Lowlander2’s WIP thread

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  • #394845

      You know how this thread goes by now. Note that this is not a to-do list, it’s literally for works in progress. I had to have started on it to put it here.


      Look Left – Waiting

      Got the multitracks to this ages ago, only just now started putting it together. Drums are done, bass is started, but lawdy is Pro Keys going to take some time to crank out.


      Soundgarden – Ty Cobb

      Cheesecake Militia graciously gave me his project files for this one. GDB look like they need a couple of tweaks but are pretty much done, vox needs to be started.


      Blue Shaddy – Surfin’

      Drums are done, need to start everything else.


      Frost* – Numbers

      I’m actually hemming and hawwing about what Frost* song I want to do, they all sound impossible to chart on at least one instrument. But if it’s not this song, it’ll probably be Heartstrings. I’m only midway through a tempo map on this one.


      DVDA – Now You’re A Man

      Tempo mapped and nothing more, and even that might need a bit of surgery.


      Geddy Lee – My Favorite Headache

      Same as above, but I’d really like to get to this one.


      Masafumi Takada – Let’s Play With Monokuma

      Almost tempo mapped.


      Deadly Premonition – Life Is Beautiful

      I thought I saw this released elsewhere, but a cursory search tells me not. This was tempo-mapped, but even then I think I’d have to redo it.


      Those are my only songs that have had a solid start, though I obviously have other ideas banging around in my head. The other charts I had WIP are ones that have been released by other people and which I barely started anyway, or they’re GH conversions I’ve tried and failed to convince myself to get going.


      I’d like Life is Beautiful. Tried it myself at one point but ehhh..


      I would live to see Now You’re a Man get done. That song comes up every now and again in conversation when we’re playing as something we’d love to have in the game.


        Soundgarden – Ty Cobb

        Oh… I was working on that song!

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