Keys Player Present Instead of Bass

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      I was wondering if it’s possible to replace the bass player with keys other than removing the bass chart from the song. I read up on the docs and couldn’t find anything besides the, “make sure to stack them or whatever”. Is there anyway this can be done? If not, the stacking thing seems like the only option.


      Any help is appreciated.



        for my own personal versions of my keys songs I removed either guitar or bass so the keys is present based on prominence of the guitar or bass. I don’t know of another way to do it


          for my own personal versions of my keys songs I removed either guitar or bass so the keys is present based on prominence of the guitar or bass. I don’t know of another way to do it

          Thanks. That’s what I figured :/


            If you play keys yourself, your keyboardist shows up instead of the bassist, though otherwise it’d have to be a song without bass for that to work.


              …it’d have to be a song without bass for that to work.


              Or guitar.


              I’m assuming in All instruments mode that only the three core instruments (bass, guitar and drums) are shown being played then?



                Or guitar.


                Thread asked specifically about removing the bassist, so didn’t mention that, my bad <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />



                  Thread asked specifically about removing the bassist, so didn’t mention that, my bad <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

                  Oops, didn’t realize that. It could’ve gone for either.


                    I’m assuming in All instruments mode that only the three core instruments (bass, guitar and drums) are shown being played then?


                    Yep. Otherwise the stage would be quite crowded. Imagine having all seven players. That’d be crazy.



                    Thread asked specifically about removing the bassist, so didn’t mention that, my bad <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                    Good point, just wanted to clarify.


                    Hahaha, I know not 7 band members appear (it’d be cool though) I meant that the bass takes precedence over the keys player, I thought that keys might have priority. Would probably be better if it did tbh


                      As a keys player I agree but

                      1. Every song in RB3 has bass. Most songs including DLC and previous games don’t have keys. As such, when playing with all instuments mode seeing a keyboardist on a song with no keyboard would be very strange (not to mention they’d just sit there with no animations).
                      2. Bass is more traditional in real life than keyboard.



                      In songs with no keys obviously the bass player would remain XD


                      There would be no reason for the arrangement of Keys/Guitar/Drums and Singer to be permanent.


                      I just figured what with it being a cool original feature they’d want to show off the keys player as much as possible. And having the keys player take priority over bass (in songs with both) would be a harmless way for them to do that.


                        Haha, I knew you’d point that out. That would require more coding and it would just be simpler to keep the bassist in anyway. There’s many things I wish Harmonix did but sadly none of it can be changed. We can only dream.


                        Yeh, I’m really happy with the way things are and how the game has evolved with C3. And that’s the second time I’ve said that today lol

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