Matt’s GH multitrack updates (15 songs)

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    A simple explanation of what I do is I take songs other people charted that were in the guitar hero games and I simply add the multitracks (which some authors didn’t add) to the songs. I also make audio adjustments to other songs to my liking.


    I don’t fix or make charts – I leave that to the experts but either way I have a lot of respect for RB song makers <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    Here are some general things about what I post:


    All songs are as is – take it or leave it or fix it up yourself (I may fix audio volume levels from time to time *see below for updates*) and if you do fix something please post it – I’m sure other people will appreciate a less broken song <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


    – All covers are listed “as made famous by” and I used the ‘singles’ cover for the song and the year is the year of the game they came out in was released


    – I have charted nothing hence I give credit to the authors of the charts as doing everything for I simply added or edited some audio they did all the hard work of making the charts


    – None of these songs are perfect just playable, some will desync with pausing the game others will have the drummer acting weird (known issues will be listed). Essentially these are temporary songs until C3 release proper versions – Once again these songs are take it or leave it


    ++++++++++Feb 13 update++++++++++

    Audio Fix to a Fix:

    Gimme Sympathy redid the audio stems for the song using new ones to clean up the sound


    ++++++++++Feb 10 update++++++++++

    Minor Audio Adjustment:

    Die Young drum stem has been tweaked to be louder at the more prominent parts


    ++++++++++Jan 17 update++++++++++

    Added New Audio Fix:

    Added Die Young


    ++++++++++Dec 2nd update++++++++++

    Added Youth Gone Wild (cover)





    ++++++++++++++++++Matt’s Multitrack Updates+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


    Skid Row – 18 and Life (Guitar Hero 80s Cover)

    All the credit goes to farottone he made everything

    Sure it’s a meh cover but you will now know when your ‘ruining the solo’ for your drunken friend listening along.



    Skid Row – Youth Gone Wild (Guitar Hero: On Tour Cover) … YGW_rb3con

    All the credit goes to Ed Tanguy he charted everything

    This song has alot working against it. It’s from guitar hero: on tour so it has lower quality audio stems and it’s also a cover. If you can get over those facts then hey here is another mulititrack song if not then stick with the original version. On another note since this is Ed Tanguy’s version it also has 2x bass pedal charted for drums but I removed it from the title.


    +++Known Issues+++

    Audio: Questionable audio mix – the audio quality is low



    Guns N’ Roses – Sweet Child o’ Mine (Guitar Hero 2 Cover) … ine_rb3con

    All the credit goes to farottone, Jdcow45 and bandolero1 they made everything

    This is the chart that was released back in may. Feel like a real cover band singing along with fake Axel Rose and screwing up fake Slash’s solos. I personally don’t care much for GNR so having a mulititrack of a cover is better then having the original.


    +++Known Issues+++

    Guitar chart: There is a charting error early in the song and it also has 4 extra notes at the very end of the song


    Atreyu – Ex’s and Oh’s (Guitar Hero 2 DLC) … xoh_rb3con

    All the credit goes to scarletpimp5000 he charted everything

    My least liked song from the indie label pack from guitar hero 2 and also the ‘most’ broken incomplete song that I have posted…very little love for the song <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    +++Known Issues+++

    Song: is Expert only

    Vocals: are NOT charted

    Events: Are random – for example the drummer is ‘raising the roof’ the whole song instead of playing


    A Perfect Circle – The Outsider (Guitar Hero WOR)

    All the credit goes to MrMet2087 he charted everything

    Great song – This is a song I really wanted in the game and seeing how it’s a WOR song it’s not a surprise that audio mix is questionable – otherwise I haven’t noticed anything else out of the ordinary…yet


    +++Known Issues+++

    Guitar chart: The first two notes aren’t charted

    Audio: Questionable audio mix – parts may be too loud or quiet



    The Rolling Stones – Sympathy For The Devil (Guitar Hero 5)

    All the credit goes to MrMet2087 he charted everything

    One of those cases where I’ve heard the song before but I don’t really know the song. So I’m not too sure how loud the guitar part (which happens to be piano) is suppose to be – otherwise it plays fine (on guitar at least).


    +++Known Issues+++

    Events: Are random – for example the drummer is ‘raising the roof’ the whole song instead of playing



    Billy Squier – Lonely Is The Night (Guitar Hero 5)

    All the credit goes to MrMet2087 he charted everything

    An old classic – a cover in guitar hero 80s and the real version in guitar hero 5. Not much else to say…



    Red Rider – Lunatic Fringe (Guitar Hero WOR)

    All the credit goes to MrMet2087 he charted everything

    One of those songs where you don’t know it by name but when you hear it you get that “ohhh that song!” moment



    Foreigner – Double Vision (Guitar Hero Van Halen) … son_rb3con

    All the credit goes to MrMet2087 he charted everything

    Fantastic song – I remember being a little mad that the stupid Van Halen game that nobody wanted got this song…but whatever all is right in the world and you can now be a little bit closer to completing the best of foreigner in rock band.



    Muse – Stockholm Syndrome (Guitar Hero 3 DLC)

    All the credit goes to Nightmare Lyre and tiltd31 for making everything

    Rock band people always wanted more muse in the game so they got more muse…in guitar hero…I personally didn’t care either way



    Beck – Gamma Ray (Guitar Hero 5) … ray_rb3con

    All the credit goes to MrMet2087 he charted everything

    Probably one of the more forgettable songs from GH5, but then again I’m not a beck fan…



    Aerosmith – Love in an Elevator (Guitar Hero: Aerosmith) … IAE_rb3con

    All the credit goes to MrMet2087 he charted everything

    For a band that has a whole game named after it you would think more of their songs would have

    been converted by now…oh well


    +++Known Issues+++

    It takes 20 seconds for the song to start (long awkward pause)



    +++++++++++++++++++Matt’s Audio Fixes+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


    This section contains songs in which I adjusted the multitrack audio levels so they sound/play better (in my opinion)

    They have nothing wrong with them and If you don’t like what I did to the audio then stick with the original versions



    Metric – Gimme Sympathy … hy2_rb3con

    All the credit goes to pksage he charted everything

    This song originally had multitracks but it was taken down and switched it to the non-multitrack version because of the strange audio quality. But eventually I found my own set of stems and reworked the audio myself.


    +++What I Changed+++

    I remade the song to have multitracks again using different stems then the original ones provide – they are clearer



    Megadeth – Sweating Bullets (Guitar Hero 5) … /mm_rb3con

    All the credit goes to tlitd31 he charted everything

    This one is alittle different, this conversion of the song has been around for awhile but I’ve always had a issue with audio levels. Megadeth needs to be loud RAWR!


    +++What I Changed+++

    The guitar part and the vocals I made louder as I found them to be too quiet



    Ke$ha – Die Young

    All the credit goes to HankScorpio he charted everything

    This song has easily available stems but oddly enough an issue arises as the bass and keys are the same stem (I’m assuming that is why they weren’t included with the official release). Resulting in either making one silent so that other one would work properly. After juggling the idea of just removing the bass part I came up with a compromise fix….



    +++What I Changed+++

    The bass audio is partially separated from the key stem (only the two parts in the song where the key part is quiet) other then that the bass is playing along with the key track. The key track is the more prominent of the two so it gets the main stem tied to it.




    Thanks for the All That Remains song!!


      These should probably be in the “Other Customs” forum. As this forum is for help on songs you are working on if you get stuck. Once they are done they should go in the other customs forum.


      Cool, good stuff – thank you! (I love multitracks.. :excited: )


      This is awesome. I love multitrack customs. Thanks.


      If I provided stems and the con for Slayer’s Angel of Death, would you be interested in turning it into a multitrack custom?


      Sure I could give it a shot – I’ve run out of songs I can update due to lack of charts anyways

      Sure I could give it a shot – I’ve run out of songs I can update due to lack of charts anyways


      So happy you said that. I’ll be sending you a PM here shortly. Thanks!


      Thank you to Mattm for putting the time in to swap the original audio for the multitrack audio on the Slayer Angel of Death custom that’s been floating around. You can download the multitrack version below:

      … ath_rb3con


      Out of curiosity, can I ask what you and tiltd31 added to my Six custom? (by the way, TheDeadPlayers is just my YT name and I don’t actively use that screen name anymore)


        Just a minor nitpick, but Atreyu is metalcore, not nu-metal. If you want to change it, just set the main genre to “metal” and the subgenre to “core” in either Magma or LeFluffie.


        Alright good to know I’ll update my post (I just credit whoever it says made the chart) – I just added the stems from guitar hero 2 to the song – nothing else


        As for the genre for the atreyu song as its a incomplete song anyways I’m not going to update it

        Thank you to Mattm for putting the time in to swap the original audio for the multitrack audio on the Slayer Angel of Death custom that’s been floating around. You can download the multitrack version below:

          … gma_rb3con


        The chart(well at least its complete) is fine/has errors the charter(thewinnerisgeeg) didn’t catch(someone told me “overcharted”, im not a pro player I hardly play these games so i can’t make that call). The audio is the bigger problem, not only does not sync with the chart, it also was down mixed to mono stems, total noob job(sorry Mattm). xD


        I am currently re-working the audio to be “in sync” with the chart…Working out mighty fine. I’ll provide you the master ogg file to use(repackage for everyone).

        The chart(well at least its complete) is fine/has errors the charter(thewinnerisgeeg) didn’t catch(someone told me “overcharted”, im not a pro player I hardly play these games so i can’t make that call). The audio is the bigger problem, not only does not sync with the chart, it also was down mixed to mono stems, total noob job(sorry Mattm). xD


        I am currently re-working the audio to be “in sync” with the chart…Working out mighty fine. I’ll provide you the master ogg file to use(repackage for everyone).


        Don’t put the blame solely on mattm. I took what he had sent to me and unsuccessfully tried to change it because it wasn’t feeling right in game. You can label me as the “noob”, due to me not really knowing what I was doing. I am really looking forward to seeing your updated version of the song and having it play properly in game.




        xD Sorry bout that, was being a drunkard last night.


        The chart needs fixing has charting errors in it. I don’t chart however. I’ll PM you the new junk.




        It’s cool no hard feelings – but in general people shouldn’t be too harsh on random people for trying to help others


        I don’t know the song at all, barely tested it (there is a reason I didn’t post the song myself) – I took some of my freetime to make whatever I could – much like the atreyu song take it or leave or fix it yourself is the motto when it comes to the stuff I post

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