Jul 4, 2014 – The Beach Boys, summer-y songs, Anarchy Club, Ascension, “F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X.”

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  • #424066
      (Maybe we’ll see that Ne Obliviscaris tracks that never saw the light in RBN in the future?)


      One day…


      *Ahem* Nice work this week, guys. And I too like seeing those TAG songs getting released over here. The summer pack is also looking pretty great for parties, and I can’t wait to play one of my favorite songs from GH3.


        I’m stoked that we now have TAG releasing songs. Please release Rishloo in the future preferably “Freaks and Animals”.


          Awesome! Thanks much for the Beach Boys. All those are an instant download for me.




          Just curious, was it intentional for the second verse and second chorus of FCPREMIX on guitar to have so many less notes than the first verse and first chorus? They sound the same to me…


            Most of these are really old songs. This is like what your parents or grandparents listened to if you were in the right spot of the right generation.


            Another fantastic week of songs, it’s great to have a healthy selection of Beach Boys songs to choose from in the game now.


            I come onto this site every friday looking forward to the new songs and you never fail to deliver. I love the diversity of the song choices, that’s what made the official Rock Band DLC releases exciting and you guys keep the spirit alive.


            Thank you for the great songs this week and in all the weeks previous, I can speak for my family and no doubt many other people when I say you custom creators are providing more happiness for people than you’ll probably ever know.


              Good news everyone! After some back and forth between Anarchy Club and I, I have gotten permission from them to publish the multitracks. So if you have the version released this morning and would instead like one where the instruments cut out, please re-download the song. It won’t clash with the old one, so if for some reason you want both versions on your console you can do that (there’s no indication in-game to tell you which version is which though). You’ll just need to rename the file that you download.






              Updated PS db.



                Good news everyone! After some back and forth between Anarchy Club and I, I have gotten permission from them to publish the multitracks. So if you have the version released this morning and would instead like one where the instruments cut out, please re-download the song. It won’t clash with the old one, so if for some reason you want both versions on your console you can do that (there’s no indication in-game to tell you which version is which though). You’ll just need to rename the file that you download.

                That’s so awesome. I’ll re-download immediately. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. has been updated with fixes on guitar and drums. Thanks to everyone who let us know!


                ive alwys thout that if u listend to music on a bech… sand woud git in Ur Record Playr. for this i suggest sandprofing Ur Record Playr wit baby wipes, 4 me they have alwys kept t sand out wen i wnt 2 listen 2 bech boys on bech.


                its been genius


                Just a quick question regarding the F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. track: for the backing vocals, are the lyrics included in the final release? I noticed watching the preview vid that, although the pitch was charted, the lyrics were not. I haven’t downloaded it yet (although I plan to do so today), but I was curious.

                  Just a quick question regarding the F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. track: for the backing vocals, are the lyrics included in the final release? I noticed watching the preview vid that, although the pitch was charted, the lyrics were not. I haven’t downloaded it yet (although I plan to do so today), but I was curious.


                  According to our playtesting logs, they are. The preview video always has some issues that are resolved before release.

                  According to our playtesting logs, they are. The preview video always has some issues that are resolved before release.


                  Coolio. Thanks for the clarification.

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