mass download/torrents of releases?

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  • #392551

      It take forever for me to catch up as i had to reset my customs recently. Just thinking it might be good to make it easier for people to get to them and save bandwidth possibly at the same time.


        I rarely see quality charts assembled into a torrent. If a chart has to be fixed, the old torrent with the mistakes will be floating around on the internet forever.


          We’d lose control of our stats, we’d need to issue updates via torrent, we’d need to update the torrent each week, etc. In short, sorry but no. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


            took me 16 hours total to gather all C3 customs and browse through every thread/page in Other Customs to gather most full-band releases i would enjoy. you can do it if you spend a few hours each day on it.


            I’ve been on here for 2 months finding songs I like . That’s part of the fun……

            Trying to find what you want. It’s kind of like a scavenger hunt !!

            If you put in the time & effort you can find most songs your looking for.

            If not try & try again !


            So there are songs out there that aren’t compiled in the tell for a noobie please


              Use the search, Luke!


              Or just keep an eye on the new posts every day to see what everyone’s working on and what’s being offered outside of the official C3 releases.

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