Just thinking about the future of Rock Band and how this site could help potentially?

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  • #391206

    Most of this is based on very little knowledge of how any of the licensing and costs work in getting artists to play ball.


    If RB4 were to roll around, and lets say some songs that they wanted to release were here already. How much effort/time/money would be saved by using the C3 charts? Or are they working with authoring software that is just crazy awesome? It seems that this unpaid community has come up with absolutely amazing software to help the process.


    So I guess what I’m wondering is could this website and community potentially help out Harmonix in the future? I mean, we already kinda are just by being the die hards that still play a 4-5 year old game. Could say, having Pink Floyd already charted maybe allow Harmonix to go and pony up the dough that would have went towards paying someone to chart it? Obviously just speculation, and I’m rambling at this point, but I just wanted opinions. I imagine I am crazy off about most of this, but that’s why I ask. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    The holier-than-thou members on the RB forum think we are hurting the chances of any artists allowing HMX to use their music.


    The co-founder and CEO of HMX thinks it’s “AMAZING” what we’re doing. He said as much on Reddit


    Having said that, I doubt HMX would use any of our charts because most songs don’t use stems. And while the charts produced on here are great, stems make the charts more accurate and I don’t think HMX would want to release, on purpose, anything that isn’t 100% accurate.

      The holier-than-thou members on the RB forum think we are hurting the chances of any artists allowing HMX to use their music.


      Correction, only moderators say that there. I know several RB forums members who use (and even author) customs. Customs aren’t discussed there because the moderators don’t like them being talked about.

        The co-founder and CEO of HMX thinks it’s “AMAZING” what we’re doing. He said as much on Reddit


        Harmonix is one of the few video game developers I now love.


          The fact that there are customs authored even by extremely skilled authors who used to work on the RBN has NO bearing whatsoever on which songs Harmonix would choose to buy rights for. Development costs are a fraction of the entire process, that includes rights, marketing and, most importantly, projected revenue.


          Now, with that said, even those extremely skilled authors who used to work on RBN songs sometimes work off music MIDI, because it just cuts down authoring times, and those are very, very rough MIDIs. I would imagine that it would be much easier for any Harmonix employee to work off a polished C3 custom MIDI instead of starting from scratch. The exception would probably be songs with very buried parts that are brought up working on the original stems (the guitar for Ain’t No Mountain High Enough would probably be useless in example), because in that case what was authored is probably not what they want to feature in game. But those are rare instances.


          In terms of software, Magma C3 wouldn’t be a factor because they don’t compile with that internally: all Nemo’s tools are mindblowing instruments specifically geared to the customs community. CAT on the other hand I suspect would be very useful. There are commands that are very handy on their own (fix sustains length, check lyrics, change notes to non pitched, phrase markers creation, etc.) and there are commands that give you a great headstart (notes removal, drums animations, etc.).


          I really hope we are keeping the pilot light on long enough for the community in general to start a new fire in the rhythm game world. It’s the least we can do for a company that has brought such joy in our videogaming life.

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