Max Payne “Max Payne”. This is the piano heavy song that plays during the title screen when starting a new game. Guitar follows piano until guitar comes in, the other ones are accurate with what they follow.


          … eme_rb3con


          this is my all time favorite game. ever. followed by Max Payne 2, and Max Payne 3…

          if you liked what I did with Mario, I will do so for this one too. nice venue, EMH, etc.


          P.S. It was also, and I strongly suggest only truly enjoyable, as a PC game…the mods were amazing! Matrix Mod + bullet time = reliving the lobby scene from The Matrix was always fun.


          Just wanted to stop by and thank you once again for the awesome songs, i’ve loved playing them with friends and such.


          Also, i know i shouldn’t get too excited/hopefuly, but knowing your love of ZOE, if “Beyond The Bounds” someone makes it into your list of songs, i’ll die happy forever. Zone of the Enders 2’s theme music is one of the best pieces of video game music ever.

            this is my all time favorite game. ever. followed by Max Payne 2, and Max Payne 3…

            if you liked what I did with Mario, I will do so for this one too. nice venue, EMH, etc.


            P.S. It was also, and I strongly suggest only truly enjoyable, as a PC game…the mods were amazing! Matrix Mod + bullet time = reliving the lobby scene from The Matrix was always fun.


            I love this game too, I unfortunately stuck with the PS2 version as I’m not really much of a PC gamer, but I’ve seen some videos and yeah there are some sweet mods. I was thinking of doing the violin heavy version from Max Payne 2, but it’s super hard to tempo map given there’s no real click track in that one to go by. And I have that song “Tears” that plays in the airport towards the end of Max Payne 3 on my list as well. But anyways YES!, by all means feel free, no need to ask if I do something else you really like that you want to add stuff to, just drop me a PM that you are doing it so I can prepare my front page to have your version on it as well with mine, much like we did the Mario theme.


            Just wanted to stop by and thank you once again for the awesome songs, i’ve loved playing them with friends and such.


            Also, i know i shouldn’t get too excited/hopefuly, but knowing your love of ZOE, if “Beyond The Bounds” someone makes it into your list of songs, i’ll die happy forever. Zone of the Enders 2’s theme music is one of the best pieces of video game music ever.


            You’re welcome, I’m always happy to hear when other people are enjoying the stuff I chose to do customs of, cause like I said I know I’m not the only one who thinks it’s cool to play video game music in Rock Band. No additional plans for ZOE at the moment, but I do know that song, and you’re right it is a good one. The only other ZOE song I considered doing was the song that plays during the intro movie of ZOE1, but decided not to, at least not as of now.


              UPDATE 8/19/13 – Another one from Star Wars, this one from The Empire Strikes Back – “The Imperial March” Otherwise known as Darth Vader’s Theme. Not gonna lie, I got a little lazy with bass, so I kinda copied and pasted guitar onto bass and did some minor reductions making it a tad bit easier. Still awesome to play though, and the drums are pretty awesome. Enjoy more Star Wars!



     … ire_rb3con



              Also if anyone is interested I posted an updated version of the Escape From New York Theme, same instruments but now with vocals to follow along, and the other charts are just more accurate, it was my first custom so it kinda sucked, but this one is a little more refined since I’ve gotten a lot better so this is cleaned up.




     … mNY_rb3con


              AND Also here is another custom I made of the Escape From LA theme. Pretty easy to make since I did New York, and it was very similar. here it is in case anyone wants it.



     … eme_rb3con


              Man, you just absolutely spoil us. Thanks for just, a boatload of new songs, and at a pretty constant pace.


                Yeah I usually pump out an average of about 4 a week or so, but sometimes I get tied up in other things and it slows, but then I get a chance to get back at it again. I try my best to do as many as possible as quickly as possible just so I can get my list done. I like doing customs and I want to get the songs in game as fast as I can, so I do them quickly.


                  Thanks for the John Carpenter material. Love the bass sound on his movie soundtracks especially The Thing which is one of my favorite horror movies of all time.


                    That’s one of my favorites as well. Thinking about doing “The Thing”‘s main theme eventually actually, probably not soon, but I too really like the very creepy bass on those songs from that soundtrack.


                    Also, Here you go, knowing you like John Carpenter I’ll upload this one too from Escape From New York, I did this just for me and never intended to put it up, but if you really like his work with his soundtracks, give this one a shot too. I believe because this one I never intended to put up, even though it has guitar, bass, and keys, I think guitar and keys play the same thing but I don’t remember



           … ion_rb3con


                      I download each and every piece of content you put out so whatever you have I’ll be happy to get. Just played The Imperial March on Pro Drums and had a blast. Nice job charting that one!


                        Haha thanks yeah I was looking forward to Imperial March on drums as well given the awesome well known drum rolls so I tried pretty hard to make sure that one was good. And ok good to know, but I believe that’s all of the “secret” songs I have on my computer, I think everything I’ve done is out, no matter how stupid haha.


                          Police Action doesnt show up in my setlist. Possible song ID conflict with another song. Just played both Escape from L.A. and New York on Pro Drums. L.A. charting turned out great. The outro of New York seems a bit off from the audio track. I hear snare hits in the background but didnt see them in the chart. Not trying to flame on your charting just thought I’d let you know about it if you already didnt.


                          Update: Never mind about Police Action. I had to clear my cache to get that one to load into my setlist. Thanks!


                          Thank you for the imperial march!

                            Police Action doesnt show up in my setlist. Possible song ID conflict with another song. Just played both Escape from L.A. and New York on Pro Drums. L.A. charting turned out great. The outro of New York seems a bit off from the audio track. I hear snare hits in the background but didnt see them in the chart. Not trying to flame on your charting just thought I’d let you know about it if you already didnt.


                            Update: Never mind about Police Action. I had to clear my cache to get that one to load into my setlist. Thanks!



                            Ahhhhh shit, sorry, I actually re tempo mapped the outro of the song and forgot to shift the drum chart after doing the guitar chart. And yeah it’s weird sometimes when I import the song onto my system they won’t show up until deleting the cache and rebuliding, I hate it and it’s annoying but if a song doesn’t show up that seems to work.

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