Lowlander2’s non-C3 customs: Bury The Hatchet – Protest The Hero

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      Is this our one song a year from Lowlander? Well it’s a good one <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Thanks buddy

      Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

      SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
      MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


        Damn I just finished making Love Bites last night! XD

        If this is sarcasm, I’m jealous. What was her name? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

        Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

        SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
        MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


        Great song, thanks LL2!


          Damn I just finished making Love Bites last night! XD


          Damn, sorry dude! Does this mean we had the same idea, though? Do you have a sort of “anti-Valentine’s” pack lined up?


          Love it!!!! More Hysteria tracks are needed <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          At this point, between the two live cuts as DLC and the two tracks I put out, I’m sated for Hysteria, except for Rocket. But gee if I could figure out what’s going on in the four minute breakdown. If I do, I’ll take a crack at it, but I’m more liable to move on to my other favourite album, Pretty Hate Machine.


          Is this our one song a year from Lowlander? Well it’s a good one <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Thanks buddy


          Haha, my charting output has slowed considerably, but I do have more songs lined up. Someone needs to chart Frost*, after all.


          Awesome to finally see this song make it to rock band


          I am having a problem with the Def Leppard song “Love Bites” in that once I install it, it makes the Judas Priest song of the same name (C3 release) disappear from the game (Top of song list reads “Viewing 1952 of 1953 Songs”). I’m not real good at reading or editing the con files but from what I can tell the song ID’s are different. So I went ahead and deleted my cache and then things got even weirder. After rebuilding the cache, the game now sorts the Judas Priest song under the Def Leppard heading and the Def Lep song doesn’t appear anywhere (still reads “Viewing 1952 of 1953 Songs” at the top). Sorry if there’s an obvious solution to this, but I for one am left bewildered and confused. I have no idea how to fix this so both songs will show up in the game. If anyone with a clearer knowledge of these things could offer some guidance it would be greatly appreciated.


          ^^^ Oh well, I still can’t figure it out so I had to delete the Def Leppard song and rebuild the cache again. Everything is back to normal now. It sucks because I like the Def Leppard song but it came down to a choice between the Judas Priest track and this one. Turns out the JP song “chomped & devoured” Def Lep, so I guess it’s true, love really does bite (ouch!).


            ^^^ Oh well, I still can’t figure it out so I had to delete the Def Leppard song and rebuild the cache again. Everything is back to normal now. It sucks because I like the Def Leppard song but it came down to a choice between the Judas Priest track and this one. Turns out the JP song “chomped & devoured” Def Lep, so I guess it’s true, love really does bite (ouch!).

            I too have the same issue with this song. Is it possible to have it changed so that we can have both songs present in RockBand. I wasn’t sure if it was the Judas Priest or the Halestorm “Love Bites” that was preventing me from adding this.

            <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


              If you’re handy with C3ConTools, check the Song ID’s and the internal file names of the two songs. If either are the same for both songs, change one. A cache rebuild may be necessary afterward.


                If you’re handy with C3ConTools, check the Song ID’s and the internal file names of the two songs. If either are the same for both songs, change one. A cache rebuild may be necessary afterward.

                Thanks for the reply. I’m not overly familar with all of the parts of C3ConTools, if you could tell what the steps are I would greatly appreciate this. Please.


                  So the problem is not with the song ID, but indeed with the internal file and folder names. The internal name for both Def Leppard’s “Love Bites” and Judas Priest’s “Love Bites” is “lovebites”. One of them has to change. Here’s what I did.

                  First, I decided Def Leppard should lay claim to “lovebites”, simply because I’m a bigger Leppard fan than Priest fan. That means I didn’t have to do anything to the Def Leppard file. Next, I used the Batch Extractor tool in C3 CON Tools to extract all the files and folders that make up the Judas Priest “Love Bites” package (drag and drop the CON file onto the “Batch Extractor” button in C3 CON Tools so that it knows to open only that one file). After extraction, there was a folder titled “LL2_JPLoveBites_extracted” on my computer. Within that folder was a folder called “Root”, and within that folder was a folder called “songs”. The files and folders in the “songs” folder were the ones to care about. Everywhere there was “lovebites” in either a file name or within the songs.dta file, I replaced it with “lovebitesjp”. Just for good measure, I also replaced “LoveBites” with “LoveBitesJP” after the first opening parenthesis in songs.dta (but I did not change “Love Bites” where the song name is given). Then, I used CON Creator from C3 CON Tools to stitch together a new package file. Before letting CON Creator do its thing, I also made sure to include the album art thumbnail. This isn’t essential, as the thumbnail is only ever displayed when looking at files using the XBox 360’s file explorer, but I’m anal that way (note this is not the same as the album art you see in-game; that’s a different file).


                  Once I put the Def Leppard file and the newly-created Judas Priest file on a memory stick, I was able to see and play both “Love Bites”es in the game.


                  If you decide to rename the Def Leppard internals, the process is the same. You can even change the internals for both songs if you want to be that certain they won’t step on each other. Batch Extractor and CON Creator should be fairly self explanatory. In fact, this was the first time I’d used Batch Extractor to actually extract files, and the first time I used CON Creator period, and I found them pretty easy to navigate.


                  Hopefully sometime soon Lowlander will create new files for one or both of these songs, but in the meantime this will get both songs playing nice together.


                  Thanks for the detailed instructions FujiSkunk, I will definitely give this a try later.


                    Long time no see? I understand I promised to come back in full force, but nngh if for various reasons I don’t usually have the fire in me anymore to chart. I’m eking my way back in but I still wouldn’t expect a surplus. Hence if you were holding back on something I placed in my throwaway WIP thread, you don’t have to (except for Frost*, that much is definitely coming). ANYWAY




                    Much like a lot of other folk, I love me some Cuphead, and especially the music in the game. While a lot of it is traditionally cool, there is one song that stands heads above the rest in terms of impact, and it’s the intro, which blasts you with barbershop quartet as soon as you hit the splash screen. This custom is of both that and the piano rendition that plays afterwards. Preview video will be in the usual spot as soon as it’s up.




                      I decided to refresh my convert skills on something with simple harmonies and no keys in case I ever decided to bring over, like, Young Cardinals or something. So here you go! Guitar and bass are whole different beasts alongside the reworked drums, but it’s not a full rechart either.





                        Another one from GH5. No vocals, but lots of keys! Special thanks to Keltic (Rocker1999) for helping out with audio a bit.

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