lost scores

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    Everything was going great, finding great customs and downloading them, when all of a sudden after a download, which I can’t remember what now, I lost all my saved scores. And now it still won’t remember scores on some songs. Anyone have this happen to them?


      This is somewhat of an old post, but… omfg, this literally JUST HAPPENED TO ME. And I want to rip my f*cking hair out. Did you ever get the issue resolved?? Did you figure out what the problem was?

      I downloaded some new customs, put em on the flash drive, flash drive into 360, everything as normal and usual.. I get into RB3, and I notice…. that some of the scores are gone. It’s not like ALL of my customs suddenly had missing scores and such. But a lot of them, I don’t know how many… the scores were gone, my review for the songs was gone, it was as if I’d never played the song or done anything at all with it.

      Please tell me you got this issue resolved somehow, because…. this is really upsetting me at the moment. :/


        If you have your saved backed up somewhere, there may still be hope. Wii users face a similar issue a bit more often, so I wrote a tool to backup and erase scores from the save.


          I thought about maybe….copying my song cache from the Xbox HDD onto the USB flash drive that I use for my customs songs… But I already have my song cache on there, so it would essentially be overwriting the other one that’s there already. I’m worried that if I do that… it’ll somehow erase even more scores that I had for customs (or maybe even screw up my scores and such for non-custom songs as well…) I’m very scared to try to fix this issue, but at the same time… I want to know what caused it, so I can prevent it from happening again. I hope that someone on here has some knowledge of this issue and knows why it did this, and if there’s any hope of fixing it. There didn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to which songs had their scores and such erased. There were some songs that I put on the flash drive a long time ago that still had scores…and then there were also some songs that I had recently put on there, within the last month or so, that still had scores. But somehow, a bunch of seemingly random customs songs (it doesn’t appear that any non-customs were affected, but I can’t say with 100% certainty that this is the case) had their scores erased, like I’d never played them at all. And the scores were erased across more than one profile as well. I have another profile I play RB on occasionally, that doesn’t have Xbox Live or anything.. and never had any problems switching between the two profiles to play customs and such. So why would these custom songs somehow have their scores and whatnot erased across both profiles? It might as well have been like I’d just put them on the flash drive for the first time or something, even though that wasn’t the case, obviously. :/


          Do the songs that lost scores have numeric IDs? Anything else and the score gets stored in the song cache and not the save game file

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