Missing information data [Song ID]
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April 20, 2015 at 7:28 pm #392129
Hello rockers.
I’m making some upgrades using RBHP, the problem is that there are songs that doesn’t show the song ID in the songs.dta file (like Afterlife).
In the RBHP Contribuition Guide there is a link of a file where I can find that information, but the link is broken so I need your help to get that file.
April 21, 2015 at 8:06 pm #443403These are all the missing song id’s. You’re welcome
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
21stcentdigiboy - 1005604
29fingers - 46
2minutestomidnight - 1005588
3dimesdown - 1005438
3sand7s - 1005009
aceshigh_live - 1005589
acleanshot - 1005129
action - 1005041
aestheticsofhate - 1005188
afavorhouseatlantic - 1005575
afterlife - 1005132
alivelive - 1005487
alliwant - 1005453
allmixedup - 1005113
alloveragain - 1005200
allrightnow - 1005253
allthesmallthings - 1005040
allthethingsthatgo - 1005474
aloneinmyhead - 1005520
amazingjourney - 1005172
andjusticeforall - 1005015
anymanofmine - 1005466
apacherosepeacock - 1005236
areyoudeadyet - 1005363
areyougonnabemygirl - 1
areyougonnagomyway - 1005403
ashestofire - 1005318
attack - 1005032
babaoriley - 1005171
backfromthedead - 1005598
backinblack_live - 1005296
badluck - 1005554
badomen - 1005214
badtothebone - 1005252
ballroomblitz - 2
bandages - 1005224
bangagong - 1005006
bathwater - 1005373
beerformyhorses - 1005504
beethovensc - 1005068
beetlebum - 1005112
behindblueeyes - 1005170
bestdayever - 1005495
better - 1005516
billiondollarlive - 1005565
black - 1005483
blackened - 1005014
blackfriday - 1005556
blackholesun - 3
blacksunshine - 1005430
blindedbyfear - 1005071
blitzkriegbop - 4
blooddoll - 47
bloodstone - 1005095
bloodsugarsexmagik - 1005239
bluechristmas - 1005384
bluecollarman - 1005522
bluesky - 1005542
bodyioccupy - 1005362
bounce - 1005317
boysarebackintown - 1005421
brainpower - 48
brassinpocket - 1005027
breakingthegirl - 1005245
breakmyheart - 1005424
breed - 1005273
bringmetolife - 1005595
brother - 1005475
buddyholly - 1005026
bulletsandguns - 1005128
bullsonparade - 1005616
burn - 1005177
burnyoudown - 1005307
byebyelove - 1005115
byob - 1005183
californiauberalles - 1005342
callingdrlove - 1005050
callme - 1005085
callmewhenyouresober - 1005592
cameraeye - 1005227
caniplaywithmadness - 1005583
cantletgo - 49
cantletgo_lucinda - 1005436
cantstandlosingyou - 1005012
cantstoprockin - 1005524
capitalg - 1005176
capricididiablo - 1005353
caseyjones - 1005065
catcherintherye - 1005512
celebrityskin - 5
charlene - 1005207
cheeseburgerinparadise - 1005124
cherrybomb - 1005005
cherubrock - 6
chinacatsunflower - 1005064
chinesedemocracy - 1005517
chiron - 1005206
christmasisthetime - 1005383
claudette - 1005397
closer - 189545
closertotheheart - 1005158
cloudsovercalifornia - 1005191
cmoncmon - 1005492
coldrainandsnow - 1005417
collector - 1005056
completecontrol - 1005053
constantmotion - 1005190
countdowntoinsanity - 1005105
cowboysong_live - 1005422
crackityjones - 1005142
crazytuesday - 1005316
creamandbastards - 1005251
creep - 7
creepinupthebackstairs - 1005427
criticalacclaim - 1005133
crushcrushcrush - 1005067
crylonely - 1005454
cuzurnext - 1005568
dammit - 1005277
damnationgame - 1005352
danicalifornia - 8
datewiththenight - 1005100
dawnpatrol - 1005909
daylatedollarshort - 50
dead - 1005145
deadonarrival - 9
debaser - 1005149
deep - 1005478
desperatetimes - 1005314
detroitrockcity - 10
devilschild - 1005089
devilsisland - 1005216
devour - 1005174
dieallright - 1005038
dirtydeeds_live - 1005290
dirtylittlesecret - 1005031
dirtypool - 1005442
doa - 1005070
doa_foos - 1005387
dointhatrag - 1005416
doll - 1005335
dontchastop - 1005117
donteasemein - 1005415
dontfearthereaper - 11
dontgoawaymad - 1005258
dontlookbackinanger - 1005044
dontmakemewait - 1005199
dontspeak - 1005365
dontstopbelieving - 1005489
donttellme - 1005423
downatthewhiskey - 1005153
doyouwantto - 1005546
draintheblood - 1005541
dreamin - 1005152
drfeelgood - 1005266
dunebuggy - 1005301
electriccrown - 1005180
electricversion - 12
elscorcho - 1005059
eminencefront - 1005169
enoughspace - 1005327
entangled - 1005400
entersandman - 13
epic - 14
evenflow - 1005485
everfalleninlove - 1005024
excusememr - 1005369
exgirlfriend - 1005364
facedowninthedirt - 1005186
fearofthedarklive - 1005580
featherpluckn - 1005302
februarystars - 1005326
feedthetree - 1005411
fever - 1005090
fireonthemountain - 1005414
fireyourguns_live - 1005293
fivemagics - 1005912
flathead - 1005426
flirtinwithdisaster - 15
foreplaylongtime - 16
forever - 1005337
forthoseabouttorock_live - 1005281
fortunateson - 1005004
franklinstower - 1005063
freeandeasy - 1005381
freedomtrain - 1005402
funk49 - 1005391
funkymonks - 1005244
futures - 1005433
garden - 1005479
geraldine - 1005491
getiton - 1005313
getup - 1005469
getyourrockon - 1005197
gimmeshelter - 17
gimmethreesteps - 1005035
girlsonfilm - 1005195
girlswhoplayguitars - 1005131
girluwant - 1005194
giveittome - 1005321
goingmobile - 1005168
gone - 1005336
goneaway - 1005256
gone_mg - 1005464
goodmorningblackfriday - 1005215
goodtime - 1005465
goodtimesroll - 1005121
gougeaway - 1005136
gowiththeflow - 18
greengrass - 19
gunpowderandlead - 1005380
hadadad - 1005535
hairofthedog - 1005723
hallowedbethyname - 1005579
hammerhead - 1005135
handsdown - 1005211
hangar18 - 1005865
hangingonthetelephone - 1005103
hanukkahblessings - 1005382
hardtohandle - 1005034
haypocorockandroll - 1005359
headphoneson - 1005360
heartbreaker - 1005490
heatseeker_live - 1005294
hellagood - 1005371
hellaintabadplace_live - 1005295
hellinabucket - 1005413
hellionelectriceye - 1005097
hellsbells_live - 1005288
henrietta - 1005425
herecomesyourman - 1005146
hereitgoesagain - 20
heroes - 1005018
hey - 1005138
heybaby - 1005374
heyjohnnypark - 1005333
hierkommtalex - 1005106
highvoltage_live - 1005287
highwaystar - 21
highwaytohell_live - 1005282
hillbillydeluxe - 1005379
hitcharide - 1005073
hitmewithyourbestshot - 1005419
holidayincambodia - 1005341
holywars - 1005907
hongkonggarden - 1005280
howdoyoulikemenow - 1005503
hymn43 - 1005390
hysteria - 1005111
iaintsuperstitious - 1005213
ibleed - 1005147
icanttakemyeyes - 1005494
icouldhavelied - 1005242
idealistictypes - 1005539
ididntsayiwas - 1005607
idiotsrule - 1005531
idontcare - 1005303
idontwanttogotoschool - 1005361
ifiaintgotyou - 1005312
ifoughtthelaw - 1005023
iftheworld - 1005514
ifyouhavetoask - 1005246
igetby - 51
iknowwhereyou - 1005519
ilovethisbar - 1005502
imcryin - 1005441
imeighteenlive - 1005564
imgoneimgoing - 1005322
imsosick - 52
inbloom - 22
indestructible - 1005127
indreams - 1005392
ineedamiracle - 1005062
insidethefire - 1005126
interstatelovesong - 1005037
intouch - 1005118
ironmaidenlive - 1005578
irs - 1005508
istandalone - 1005406
ithinkimparanoid - 23
ithurts - 1005099
itoldyouso - 1005459
itsmylife - 1005375
iv - 1005308
iwannabeyourman - 1005320
jailbreak_live - 1005292
jailbreak_lizzy - 1005420
janesays - 1005530
jeremy - 1005482
jesuschristpose - 1005347
jokerandthe - 1005003
jukeboxhero - 1005002
junkiesforfame - 1005173
justagirl - 1005376
justwhatineeded - 1005119
kickstartmyheart - 1005263
kidsdontfollow - 1005551
killedbydeath - 1005681
killingjar - 1005279
kissthemforme - 1005278
koolthing - 1005102
ladybug - 1005300
laidtorest - 1005348
lalaloveyou - 1005141
last - 1005175
lastresort - 1005471
lasttraintoclarksville - 1005039
learntofly - 24
leavinghere - 1005167
lenny - 1005440
letloverule - 1005401
letthereberock_live - 1005283
levitate - 1005724
liar - 1005558
lieslieslies - 1005570
lifeisbeautiful - 1005185
lifeline - 1005472
likeafool - 1005311
limelight - 1005033
limelight2 - 1005228
linger - 1005571
littleofyourtime - 1005601
littlesister - 1005008
liveforever - 1005043
livinatthecorner - 1005203
longview - 3031
losingmyreligion - 1005451
loungeact - 1005270
lovespreads - 1005223
lovestruckbaby - 1005449
luciddreams - 1005547
luckydenvermint - 1005434
lucretia - 1005839
madagascar - 1005507
magneticbaby - 1005310
mainoffender - 25
makedamnsure - 1005557
makesmewonder - 1005600
manuchao - 1005108
maps - 26
margaritaville - 1005123
maryhadalittlelamb - 1005443
masterslave - 1005476
mastersoftheuniverse - 1005680
meandmygang - 1005457
meanwomanblues - 1005395
medicate - 1005855
megasus - 1005399
melatonin - 1005274
mellowshipslinkyinbmajor - 1005241
messageinabottle - 1005084
mica - 1005344
midnightrider - 1005538
missqueen - 27
moneytalks_live - 1005289
monkeygonetoheaven - 1005144
monkeywrench - 1005334
monsoon - 1005110
moonagedaydream - 1005017
morehumanthanhuman - 1005429
morethanafeeling - 1005077
movealong - 1005030
movinginstereo - 1005114
movingtoseattle - 1005130
mrbrightside - 1005351
mrcabdriver - 1005398
mrgrieves - 1005143
mudonthetires - 1005378
mybestfriendsgirl - 1005120
mycurse - 1005189
mygeneration - 1005166
myhero - 1005329
myironlung - 1005025
mylastwords - 1005212
mylovelyman - 1005234
myoldschool - 1005548
mypoorbrain - 1005332
mysharona - 1005001
nakedeye - 1005543
nakedintherain - 1005237
naturaldisaster - 1005210
nearlylostyou - 1005250
new - 1005439
newslang - 1005498
newwave - 1005107
newwayhome - 1005324
nexttoyou - 28
nib - 1005021
nightmare - 53
no13baby - 1005140
noregrets - 1005319
numberofthebeast - 1005036
numberofthebeast2 - 1005585
oceans - 1005481
oceansize - 1005536
ohprettywoman - 1005396
onaplain - 1005268
once - 1005486
oneofthosenights - 1005209
ontheroadagain - 1005458
oobydooby - 1005394
orangecrush - 29
outside - 54
painandpleasure - 1005093
paranoid - 30
peaceofmind - 1005076
peoplegotalotofnerve - 1005435
perfectdrug - 1005054
perfectinsanity - 1005125
perfektewelle - 1005104
pickupthepieces - 1005467
pigsinzen - 1005528
pleasure - 55
poison - 1005560
poisonwasthecure - 1005910
policetruck - 1005340
polly - 1005272
porch - 1005480
powerslave - 1005581
precious - 1005418
prequeltothesequel - 1005323
prettyflyforawhiteguy - 1005255
prettyinpink - 1005276
prettynoose - 1005346
prideandjoy - 1005448
promisedland - 1005156
prostitute - 1005505
pushit - 1005249
queenbitch - 1005016
radioradio - 1005553
rattlesnakeshake - 1005264
readysetgo - 1005357
realgoodlooking - 1005165
realworld - 1005356
redbarchetta - 1005230
reddevil - 1005354
redtandy - 1005088
reinventingyourexit - 1005603
release - 1005477
renegade - 1005521
reptilia - 31
rescueme - 1005184
riadnthebedouins - 1005510
ridethelightning - 1005013
ridingonthewind - 1005096
ridinthestormout - 1005527
ringoffire - 1005552
rio - 1005196
roam - 1005049
rockandrollband - 1005075
rockandrollstar - 1005109
rockawaybeach - 1005022
rocknrolldream - 1005134
rocknrollnightmare - 1005593
rockrebellion - 1005081
rollwiththechanges - 1005526
roxanne - 1005011
rudemood - 1005444
running - 1005368
runningwild - 1005192
runtothehills - 32
runtothehills2 - 1005584
rustinpeace - 1005906
sabotage - 33
saintsoflosangeles - 1005082
sameolsituation - 1005261
satelliteradio - 1005432
saucyjack - 1005597
sayitaintso - 34
schoolsoutlive - 1005563
scraped - 1005511
screamingfor - 1005092
seaandsand - 1005164
seeyou - 1005328
selfesteem - 1005254
seven - 56
sextypething - 1005058
shake - 1005080
shedoes - 1005198
shegoesdown - 1005259
sheisahandsomewoman - 1005208
shesahottie - 1005499
shescountry - 1005463
shesellssanctuary - 1005222
shesnotthere - 1005566
shethinksmytractorssexy - 1005455
shhh - 1005202
shimmerandshine - 1005573
shiningstar - 1005468
shockwave - 1005066
shoottherunner - 1005221
shoottothrill_live - 1005297
shouldistay - 35
shouldvebeenacowboy - 1005500
sicksicksick - 1005007
silver - 1005137
simplekindoflife - 1005366
simpleman - 1005083
sinwagon - 1005377
sirpsychosexy - 1005233
siva - 1005047
skullcrushermt - 1005201
sleepwalker - 1005187
sliceofyourpie - 1005265
smilelikeyoumeanit - 1005350
smokin - 1005074
smoothcriminalaaf - 1005544
snowheyoh - 1005160
somethingaboutyou - 1005072
somethingintheway - 1005267
songwithamission - 1005029
sonsanddaughters - 1005309
sorrow - 1005220
sorry - 1005509
spacecowboy - 1005408
spaceman - 1005349
spacetruckin - 1005389
spiderwebs - 1005367
sprode - 1005079
standingintheshower - 1005533
stateofloveandtrustlive - 1005488
stayaway - 1005269
steadyatthewheel - 1005577
stickysweet - 1005260
stillalive - 1005078
stop - 1005248
stopstartagain - 1005518
storyofmylife - 1005555
streetofdreams - 1005515
stricken - 1005549
stupify - 1005550
suckmykiss - 1005243
sudsinabucket - 1005462
suffragettecity - 36
sugarmagnolia - 1005061
summertimeblues - 1005163
summertimerolls - 1005532
sundaymorning - 1005372
swamped - 1005339
sweetleaf - 1005020
sweetness - 1005431
swing - 1005456
synchronicity2 - 1005010
takebackthecity - 1005388
takeitontherun - 1005525
takemeout - 1005545
takenoprisoners - 1005862
takethemoney - 1005409
takethesechains - 1005094
tame - 1005148
tedjustadmitit - 1005534
teenagelobotomy - 1005052
tellme - 1005446
tellmebaby - 1005159
tempted - 1005355
tenspeed - 1005046
territorialpissing - 1005271
testify_srv - 1005445
texasflood - 1005447
thankyouboys - 1005529
thatshowiescaped - 1005345
thatswhenireach - 1005343
thebanishment - 1005540
theclairvoyant - 1005582
theconjuring - 1005217
thedownfallofusall - 1005606
thefeeling - 1005305
theflood - 1005605
thegambler - 1005461
thegreatestman - 1005151
thegreatsatan - 1005569
thegreetingsong - 1005235
thehandthatfeeds - 37
thejack_live - 1005291
thejoker - 1005407
thekidsarentalright - 1005452
thekill - 1005028
thepowerofequality - 1005247
theregoesmygun - 1005139
therewasatime - 1005513
therighteousandthewicked - 1005240
therunningfree - 1005574
thetimeiswrong - 1005306
thetrooper - 1005587
thewaythatitshows - 1005450
theyreredhot - 1005232
theysay - 1005181
thisaintascene - 1005098
thiscalling - 1005205
thisilove - 1005506
thisisacall - 1005386
thisisit - 1005178
thisonesforthegirls - 1005460
thrasher - 1005069
thrashunreal - 1005470
throughbeingcool - 1005193
thunderstruck_live - 1005298
timebomb - 1005437
timeforchange - 1005257
timeisrunningout - 1005154
timesickson - 1005087
timeslikethese - 1005385
timewehad - 57
timmy - 58
tnt_live - 1005284
tomsawyer - 38
tomsawyer2 - 1005231
toomuchtimeonmyhands - 1005523
tornadoofsouls - 1005911
toxicity - 1005182
traininvain - 1005101
trainkeptarollin - 39
transmaniaconmc - 1005679
troublemaker - 1005150
truckin - 1005060
truthhitseverybody - 1005051
tuttoepossibile - 1005358
twoweeks - 1005204
typical - 1005410
unclejohnsband - 1005412
undermywheelslive - 1005562
underneathitall - 1005370
underthebridge - 1005238
upinarms - 1005330
upthebeach - 1005537
useit - 1005473
useme - 1005299
vasoline - 40
vengeanceismine - 1005561
vitalsigns - 1005225
volcano - 1005122
wakeupcall - 1005602
wakeupdead - 1005218
wakingthedemon - 1005496
walkingafteryou - 1005325
wanteddeadoralive - 41
warmerthanhell - 1005596
warpigs - 1005019
warriorsoftime - 1005497
warzone - 1005405
wastedagain - 1005428
wastedyears - 1005586
waveofmutilation - 42
wecarealot - 1005048
weightoftheworld - 1005594
welcomehome - 43
wellthoughtouttwinkles - 1005275
whatsitfeellike - 1005559
whenyouwereyoung - 44
wheresgary - 1005493
whoareyou - 1005162
wholelottarosie_live - 1005286
whosgoinghome - 1005155
whosyourdaddy - 1005501
whydoyouloveme - 1005057
whygo - 1005484
wilsonlive - 1005576
windmeup - 1005404
windup - 1005331
witchhunt - 1005226
withoutyou - 1005262
wolflikeme - 1005572
wonderwall - 1005042
wontgetfooled - 45
workingman - 1005045
workingman2 - 1005157
yomp - 1005179
yougotanotherthingcoming - 1005091
yougotit - 1005393
young - 1005304
youngmanblues - 1005161
yourealligot - 1005116
yourenorocknrollfun - 1005219
youshookme_live - 1005285
yyz - 1005229
zero - 1005086April 21, 2015 at 9:54 pm #443410These are all the missing song id’s. You’re welcome” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Thanks a lot
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