As I understand it the Midi Pro Adapter DOES work on PS4. Only XBone users got the shaft on that one
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I’m one of those freaks who actually bought an XBONE just to play Rock Band 4. However, I will say the decision was a lot less spontaneous than the earlier decision had been to buy an XBox 360 just for Rock Band. I don’t regret the decision, but I’ve played RB4 a lot less than I thought I would.
So I don’t doubt there were a lot less of us this go-round.
I did the EXACT same thing as you!! hahaha
I have barely played RB4 just because RB3, I feel is better on so many levels. If they bring online to RB4 then I’ll consider taking it up again on a regular basis. But I just don’t see the benefit from it atm.
Also, I spent $500 on this game and was thoroughly disappointed. I guess the only thing I can take away from this game is having my name in the credits. hahaha
well, here in Brazil the RB4 bundle is around, now, R$ 2.000,00 (our minimum wage is R$ 880,00… yes, it’s more than 2 minimum wages) and the game with the guitar we can find for R$ 900,00. those prices are on an ebay/like site, we don’t have the official sale here. I have a PS4, that I paid R$ 2.000,00, but there’s no way I will buy the game here. I will stay with my RB3 and XBOX360 WITH toms of customs .
in the other hand, we have official GHL with guitar, and we can find them on sale for R$ 350,00.
so, as much as it concerns to Brazil, we cannot help madcatz and HMX here
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