Logan812’s Full-Band Customs (6/18/15 – Count Zero)

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      Hello, everyone. I’ve been making customs on and off since before Guitar Hero 2 was released, and the news of Rock Band 4 sparked a renewed interest. Unfortunately, I am unable to play custom RB songs since I am unwilling to mod my PS3. So as far as playtesting goes I only have Phase Shift to rely on until I eventually buy a copy of RB3 EA version with a guitar controller for my Xbox 360 (sadly I won’t be able to play all my paid DLC on the Xbox though).


      Still, I chart Guitar, Bass, Pro Drums, Vocals, Harmonies (when applicable), and Pro Keys (when applicable – as well as regular keys of course). I’m only charting on Expert since CAT refuses to work on my computer. Something about “%1 is not a valid Win32 application” or whatever. If anyone wants to do reduction for me then that would be absolutely fine. Also, I painstakingly chart accurate drum, guitar, and bass animations although I’m not entirely sure how they’ll look in-game, so if anyone wants to test that for me and upload a video I would be very thankful! I just use Magma’s autogeneration for the Venue. I play bass professionally and guitar and drums as a hobby, so I sort of have a good idea of how the animations should look… I hope <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


      Anyway, for my first project I’m doing Count Zero’s third album, Little Minds (It has the song “Sail Your Ship By” from the Guitar Hero 1 bonus songs.) I wanted to do something fairly unique as well as fun to listen to… at least to me anyway. I’ve already charted the album about halfway for Phase Shift a while back, so right now it’s a matter of getting it all configured for Rock Band and adding all the new bells and whistles before I actually begin charting new songs. It’s very much a work in progress.


      Of course, feedback is always greatly appreciated!




      Count Zero – Little Minds




      Thanks for this song!!


      Can you please add CAT reductions in all instruments?




      It’s nice how some people just grab your song say thanks and completely ignore reading your post. (Asking for CAT) Well anyway I read your post and didn’t even download the song yet. But I look forward to what you have planned and hope you get some new gear soon to play the songs you’re working hard on. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

        It’s nice how some people just grab your song say thanks and completely ignore reading your post. (Asking for CAT) Well anyway I read your post and didn’t even download the song yet. But I look forward to what you have planned and hope you get some new gear soon to play the songs you’re working hard on. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        It can be a little annoying, but I even make honest mistakes accidently reading over a sentence or two. People who ask questions in YouTube videos that the video descriptions answer are a little frustrating though.


        Thanks anyway! Hopefully I’ll be able to get my gear soon so I can do some real testing on my own. Right now I’m a little hesitant to work on a lot of stuff before I’m sure whether or not I’m doing everything the right way.


        Thanks for this song!!


        Can you please add CAT reductions in all instruments?




        You’re welcome, and thanks for downloading! I’m running into some problems with Python on my copy of Reaper. I’m going to keep testing different things to make it work, but if all else fails I can just make the lower difficulties by hand. I don’t mind doing it that much, but it takes longer.

        I’m running into some problems with Python on my copy of Reaper. I’m going to keep testing different things to make it work, but if all else fails I can just make the lower difficulties by hand. I don’t mind doing it that much, but it takes longer.


        I’m having the same issue. On my last windwos build CAT worked flawlessly, since I reinstalled windows though, I can’t get it to work at all, with any version of python. Sure you can manually copy notes to other difficulty and reduce manually, but time…


        I’m sorry for this, and thanks again for your chart

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