More modern music

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  • #391019

    Hey guys,


    Just wanted to drop in and say everything you have done is great. Keeps us interested in a game that was dropped.


    Was thinking it’d be nice to get a few more songs that were modern hits to keep the game approachable to everyone with friends that aren’t hardcore rock band players.



    1. Bastille – Pompeii (Thanks Chainsaw Octopus!)

    2. Imagine Dragons – Demons

    3. Phillip Phillps – Raging Fire

    4. Electrasy – Cosmic Castaway

    5. No Devotion – Stay

    6. Blink 182 – When I Was Young

    7. +44 – When Your Heart Stops Beating (or any other one really)

    8. Death Cab for Cutie – Soul Meets Body (Thanks Rolling Green!)

    9. Finch – Letters to You

    10. Simple Plan – I’m Just a Kid

    11. AWOLNation – It’s Not Your Fault

    12. Mallory Knox – Beggars

    13. I Fight Dragons – (anysong)

    14. Blink 182 – Violence

    15. Switchfoot – Darkhorses

    16. Switchfoot – Saltwater Heart

    17. Of Monsters and Men – Dirty Paws


    Just some suggestions.


    Adding to the list:


    7. +44 – When Your Heart Stops Beating (or any other one really)

    8. Death Cab for Cutie – Soul Meets Body

    9. Finch – Letters to You


    I’ll cross stuff off as I find them or they get made.


    +1 for

    Blink 182 – When I Was Young (would like to see pretty much everything from this artist to be honest haha)

    Finch – Letters to You


    I’d love it if someone could do some songs by Chronic Future.


      8. Death Cab for Cutie – Soul Meets Body


      Hell yeah. And any Deth Cab songs from Given Up. Especially “nothing better”, great harmonies in that one. And “this place is a prison”…. drum solo please

        8. Death Cab for Cutie – Soul Meets Body


        Hell yeah. And any Deth Cab songs from Given Up. Especially “nothing better”, great harmonies in that one. And “this place is a prison”…. drum solo please

        I think you mean “Give Up” and “The Postal Service”!


        10. Simple Plan – I’m Just a Kid


        11. AWOLNation – It’s Not Your Fault


        12. Mallory Knox – Beggars


        13. I Fight Dragons – (anysong)


        I charted Letters to You on Guitar and Drums a while back, link in my spreadsheet here.


        Yep. I noticed. I was just hoping someone would pick it up and finish it to make it FB. I would do it but I’m too busy with work and learning Powershell scripting…. Ugh…


        +1 for Soul Meets Body and It’s not your fault


        Another +1 for any modern hits. That’s the one aspect of the Harmonix release plan that C3 hasn’t really tackled – the new material promotion. Obviously Harmonix would get the stems well in advance of the release to release it side by side with the album release, but it would be awesome to see some great tunes show up as official releases here shortly after release (within reason, of course).

          Another +1 for any modern hits. That’s the one aspect of the Harmonix release plan that C3 hasn’t really tackled – the new material promotion. Obviously Harmonix would get the stems well in advance of the release to release it side by side with the album release, but it would be awesome to see some great tunes show up as official releases here shortly after release (within reason, of course).


          I always thought new material was actually just far less interesting for the authors. I good chunk of all authors work on songs they love and always wanted to see in game. It’s really unusual for a song that has just been released to be already so loved that somebody deseprately wants to work many hours to play it in game. Not saying it’s impossible for something like that to happen, but I think new songs lack the most important dimension of songs people want to author, which means that they will be tackled by a minority of authors, including those madly in love with the band and those who want to play a specific instrument.

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