More Paramore!!!

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  • #390296

    Heard three awesome songs from their new album: Now, Still Into You, Ain’t it Fun! I WANNA SEE THESE SONGS ON ROCK BAND!!!


    i preffer the classics.Like decode,emergency,my heart,when it rains,let the flames begin,all we know,etc…


    I’m a big Paramore fan, and would love to have stuff from their latest album. Anklebiters would be a fun one to play.


    would love to see more Paramore! Especially Ain’t it Fun


    i also requested aint it fun lol hopefullysomeone makes it


    I could get behind a few songs on the new album, like “Still Into You” and “Anklebiters,” but man…going off on a tangent here but the Farro brothers leaving took the soul out of this band. Their first album was super emo but well done, but they really found their niche in the next two albums and their songs had a lot of character. Pop/punk perfection with an emo/melancholy yet upbeat (kind of an oxymoron there) flair. The guitar work wasn’t amazing or ground-breaking, but it set a mood for sure and had an overall depth to it that I really enjoyed. I’ll especially miss Zac, as I feel he had a lot of personality as a drummer. That’s gone now. Kind of a bummer to listen to the new album and just know that the band has lost what made them great. Their character is just…gone. Even the vocals are more vanilla now.



    I could get behind a few songs on the new album, like “Still Into You” and “Anklebiters,” but man…going off on a tangent here but the Farro brothers leaving took the soul out of this band. Their first album was super emo but well done, but they really found their niche in the next two albums and their songs had a lot of character. Pop/punk perfection with an emo/melancholy yet upbeat (kind of an oxymoron there) flair. The guitar work wasn’t amazing or ground-breaking, but it set a mood for sure and had an overall depth to it that I really enjoyed. I’ll especially miss Zac, as I feel he had a lot of personality as a drummer. That’s gone now. Kind of a bummer to listen to the new album and just know that the band has lost what made them great. Their character is just…gone. Even the vocals are more vanilla now.




    Sad but true. They’re not the same. However their new album has some of my favorite songs Paramore has ever made. Proof and Anklebiters are absolutely fantastic! But I must say ” All we know is falling” is still my favorite album. I think they’ll continue to put out good music though


    +1 for songs off of Paramore’s self-titled album


    I’d love to see more Paramore. It goes without saying that the older albums are where the bulk of the most-wanted material is at.

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