“Money For Nothing” does not work

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  • #392796

    Hello C3


    I have a big issue with Money for Nothing. And it’s the ONLY ONE which have that issue…


    In-game: The preview does not launch when I’m on it, and the cover of the album is all white. Then when I try to play it, it says that it can’t be played… –‘


    Anyone kind enough to help me please? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Thanks a lot


      Sounds like the file may have been corrupted on its way to your game console. Have you tried redownloading and/or recopying the track to your storage device? If so, give some more details like what console you’re on, the steps you’re taking to make the song appear in-game, and any errors or warnings or odd behavior you might see during the process.


      Edit: I see you were having this problem back in July, and changing the song ID was suggested. Were you able to try a track with a new song ID? Remember when changing song ID’s you have to delete your song cache and let it rebuild.

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