Tagged: full band
I’ve been working on a collaboration. Hope to be out soon.
All I can say , is that it was mentioned recently in one these threads.
Fixed sync issue and minor other fixes. Please update to version 3.
many thanks for the update to FB of Korn’s Here to Stay! That’s a band I wish we could see more of, specially some of their earlier work…
Thank you. The cat’s out of the bag.
Thank you. The cat’s out of the bag.
Any chance of any more Korn?
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Maybe, in the future.
Maybe, in the future.
Good enough for me!
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Just added:
These guys have been back for a while, now, and with a new vocalist. He may not be Udo, but he is still awesome.
Great song from a great album. FYI, Teutonic is misspelled in the visualizer.
Fixed spelling of the title in the visualizer. Thanks clintilona for that.
Hey there!
We (Housequake and me) don’t consider ourselves Heavy Metal connoisseurs by any stretch of the imagination but we certainly have come to know your thread as one to look forward to. We really like a lot of your choices in this genre. So when one (or both) of us feels the need to rock hard, kick ass and take some fucking names…………
Thanks for the latest offering…..she’s shredding it up as I’m posting this. LOL!
You’re welcome. More to come.
Lengthened the drum fills. Please update to version 2.
There’s still a problem with this song. It has 4 chorded notes charted at the start.
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