Jusey1’s Customs

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      These are my fully completed customs. I decided to stop doing WIP updates and just gonna add them here as they get completed. They are full band songs, or at least as much as I can. (Can’t do an instrument if the song doesn’t have said one). Ye’h, not much for now but I’ll do more over time, as I got nothing better to do anyways.








      ~Mysterious Bronies~












      -Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down (Live)(Ft. AcousticBrony)-

      Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/raoir … rb3con.zip

      What do I mean by “Live”?:


      Note: This is just a slightly edited version of the original SWGD chart!


      -Destabilize (ft. DreamChan and Scrambles)-

      Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/d06wf … rb3con.zip

      Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXKKQsaYrtw





        The videos was made with Phase Shift, can you upload the songs for Phase Shift?


          Akira, friend of mine did the videos for me on Phase Shift.


            Pony1Kenobi = best name ever


              -Removed Update News Post-

              Schwifty Stardust

                Sweet, some more Wooden Toaster/Glaze for Rock Band.

                One minor correction though:

                The artist should be listed under Glaze.


                He uses Wooden Toaster for pony music, and Glaze for non-pony music

                  He uses Wooden Toaster for pony music

                  I wonder if it’s his cutie mark as well. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />



                    Added two new songs!



                    Keys are on Guitar for “Awoken (ft. H8_Seed)” because I had a hard time picking out how to chart the song in the first place!


                    Added two new songs!



                    Keys are on Guitar for “Awoken (ft. H8_Seed)” because I had a hard time picking out how to chart the song in the first place!


                    If I remember correctly, Toaster released a MIDI of Awoken (I remember playing around with a very accurate MIDI of it once) so you could use that for Pro Keys if you find it


                    EDIT: Yep found it:


                    http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http% … kwMzYwMTA3


                    Also Karaoke stems:


                    http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http% … kwMzYwMTA3

                    http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http% … kwMzYwMTA3




                      Just out of curiosity, why not just post the song with whatever instruments you have/want to chart and then maybe someone will pick it up and vocals to it at some point rather than making someone commit right here and now? Because, this way the songs never get released and nobody gets to play them.


                        So just released September! Fun little song with one hell of a guitar solo (Took me a few tries until I was finally happy with the solo).


                        Hope it is all good for everybody else and would love feedback!


                          Hey! Wanted to ask anybody who maybe paying attention to this…


                          I’m thinking about doing Forest Rain’s “Join the Herd” next but should I only bothering uploading one version or all three? (Note: They are all pretty much the same notes wise from what I’ve hear of them).


                          The original two versions being “Rock Vocals” and “Pop Vocals” versions and the 3rd one being the “Remaster Version”. I’m planning to do the Remaster Version for sure cause it is one heck of a remaster but what are your guys’ thoughts on this?


                          It’s usually best to go with the remastered versions when possible if it’s of the good kind and no the “brickwall limit and clip everything so much it hurts to listen to” kind I would say. Doesn’t hurt to go with more versions of course though.

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