Managing my song cache

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    I’ve had a strange thing start happening, and I’m wondering if there’s some way to fix it short of deleting my song cache entirely. Basically here’s my situation:

    • I’m on TU4, customs have been working great for me.
    • I only ever run with my customs USB drive in, and I’ve moved my song cache from my HD to my USB drive.
    • When I start up RB3, it does the count-up of all my existing DLC and imported songs (while not hitting my USB drive), then pauses for a split-second and continues counting up all my customs (using my USB drive).


    But I have two things happening I don’t understand:


    1) Every time it does this, it thinks it finds 15 new songs (no idea what they are). Is there some way to get these songs to “stick”? I’m assuming I won’t be able to store scores for these sons since it thinks it’s finding them fresh every time.


    2) I’m working on a custom, but the first time I playtested it it only had drums, so now RB3 thinks there are no other instrument parts, even though I’ve now authored them. No matter what I’ve tried, I’ve not been able to get this to refresh — I’ve replaced the song on the drive, I’ve deleted the song from the RB3 menu (which triggered another red-count-up of my songs) and then re-installed it, no dice. If I rename the file and put it on the drive, that works, but I’d rather not rev the filename every time I make a change. Is there any way to really nuke the file from the memory of RB3?


    I’m not opposed to resetting the song cache for all my customs, but I’d hate to lose all the scores/stars/ratings for all my DLC and imported songs.


    Thanks for any help/suggestions!


      1) Every time it does this, it thinks it finds 15 new songs (no idea what they are). Is there some way to get these songs to “stick”? I’m assuming I won’t be able to store scores for these sons since it thinks it’s finding them fresh every time.


      I had this happen a few months ago, never cared enough to understand which 2/3 songs were reloaded everytime, so can’t help you, but know that this happens (it went away by itself, or rather without me doing something directly about it).


      2) I’m working on a custom, but the first time I playtested it it only had drums, so now RB3 thinks there are no other instrument parts, even though I’ve now authored them. No matter what I’ve tried, I’ve not been able to get this to refresh — I’ve replaced the song on the drive, I’ve deleted the song from the RB3 menu (which triggered another red-count-up of my songs) and then re-installed it, no dice. If I rename the file and put it on the drive, that works, but I’d rather not rev the filename every time I make a change. Is there any way to really nuke the file from the memory of RB3?


      You haven’t done the only one thing that works: changing the song ID. The DTA information for the songs is loaded once in the cache using the song ID and that’s it. Album name, instruments available, tiering, etc. it’s all there, loaded once. There’s no way to refresh those data for that particular song ID without deleting the cache, which will wipe your offline scores clean. So, when you change something in the DTA, change the song ID (add a v# to it, where # is the number of the release). Easiest way: rename your RBA file, feed it to rb3maker and you have a new CON with a new song ID. You can then either rename the CON to overwrite to old one on the stick or delete the old one on the stick to avoid having two versions of the song.


        I’ve had four songs loading under TU4 and TU5 for a year and a half now, through multiple cache rebuilds.


        I have no idea why.


        Aha, nice, renaming the rba by version is much preferable to renaming the con. Thanks!


        If you sort your songs by date acquired, won’t it show you the new songs it just loaded?


          I transferred a whole bunch onto it and some don’t work. Is there any side effects renaming the files before I inject them on to my USB? Because it would make it easier me to troubleshoot if I rename them all to Artist – Song and also in the LeFluffieForRB3 package description too?

          I also notice some don’t have the _rb3con or _plus prefix, are these not a requirement for the 360 to read them?


            the file name you see on your PC you don’t see in the xbox dashboard, but it’s what determines whether the xbox will tell you have that song already or not. if you copy gnr_liveandletdie and gnr_liveandletdie2, they’ll both show up in your dashboard and the xbox doesn’t see them as duplicates.


            however, both of them will show in your dashboard as Guns N’ Roses – Live and Let Die. to change that, you got to edit the Package Title in LeFluffie (the top field).


            in the above situation, the game will only show one, since they both will have the same song id. to have them show at the same time, you’d need to change the song_id field in one of them.


            as far as _plus and _rbcon those are just things we add so we know it’s a con file rather than another type of extensionless files. one of the options in the new Magma is to NOT add _rb3con, which RB3Maker did by default. I don’t like it, so none of my songs have _rb3con at the end, and they work just fine. keep in mind all these files are extensionless, so they don’t NEED anything beyond some sort of a name.

              As far as _plus and _rbcon those are just things we add so we know it’s a con file rather than another type of extensionless files. one of the options in the new Magma is to NOT add _rb3con, which RB3Maker did by default. I don’t like it, so none of my songs have _rb3con at the end, and they work just fine. keep in mind all these files are extensionless, so they don’t NEED anything beyond some sort of a name.


              Those _rbcon and such help make it easier to describe to someone what to do with those files. However MagmaC3 is turning into a powerful program and sounds like no one will have to do anything with them, but keep them organized!.

              Regarding the file name you see on your PC, are there any unusual restrictions on what characters can’t be used? Besides the / : * ? ” < > |


                not sure really, I would just stick to the standard characters to be safe.


                  If its worth anything, 360 does not like commas , and is ok with the ampersand &

                  Found this out with:

                  Metallica – Broken, Beat & Scarred


                  I kinda have the same problem with one of my custom songs I charted, at first I only had the drums chart, and now I added more, but the game wouldn’t recognize that. So I changed the song ID with Magma and deleted the old one, but now it’s not showing up at all in the game. I don’t really want to delete my song cache, so what could I do?

                    I kinda have the same problem with one of my custom songs I charted, at first I only had the drums chart, and now I added more, but the game wouldn’t recognize that. So I changed the song ID with Magma and deleted the old one, but now it’s not showing up at all in the game. I don’t really want to delete my song cache, so what could I do?


                    Try changing song ID again?


                    …Yep, I added some more characters and now it works. Thanks, and I’m sorry for that ^^

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