MIDI Playback Problem in Reaper

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  • #520250

      Hello! Please excuse me if this is a common question, but I didn’t notice any answers when I tried searching the forums for it.

      I’m trying to author for the first time and I’ve hit my first major roadblock that I can’t figure out with any of the available resources. I want to be able to play the notes that I’ve placed for the vocal part to compare them to the original and make sure they sound okay, but the notes won’t play even if I solo the vocal track with the track volume on max. I can hear the note preview while I’m placing them and when I click on the notes in the track, so the instrument should be in place. I can get midi notes to play if I make a fresh Reaper project, so I think it has something to do with the RBN template. I’ve tried fiddling with all the settings I could think of but I’m totally stumped.

      Any advice on what I’m missing here? Thanks!


        If the vocal track is indented under another track, that means it’s “inside” a folder track (the first track tat isn’t indented, above the indented track). If you have the vocal track unmuted but the folder track is muted, make sure to unmute the folder track as well.

        If that’s not the case, you may get a clearer answer if you’re willing to provide your REAPER project file somewhere for download.


          Thanks so much for the quick answer!

          The track wasn’t indented, and another attempt to fix it through poking at all midi-related settings, shockingly, failed. 😉

          Tbh I was probably starting with a song that was too difficult for a newbie anyway, so I tried making a new project from scratch and the midi works this time. Confusing, but I’ll take it.


            Happy to hear it’s working for you now!

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