Kem’s Custom WIPs – New Collaborations!

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  • #390414

      Here is my list of WIPs:

      (Hints moved to end of post)

      11/26/17 – Current WIPs:

      • The Rolling Stones – It’s Only Rock and Roll (But I Like It) – Release: Long. Progress: Drums done.
      • Halestorm – Dear Daughter – Release: Long. Progress: Pre-Production.

      Please check out my Collaboration Thread! Collaborations usually completed in order received.

      Quick note: Pre-production means I have received files from my Collaborator, but haven’t personally started working on them.

      Previously released songs and progress on getting them polished up for Customs Database release:

      • The Rolling Stones – Stray Cat Blues: Needs new ID


        Welcome aboard! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Looking forward to playing your conversions/customs!


        Great song choice. Can’t wait to see it finished!


          Thanks for the support guys!


          Updated my progress in the OP. This drum error is perplexing me <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


            Check your MIDI events and the name of the drum track itself. From the sounds of it, you’ve got an event that shouldn’t be there, or there isn’t a track name MIDI event named PART DRUMS.

              Check your MIDI events and the name of the drum track itself. From the sounds of it, you’ve got an event that shouldn’t be there, or there isn’t a track name MIDI event named PART DRUMS.


              I know its in Part Drums. I moved the GH tube into the C3 custom template, same as the other instruments, and only drums gives me this error.


              I would have no idea what event would be out of place :/


              If you copied the track into C3 template, it may be that the part drums is 2 part drums on top of one another because there is one on the track already from the template and one from the track you copied. It happened to me once in the very first conversion I did. I hope it is that easy to solve for you.

                If you copied the track into C3 template, it may be that the part drums is 2 part drums on top of one another because there is one on the track already from the template and one from the track you copied. It happened to me once in the very first conversion I did. I hope it is that easy to solve for you.


                Well, I deleted the note tube that was there from the template, and moved the tube from the GH import into that empty track.


                Also, I started working on another GH convert that gives me the same error so maybe there’s something fundamental I’m doing wrong.


                  Well, I deleted the note tube that was there from the template, and moved the tube from the GH import into that empty track.


                  The correct way to use the template for conversions is to select all notes and events from each track (CTRL+A in the MIDI window), go to the template track, delete all events, got to M1 and paste.


                    Well, I deleted the note tube that was there from the template, and moved the tube from the GH import into that empty track.


                    The correct way to use the template for conversions is to select all notes and events from each track (CTRL+A in the MIDI window), go to the template track, delete all events, got to M1 and paste.


                    OK I tried that and I still get the same error,


                    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): MIDI track header for track 2 is corrupt


                    I tried it in an existing project; I will try it a little later in a fresh project in case that makes a difference.


                    Nunchuck suggested that I deselect four drum events when deleting the template drum track; Farottone is that something I should do too, and if so which ones exactly am I NOT deleting?


                    I was referring to drum mix 0,1,2,3. They are necessary for Magma or you get an error. Other than that the tracks should be clean.

                      I was referring to drum mix 0,1,2,3. They are necessary for Magma or you get an error. Other than that the tracks should be clean.


                      Well I tried it both ways and I still get the header error <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                        I have compiled 600+ songs and never seen that error. Are you sure you’re exporting the MIDI to a readable folder?

                          I have compiled 600+ songs and never seen that error. Are you sure you’re exporting the MIDI to a readable folder?


                          I … think so. I can compile the song if I mute the drum track, and I export both the drum and nondrum version midis to the same folder.


                          I’m sure what I’m messing up is something boneheaded, but I hope its not something THAT boneheaded <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                            So, progress report:


                            spindoctor6969 somehow fixed the drum track! I have no idea how; seriously, it was voodoo or something. Now I need to add dryvox to it because I’m not into ventriloquism, and maybe spruce up the animations a tad. I should have spelled it out in my OP but my intent with this project is to get songs that I like into RB, with as much quality as I can eke out from my limited free time. Anybody who wants to add to/improve my stuff is welcome, just let me know.

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