mid files from scorehero

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  • #390931

    just wondering if these are usable or what is done with them…..I like some of the songs listed …..Birthday Massacre and Kittie anyway…

    http://rockband.scorehero.com/forum/vie … y+massacre

    just wondering if these are usable or what is done with them…..I like some of the songs listed …..Birthday Massacre and Kittie anyway…

    http://rockband.scorehero.com/forum/vie … y+massacre


    You need to download chart2mid. It changes the .chart files to .mid files to be able to use in reaper. You need to use your own copy of the song if it doesn’t come with one. Then just go about it like you would a normal custom. Hope this helps. I have been doing this for awhile now and I have like 60 more from scorehero to convert. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    thanks for replying…..i’ll have to try it out

    thanks for replying…..i’ll have to try it out


    no problem. if you need help or with anything PM me

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