Mad Customs (10/28/19: King Diamond – Sleepless Nights, Updated Volbeat – Still Counting)


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  • #442332
      I’m sorry. A bit out of sync, too soon, too late, both? Whole song? Same with the TNT song on the drums. Please help me out here. I need to understand so I can narrow down the issue. I know the vocals on all the songs seem to be good.




      They are comming in a bit too late. Only like a tiny bit. try dragging all the notes to the left just one across. Also do you use the visualiser in reaper to see what comes down the track?


      TNT’s drums are a bit late. I’m going to assume its the whole song but since I failed at the very beginning on expert, I’m not entirely sure. I will play it later in “no fail mode” and see if anything gets better further on in the song…..I may also try the other levels to see if anything changes there as well. I’ll post my findings later. Thanks



      I’m sorry. A bit out of sync, too soon, too late, both? Whole song? Same with the TNT song on the drums. Please help me out here. I need to understand so I can narrow down the issue. I know the vocals on all the songs seem to be good.




      OK, I had a little time to do the TNT drums and what I found was the song starts off out of snyc a little bit (roughly a half a beat per measure late), gets close to being in sync around the first chorus and then becomes very out of sync by the end of the song to the point where I was hitting each note roughly 1-2 beats per measure late. Something else I did notice also was there was no overdrive (I had a hard time trying to get my overdrive bar filled on the higher levels but I managed it on easy and medium). Anyway, that’s my assessment….hope this helps you. If you have any questions about it, feel free to PM me. Thanks and good luck


      I also noticed the amount of “un-sync ness” varying a bit on all four on guitar


        Okay… This helps a lot. I’ll look into these.


        Ultimate_MANG0, yes I do use the visualizer. These all look good in Reaper. I did find some things like this here in the C3 forums that I am going to try.


        rockman666, thank you. This falls under the same issues previously mentioned.


        iammax, all four songs?




          I only asked cause I’ve had the same issue. It looked fine in the visuliser, but it was out of sync when I played it


            Visualizer is playing the audio only, that has nothing to do with syncing of the midi chart. How about cPlayer, is it out of sync there? All the commensmts suggest your tempo map is either not being embedded or is broken somehow.


            If you try playing them on 360 you will probably get a better idea of what I meant


              Okay… I think I got this one fixed.





              This looks good in Reapers FX window and cPlayer. I also updated the links above. Please let me know of issues. It looks good to me.




                  I originally posted this in the “Show Floor”.

                  (Link is at the top)


                  I am so glad no one sponsored it. What a disaster. I completely reworked everything. I thought there should be some NWOBHM (new wave of British heavy metal) on here. Please let me know if there are any issues.


                  Enjoy and thanks,


                    I give a second chance to Time by Helloween and Hearts on fire by Hammerfall but it’s a nightmare on guitar and bass.

                    I really think there an issue with the tempo map and the chart.

                    Notes are not alway synch with the music and the majority of the notes are not on line or in the middle between lines.


                      Just added:






                        This is my first go at authoring keys. Please let me know of any issues or just say thanks or whatever. Enjoy. More to come.




                          Just finished this:


                          and a 1X version. My big focus has been on tempo mapping since my since my first ones were not so good (at least there was a tempo map which is better than none at all). I will update as soon as I can. This should be promising. I have not had a chance to test since my xbox took a dive. I should have a replacement soon. I am currently working on Pagan’s Mind – United Alliance and Savatage – Of Rage And War.


                          More to come…

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