Tagged: Blood Mountain, Crack the Skye, Leviathan, mastodon, Remission, The Hunter
I’m sure your aware of this but there is only a few Mastodon customs left that are not yet upgraded to full band status:
Crack The Skye
Hearts Alive
Pendulous Skin
Siberian Divide
Superb work on this project.
Oh I’m aware and thanks for the props
ETA on Steambreather? ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />
ETA on Steambreather?
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />
It was lower on the schedule but since you asked I think I can bump it to this month. Stay thirsty my friend ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Updated the master list. This project is not dead just frozen in carbonite.
I’ve just discovered the world of custom songs after stumbling upon the Mastodon Rock Band channel and I’m in a state of complete bliss! I can’t believe you’ve got damn near the entire Mastodon library already made! Keep up the great work, I’m especially looking forward to Siberian Divide and Dry Bone Valley!
I’ve just discovered the world of custom songs after stumbling upon the Mastodon Rock Band channel and I’m in a state of complete bliss! I can’t believe you’ve got damn near the entire Mastodon library already made! Keep up the great work, I’m especially looking forward to Siberian Divide and Dry Bone Valley!
Thanks man. After losing my main guitar guy I’m happy to report mr PhantomBlade has stepped and will get all the remaining songs done on guitar. I’ve updated the main post with each song and what parts are still needed. If anyone is interested in helping mainly with bass and vocals please PM me and I’ll get you the files
I’m 2 days late for this but who cares
Thanks to the onslaught of Mastodon during Metal Month II my work for this project is complete. That is until any new albums come out then I shall be back but for now I’m glad to have the greater majority of their catalog in custom form for you to enjoy
Thanks to the onslaught of Mastodon during Metal Month II my work for this project is complete. That is until any new albums come out then I shall be back but for now I’m glad to have the greater majority of their catalog in custom form for you to enjoy
CONGRATULATIONS! People will be enjoying these customs for right now, and time to come. Amazing work, and I’m glad I could be a part of it!
Congratulations! Truly an impressive feat
thanks for all the mastodon work. definitely something that i play quite regularly and enjoy a whole lot!
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