Mad Customs (10/28/19: King Diamond – Sleepless Nights, Updated Volbeat – Still Counting)


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      But if that was the case, and Mad was asked to take it down, that would be kind of a dick move, wouldn’t it?


      It could also be construed as a dick move assuming I would do the exact opposite of something I recently did by letting a guy keep on the DB as his songs I had actually authored. Please don’t imply I would do something you consider wrong when you can easily check that I did the exact opposite in the past.


      Also, asking something is not a “dick move”, forcing him would, since current rules don’t allow for that.


      Anyway, we’ll let Freewaymad decide what is a dick move or isn’t when and if I contact him via PM. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


      It could also be construed as a dick move assuming I would do the exact opposite of something I recently did by letting a guy keep on the DB as his songs I had actually authored. Please don’t imply I would do something you consider wrong when you can easily check that I did the exact opposite in the past.

      I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that I think you would.

      From my experience here on C3, you’re a very nice and friendly person, so I wouldn’t think you would do that.


      And to clarify my statement, I didn’t mean the asking would be a dick move, but that someone could ask a fellow charter to remove a custom just because they wanted theirs to be the only one in the DB. (This has happened to me).

      When I said that it would be a dick move to asked Mad to take it down, I was just using him and the song as an example, and I meant that it can happen in any similar situation with anybody.


      So yeah, I do apologize for unintentionally implying that, and that I know anything you bring to us, whatever it may be, will be great. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        And to clarify my statement, I didn’t mean the asking would be a dick move, but that someone could ask a fellow charter to remove a custom just because they wanted theirs to be the only one in the DB. (This has happened to me).


        Anybody can ask but anybody can politely decline and if somebody tries to bully you into removing a song let us know immediately. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>. C3 as a group had a specific provision: if a song was released officially we would need other authors to remove theirs. The reason was simple: plenty of time was devoted to making the definitive version of that song and we didn’t want people to find inferior duplcates. In the post-C3 world, we don’t award anybody the presumption of thinking they’re creating a definitive version (even when we know they are, because people like Nyx, Bearz, pksage, etc. WILL release the definitive version of anything they do, there is no doubt). For that reason we can have duplicates and no one can force you to remove a song. Now, asking is a different matter, and there are scenarios in which I would actually support a single version in the DB, but it is ultimately up to the individual authors to remove their versions.


        This of course applies to legitimate entries. If anybody uploads bogus files, files that blatantly mislead users, etc. we will remove the songs, because it’s bad for the whole community. But it’s outside of the scope of this discussion anyway. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        Also, thank you for the vote of confidence, I appreciate it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

          Hey I did not mean raise hell here with this chart, and certainly did not want to step on any toes. I did not know this was being authored by anyone else. I do my best to not work on something someone else is working on. I do appologize Farottone for the sting. As for any dick moves, there has not been any here, over this. I would gladly remove my version of this if Farottone had another one charted. I’m sure it would be awesome. This one for some reason gave me a lot trouble with the vocals. Anyway, Farottone if you were to want me to remove my version, I would for the sake of better chart. That would be better for the community. That would go for any of my charts. I just like making them and contributing. Thank you to everyone who has helped or commented on anything I have done.
          More charts to come,

            You have nothing to apologize and you author a lot of songs people love.<img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


            Thank you for the Fates Warning! Love your songs.


            Thank you very much for Pet Sematary! :swoon:


              Thank you all for your comments. Thank you Farottone.


                Just added:

                It’s been a while. This is one of my favorites.






                  I did something a little different this time. Just added:


                  These guys still kick ass!




                  Thrash!!! Thanks for the Overkill.


                    Just added a special live Scorpions featuring Uli Jon Roth:




                    I have both the regular and Japanese front covers available. Two different front covers, same song. You are able to have both covers at the same time if you want. Just download both versions. There is no conflict.

                      dude yes! Pictured Life rules! Can’t wait to try it out!


                        Thanks for the comments.


                        Anyone into Angra? I am currently working on something from them when drummer Aquiles Priester was in the band. This guy is an insane drummer, and the band is awesome. Should be very promising. Lets hear your comments.




                          Thanks for the comments.


                          Anyone into Angra? I am currently working on something from them when drummer Aquiles Priester was in the band. This guy is an insane drummer, and the band is awesome. Should be very promising. Lets hear your comments.



                          I admittedly haven’t listened to very much Angra but what I have heard is good so I’m all for it


                          Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk

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